Millwood Junior School

School Council Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2014

In attendance:

Brad Gibson

Irenea Magdenko

Nosheen Qureshi

Nadia Frost

Katie Groulx

Catherine Weber

Nancy Barnes

Karen Andrews

Stephanie Nyilas

Aziz Walji

Jelena Milosavljevic

Cherie Lemire

Julia Sweeney

Jessica Potton

Amy Ferguson

Katarina Milicevic

Lisa McAvoy

Kim Lee

Colin Pinkney

Joe Wosik

1. Welcome and Introductions -- Brad Gibson, Co-chair for English stream, with Nadia Frost, co-chair for French stream

Brad Gibson opened the meeting.

2. Administration's Update -- Colin Pinkney and Kimberley Lee

Colin welcomes and thanked parents and others -- those who are new to school council and those who are returning -- for attending. He provided an overview of himself. He grew up in the west end of Toronto, and first taught in York region. He has experience significantly improving a school's EQAO [Education Quality and Accountability Office] scores. Most recently, he was principal at Lambton Park Community School, where he worked as part of a team that got ipads and other technology into the school. He has worked with the Toronto District School Board's [TDSB's] Superintendent Susan Winter. Physical education and the arts are his specialties. He is a graduate of the TDSB's French immersion program.

Brad reviewed for those in attendance the purpose of our Statement of Needs, which those attending school council meetings early in the 2013/2014 school year were invited to review and amend. Significant work on the document was done at that time. He explained that this document outlines the unique qualities and experience that a candidate being considered for the role of Principal or Vice Principal at Millwood should possess.In the event that a new Principal or Vice Principal is needed, the document is reviewed by those at the TDSB who are hiring. Co-chairs Brad and Nadia Frost met with Susan Winter previously to discuss Millwood's unique needs.

Kimberley Lee provided an overview of her experience, noting that most recently she worked for the Peel District School Board. This is Kim's first VP position. Her specialty is physical education. She has two daughters, nine and eight years of age, who attend a school in the Peel Board of Education.


Colin confirmed that the Full Kay Kindergarten renovations that Millwood underwent are now complete. [He also noted that he was on the committee reviewing the implementation of FDK in the TDSB.] The school is in safe, working order. Some small changes requested by parents are now being made.

He has asked teachers for class profiles. He and Kim will be reviewing Individual Education Plans [IEPs] as wellas special programming.Colin would like each child integrated into their class as much as possible.

There is an ECE tied to every kindergarten class. The expertise of ECEs is very different from that of most teachers. The partnership between a teacher and ECE is important. Previously, yard supervision for those in kindergarten began at 8:45 a.m. ECEs are paid by the hour, so he planned to move yard supervision to a start time of 8:55, both to provide time for ECEs and teachers to cooperatively carry out class planning, and to manage within the school's budget. ECEs have felt in the past that their voice was not being heard in the planning stage. Parents were unhappy with this proposed change, so a com.promise was made. One ECE will be in the yard each morning, while the other is in the classroom. They will alternate days.

Parents have complained about having their child in a class with two grades [i.e., a split class], but this structure is a result of the wayin which the schools are funded. There is a wide range of abilities in one grade alone, even without split classes. Subsequent to parents' complaints, Colin only moved children in exceptional circumstances.

He encouraged parents to go on Millwood's web site regularly. His twitter account will be embedded into the web site.

Curriculum Co-chair report

Chris Minifie was not in attendance so Colin provided this update.

A cross country meet will take place the week of October 2. Many teachers are involved.

Girls' basketball will be coached by Chris Minifie.

This year, Millwood's robotics club began on the first day of school!

Nancy Barnes mentioned that the Khan Academy, which provides free online math instruction, is a valuable tool for parents/students.

A Millwood parent donated a computer for the use of robotics club members, Nadia Frost said.

Girls on the Run is being run by Mrs. Kribs and Mrs. Gorman.

Mrs. Kribs is heading up Millwood's involvement with The Terry Fox Run. This year the run will be different because of the construction surrounding the school. Kindergarten students may run in the morning.

Mrs. Slempers is overseeing the choir.

There are many opportunities for grade five students: they may serve on the announcement team, as anthem singers, or in the office as lunch monitors. Additionally, they may take on the role of peace keeper, library monitor, or other leadership roles.

A soccer team was formed in the fall.

3. Election of new Co-Chair

Brad thanked Nadia Frost for her two years of service as School Council co-chair for the French stream. He explained that with respect to the two co-chair roles, it was decided last year that those attending School Council would elect each co-chair for their first term [i.e., year] and appoint them for their second. Each co-chair begins his or her term on alternating years so there is always a co-chair with one year's experience.

Lisa McAvoy made the motion to appoint Brad Gibson as co-chair for the English stream. Nadia Frost seconded the motion. All were in favour.

Those interested in the French co-chair role were to have submitted a completed form. Catherine Weber was the only individual to submit this form.

Nadia Frost made a motion to elect Catherine Weber as co-chair of the School Council. Amy Ferguson seconded the motion. All were in favour.

Brad Gibson and Catherine Weber are therefore the co-chairs for the 2014/15 school year.

4. Home and School Update --Amy Ferguson

Home & School is the fundraising arm for parents who volunteer at Millwood. The group has existed for 27 years. KatarinaMilicevic is the incoming VP and Amy is the President. The group meets the second Wednesday of each month. Home & School managed much of this year's curriculum night, which serves at least in part as a welcome to school event. Parents were very involved in ensuring the evening was a success.

Joe Wosik commented on the curriculum night at another Etobicoke public school where there are 300 students, but only 20 families showed up. It was run by the principal and some seemingly reluctant teachers.

Our QSP fundraiser is an important fundraiser for Millwood.

Home & School will be supporting our Terry Fox Run too. Katie Groulx is working on the route with Mrs. Kribs.

KatarinaMilicevic is looking into meal programs.

Home & School's budget meeting will be held in the gym on Tuesday, October 21.

Pizza lunches and subway lunches for fundraising were discussed.

5. Canadian Parents for French -- Cherie Lemire

Last year, adult French classes were popular. The date for this year's classes has not yet been confirmed. There will be 10 classes starting in October. The classes will take place on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30. The cost will be approximately $170 for members and $195 for non-members. The fee for non-members includes membership in CPF. The classes will take place at Hilltop, and a book is included in the fee. Level two classes will be offered in January.

On September 25, Millwood will celebrate Franco-Ontarian Day.

Canadian Parents for French Toronto West has a Facebook page and a web page within the larger CPF web site.

The organization is planning French story time, where older French immersion or French-speaking students read to younger French immersion students.

The Toronto West chapter is open to all French Immersion schools in Etobicoke.

The Toronto West chapter meets on the first Monday of every month, beginning on October 6.

6. Other Business

Aziz Walji made a motion for Lisa McAvoy to assume the role of Secretary for the 2014/15 school year. Nadia Frost seconded the motion. All were in favour.

Nadia Frost noted that Daphne Korczak worked with Millwood's administration to apply for a grant for $1,000 which would help those at Millwood improve our financial literacy. We were awarded the grant and there will be one event for parents and one for children.

Nadia also noted that the path at the back of the school needs improvement. Additionally, she noted that parents think students are not provided with enough time for eating during the lunch hour. Colin noted that students have 20 minutes to eat. Kindergarten students have 30 minutes. Teachers are allowed a 40-minute uninterrupted lunch, which also must be considered. He will relay to staff that children must be ready to eat at 11:45 and that they should have until 12:05. Amy Ferguson noted that previous lunch supervisors had been taking students out earlier.

ECEs provide supervision at lunch.

Lisa McAvoy asked whether the statement of needs should be revisited and updated. Someone noted that School Council reviews it every November.

Joe Wosik asked for an email reminder regarding School Council meetings. Brad Gibson noted that historically, it has been mentioned ahead of time in the Principal's Update on the Millwood web site.

Jessica Potton asked where Kindergarten students play at lunch. Depending on the class, they play in the front or back gated play area.

IrenaMagdenko asked about whether Bloordale would begin offering French immersion for students in middle school. Someone noted that the busing issue faced previously has been resolved, so there is no longer a concern regarding transportation. Every student now has a seat on a school bus that takes them to Hilltop Middle School, the middle school for Millwood students in French immersion who graduate from grade five. An attendee noted that Susan Winter and TDSB Trustee Chris Glover did not support the idea of adding French immersion to the offering at Bloordale.

Aziz Walji made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Nadia Frost seconded the motion.

Brad Gibson adjourned the meeting.