Sherwood Mills Public School

School Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.


Parents: Deborah Walton, Quyen Hoang, Gunjan Mathkar, Mamta Khurana, Michelle Meikle,

Julie Patel,

School Staff: Marg Patterson (P), Melissa Proctor (VP), Vivian Mazzocco (teacher rep.),

Bita Watts (teacher rep.)

Welcome and Introductions

Approval of Agenda

Snack Program Approach

-Deborah shared information on a visit to a local school snack program sponsored in part (22%) by the YMCA; requires serving 3 food groups; provides free cereal from General Mills; requires following given food guidelines and enrolling students through a parent permission form

-one challenge of this program is having consistent, dedicated parent volunteers

-Short term goal at Sherwood Mills PS to begin with a Snack Program- this would offer two food groups such as apples/bananas and a multi grain product and would not be eligible for YMCA funding at this time.

-a Metro Green Apple Program grant for $1000 has been completed with assistance of our Public Health Nurse for the purpose of a snack program; we will find out in 6 – 8 weeks if we receive it

Communication to Parents

-finding committed volunteers has been a challenge thus far

-Sherwood Mills Public School administrators will work on updating a Volunteer form which will include specific jobs and enable volunteers to indicate when they are available.

-school council members would like to see the word “Volunteer” in other school languages to catch the attention of and inform parents

-additionally parents will be invited to 2 volunteer sessions in January (Jan. 12 at 9:00 am and Jan. 17 at 2:00 pm) to learn more about opportunities and requirements

-School council members will also set up an information table at the Grade 3 Musical event to meet and invite other parents to volunteer their time (this will be done at other upcoming events as well)

-school council would also like to have a section in the school newsletter to inform parents of events and opportunities to volunteer their time

-administrators will also inform teachers at next staff meeting regarding the need for parent volunteers, and to encourage their students to explain the volunteer form to their parents

-Marg will contact the Peel District School Board Communication Department to inquire about translation possibilities

-school council would also like to have a Parent Bulletin Board to post information

Principal’s Report

-Marg shared the Donation protocol from the Peel District School Board Finance Department – members of the public who wish to donate funds to the school need to use and select the school the funds should be directed to; the school board will provide a tax receipt and send the money to the school

-must state purpose of donation, e.g., to support school success initiatives (such as technology or purchase of levelled books)

-School Climate Committee has been encouraging the practice of 6 Peel District School Board character traits through assemblies, class activities and the new Gotcha stickers given to students for demonstrating the trait (e.g., Respect in November and December)

-to meet School Success Numeracy goal staff continue to receive professional development from the board in school; Math Family bags have also started going home and have been very successful


-last year the school purchased one iPad for each classroom/staff to be used towards School Success goals

-this year the school would like to purchase more iPads per classroom, as well as laptops for the Special Education department and software to work on goals

-need to inquire regarding protocol to approach local businesses for donations and technology

-Representative from Subway sandwiches provided information on Sub days ($1 from each sandwich could go to school for fundraising)

-noted that possible Pizza or Sub days must be a School Council initiative, run by volunteers, and cannot fall on school staff to implement

Action Items:

-volunteer forms will be revised by school

-parent council table at next school event (Gr. 3 musical)

-Administrators to inform staff regarding needed volunteers and possible snack program

-Deborah will create a request for technology letter that could possibly be given to local businesses

Next School Council Meeting ( January 19th); agenda needs to include the Principal and Vice Principal consultation. This is an opportunity for the school council to provide input about the types of qualities and skills the council would like to see in their Principal and Vice Principal.