School Committee



November 19, 2009

Approved December 17, 2009

The Chelsea School Committee met on Thursday, November 19, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 500 Broadway, Chelsea.

Members Present: Chairman Rosemarie Carlisle, Vice-Chairman James E. Dwyer, Michael Caulfield, Ed Ells, Ramona Foster, Lisa Lineweaver, Morrie Seigal, Melinda
Alvarado-Vega, and Student Representative Karla Hernandez.

Also Present: School Superintendent Dr. Thomas S. Kingston, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mary M. Bourque, Executive DirectorAdministration & Finance Gerry McCue,and School Business Manager and Clerk to the School Committee Barbara Martin.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

3. School Committee Minutes: The minutes of the October 22, 2009, School Committee Meeting were unanimously approved.

4. Public Comment: None

At this time under a suspension of the rules, Aramark, Inc, the current food service management company, give a presentation. In attendance were District Manager Beth Emery, Chelsea Manager Jack Purdy, Head Chef at Chelsea High and Williams Schools Henry Ward and Head Chef at the Mary C Burke Complex Amanda Peters. Both Ms. Emery and Mr. Purdy spoke about the recent updates to the Mary C Burke Cafeteria and the new equipment purchases for the ChelseaHigh School kitchen. A copy of the presentation is included and forms a part of these minutes.

Questions and discussion ensued.

5. Report of the Superintendent of Schools:

Student Achievement: Dr. Kingston called upon Dr. Bourque to report on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Student Growth Model. Dr. Bourque noted that a data specialist from Shore Educational Collaborative will be reviewing Chelsea’s data in January. A copy of the handout is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Questions and discussion ensued.

Next,Dr.Bourque informed the Committee of the change in dates for the School Improvement Plans as well as the District Improvement Plans. The new timetable is as follows:

December 10- Reviewed by Curriculum & Instruction Subcommittee

December 11- Comments due back to Dr. Bourque

December17- Plans voted on at regular School Committee Meeting.

Personnel Report: Dr. Kingston commended the personnel report to the record.

Enrollment Report: Dr. Kingston commended the Enrollment Report to the record. As of November 17, 2009, the district-wide enrollment was 5,794 students, including 122 students in out-of-district placements. The district also has 1 Chap 768 student; this student is not counted as a Chelsea student for enrollment purposes. .

Miscellaneous: Dr. Kingston updated the Committee on the H1N1 flu and provided a report on the results of the recent flu clinic held at the SeniorCenter for students from the JohnSilberEarlyLearningCenter. A copy of the H1N1 Flu Vaccination Plan and the Early Learning Center Report are included and form a part of these minutes.

Next, Dr. Kingston discussed the impact of the bad economic times and informed the Committee of the lay-offs and cut backs that the City of Chelsea finds necessary to undertake at this time. Dr. Kingston noted that next year’s School Department budget will be difficult due to the State’s economic condition.

Dr. Kingston also noted that the legislature ended the current session without a vote on the education package and that may put us back four months in applying for federal “Race to the Top” funding.

Dr. Kingston reported on the use of school property by the Chelsea Kiwanis Club and PhoenixCharterAcademy. He is obliged to notify the Committee whenever he waives user fees,

6. Old Business: None

7. New Business:None

8. Communications: Accepted and filed a letter from Dr. Kingston informing Chairman Carlisle of his intention to continue with the third year of his contract and remain as Superintendent at least through June of 2011.

Accepted and filed a letter from the New England Association of School and Colleges.

Accepted and filed Shore Educational Collaborative’s 2008-2009 End of Year Report

9. Committee Reports:

  • Curriculum & Instruction: Ms. Foster reported that the subcommittee last met onOctober 22, 2009. A copy of the report is included and forms a part of these minutes.
  • Budget & Finance: Ms. Lineweaver reported that the subcommittee met onOctober 22, 2009. A copy of the report will be included in next month’s board report.

Student Representative: Ms. Hernandez asked about the FreshmanAcademy and Dr. Kingston reported that an update would be presented after the end of the first semester in January.

10. Announcements: Mr. Caulfield donated the October Book of the Month book. He brought two books, TheDangerous Book for Boysby Hal Iggulden andThe Daring Book for Girls by Andrea Buchanan. Ms. Foster volunteered for the Book of the Month for December.

Dr. Kingston noted that school would be in session only Monday and Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Dr. Kingston also reminded everyone that Centro Latino, Stop & Shop, and ChelseaPublic Schoolfood service employees were hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner at WilliamsSchool on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

11. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Recorded by

Barbara A. Martin

Business Manager

Clerk to the ChelseaSchool Committee