Culpeper County School Board 3/12/2007 ~ 9:32:29 AM


December 11, 2006

Page 8


December 11, 2006

The regular meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held December 11, 2006 at the County Administration Office at 302 North Main Street, Culpeper, VA. Present were Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District), Chair; Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); Claudia Vento (West Fairfax District), Vice Chair; Jennifer McCauley (Salem District); Division Superintendent Dr. David Cox, Clerk of the Board Jeff Shomo, Director of Human Resources Starr Rowe, and Parliamentarian Dr. Eric Conti.

Mr. Robert Jenkins III (Catalpa District) was absent due to his job.

At 6:00 p.m. Ms. Hutchins called the meeting to order and Dr. Cox called the roll.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the Board went into closed

session immediately regarding:

[a] Discussion of the Superintendent’s Evaluation and Goals

as permitted by the Code of Virginia [2.2-3711 (A) (1)]

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board ended the closed session at 7:01 p.m. and certified by the following roll call vote that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the School Board.


Robert Beard

George Dasher

Elizabeth Hutchins

Leanne Jenkins

Jennifer McCauley

Claudia Vento


ABSENT: Robert Jenkins III

Those present observed a moment of silence. Ms. Hutchins also asked those present to keep Mr. Szlosek’s family and friends in their thoughts.

Ms. Hutchins led the Pledge of Allegiance.

On motion of Ms. McCauley seconded by Ms. Vento, the Board approved the adoption of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

The Floyd T. Binns Do Re Mi’s performed several Christmas Carols. Ms. Hutchins thanked them and the CCHS Woodwind Ensemble for performing tonight.

Dr. Cox recognized Chandler Curnow as the Christmas card winner for this year. Chandler is a fourth grade student at Pearl Sample Elementary School.

Dr. Cox and Elizabeth Hutchins presented ZAPP (Zealous Appreciation for Positive Performance) Awards to the following:

CCHS Marching Band and Duane Clore, director – For earning a rating of Superior based on Music Performance, Visual Performance and General Effect at the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association State Marching Band Competition held Saturday, October 21, 2006 in Charlottesville. Mr. Clore thanked the parents and students, as well as, Mr. and Mrs. Roach and Holly Lam.

Brittany Wease – For selection by audition to the distinguished American Choral Director’s National Multicultural Honor’s Choir performing on March 10, 2007 in Miami, Florida. Ms. Walker said Ms. Richtarski could not be here tonight but they wanted Brittany to know how proud they are of her.

Ms. Hutchins convened the public hearing to discuss the FY2008 budget.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the board closed the public hearing. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

Before Delegations, Ms. Hutchins said persons may present ideas or concerns regarding Culpeper County Public Schools. She said there would be no action taken by the Board at this Meeting and that such items would be referred to the appropriate administrators for future information and research and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. She said that personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. Ms. Hutchins noted there would be a three-minute time limit for speakers.

There were no delegations.

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. McCauley, the Board approved the consent agenda with the exception of Item E being placed under Action Item F. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

(a) Minutes ofNovember 6, 13, & 27, 2006

(b) Payroll and Payment of Bills

(c) Personnel Recommendations

(d) Appropriation of Additional Title VI-B Funds

(e) Resolution Recognizing Virginia School Bullying Awareness Month as

January 2007. See Action Item F

(f) Request to Convert CCHS Computer Lab Asst. Position to CCHS

Network Technician Position

Presentation by Crabtree and Rohrbaugh Associates

Dr. Cox introduced Hal Hart and Solomon Petersen who are the architects with Crabtree and Rohrbaugh Associates who have designed the new elementary school. They presented the board with an update on the design development of the new elementary school (See handout.) Mr. Hart said the schedule will be very aggressive. He said two of their most important goals are to design a building to merit the school division’s investment – appropriate school facility and use of public funds; and to have a transparent design process – include all stakeholders. He briefly reviewed the handout.

The board considered the following action items:

(a)  Approval of Floor Plan for New Elementary School

On motion of Mr. Dasher seconded by Ms. McCauley, the board approved the floor plan as presented. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

Note – The Student Advisory Council report was given since the student needed to leave early. See Report D.

(b) First Reading of 2007/2008 School Calendar

Ms. Hutchins noted that the calendar does not take effect until the second reading.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the calendar was approved for first reading.

Ms. Jenkins expressed concern with the start date. She said August 22nd is too early to start school. She also said it does not make sense to have three half days at the end of the school year. She said she would prefer that we move graduation to June 21st to avoid inclement weather makeup days.

Ms. McCauley expressed concern with the start date. She said her constituents prefer a later start date. She also expressed concern with the Parent/Teacher conferences and early dismissal on March 6th. She said she doesn’t understand the reason for the long break in March. She said when there is a long break it makes it harder on the students to get back into the swing of things.

Ms. Vento asked if the early dismissals at the end of the year could be used for make up days. Dr. Cox said the calendar represents 185 instructional days. He said we always aim for 180 days. He said in the last couple of years if we did not need all the days, we asked the board to forgive those days. He said the elementary teacher’s value the ½ days during the last week of school because it gives them time to finalize things. He suggested that the School Board discuss the calendar in more detail at the upcoming work session.

Ms. Hutchins said March 21st is Good Friday and the parents have repeatedly asked that we have that off. She said the evening parent/teacher conference was established to allow parents who work out of town to participate in at least one conference during the year.

Ms. Jenkins asked if the March 6th early dismissal is division-wide. Dr. Cox said yes.

Ms. Jenkins also noted that some of the make-up days could eliminate days during Spring Break. She said we need to be very clear with parents that they may lose some of their Spring Break. Ms. Hutchins said this has been done for years. Ms. Jenkins suggested that we include a note on the calendar at the beginning of the semester alerting them to the makeup days.

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

(c)  Approval of Legislative Priorities

On motion of Ms. McCauley seconded by Ms. Vento, the board adopted the Legislative Priorities as presented.

Ms. Jenkins said the priorities as presented look good; however, she requested the following amendment:

Ms. Jenkins requested to amend the motion to ask that the General Assembly consider the issue of reimbursement for Medicaid funds for special education. She said our school system provides special education services to students that we can bill Medicaid for; however, the federal government reimburses the state rather than the school system. She said the school system typically only receives half back. The amendment was seconded by Ms. McCauley. Amendment passed 6-0 by voice vote.

Mr. Dasher asked how the staff recommendation that the board endorse putting the priorities on the additional state funding gets into the Legislative Priorities. Dr. Cox said after the board takes action staff will compile the information and send letters to Senator Edd Houck and Delegate Ed Scott.

The amended Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

(d)  Approval of Resolution to Approve an Application to the Literary Fund

For the New Elementary School

Dr. Cox read the resolution.

Dr. Cox the board is being asked to approve this resolution which is a part of the verbiage from the Department of Education. He said the School Board approved the plan earlier in the evening. He said when the construction documents are complete the Literary Loan will be filed with the architectural drawings. He said they will be hand delivered to the Department of Education in Richmond. He said those must be in place before we advertise for the bid.

Ms. Hutchins said this is the School Board’s responsibility to make this application. She said the resolution allows us to move forward when the plans are prepared.

On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Vento, the board approved the resolution as read by the superintendent and contained in the agenda.


Robert Beard

George Dasher

Elizabeth Hutchins

Leanne Jenkins

Jennifer McCauley

Claudia Vento


ABSENT: Robert Jenkins III

(e)  Approval of the Capital Improvement Plan for 2007/2008

On motion of Mr. Beard seconded Mr. Dasher , the board approved the Capital Improvement Plan for 2007/2008 as set forth in pages 30-32 of the agenda.

On motion of Ms Vento seconded by Mr. Beard, the board considered amending the motion to request the advanced allocation to go forward with the secure vestibules at the schools.

Mr. Beard asked if the motion is to move $302,500 into fiscal year 2006/2007. Ms. Vento said yes.

Mr. Beard asked if this plan, once approved, has to be filed with the Planning Commission. Mr. Shomo said the CIP will be presented to the Planning Commission in January for consideration.

Ms. McCauley noted that Action Item E was not listed on the website for the community to see it and come forward to speak or take part. She also noted that she feels the board has not considered all options relative to the vestibules and security.

Ms. Jenkins said she wishes the board had given the vestibules more consideration. She said at CCHS, CMS, FTBMS, PS, and AG the vestibules are critical. She said those entrances are more vulnerable. She said at EH and SP you can see the main entrance. She said perhaps we should ask for a portion of the funds.

Mr. Beard said he was reluctant to ask the Board of Supervisors for the $302,500 appropriation. He said he supports the concept.

Mr. Dasher said he supports the concept but doesn’t understand when we would receive funding. Dr. Cox said it goes to the Planning Commission and then the Board of Supervisors. The action taken will be effective July 1. He said if the board is interested in asking for any funding for any portion of this to be expedited it would be separate consideration.

Ms. Vento said the idea is to have the vestibules in place before school opens. Dr. Cox said yes.

Ms. Jenkins said even if we amend the motion we wouldn’t get the funding until March and that may not allow enough time for construction prior to school opening. Mr. Spencer said if we are waiting for full approval before we start planning and the documentation for getting the plans together for each site by March would be tough. He said it takes a certain amount of planning for each one, obtaining permits, etc. He said some of the designs are not simple.

Mr. Dasher said when this was discussed in the work session completion prior to the next school year was not discussed.

Ms. Vento asked if this construction should be done during the summer. Mr. Spencer said in most cases that would be ideal.

Ms. Hutchins said she supports the motion because there are critical security issues in our buildings. She said staff can be spread only so thin. She said we need physical protection for our children. The Culpeper Middle has an extremely dangerous entrance.

Amendment failed 2-4 by voice vote (Ms. McCauley, Mr. Dasher, Ms. Jenkins, and Mr. Beard voted in opposition.)

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Vento, the board considered amending the request for the CIP summary to ask for the sum of $185,000 to be moved from FY07 to FY06 to allow for the vestibule construction at CCHS, CMS, FTBMS, and PS.

Mr. Beard said he feels we are mixing the CIP with requesting supplemental funding during this fiscal year. He said he is not willing to amend the plan.

Ms. McCauley said she is interested in making our children safer. She said the schools are one of the safest places there can be. She asked staff to consider more factual information regarding safety and security. She said she cannot support requesting money early.