School Advisory Council (SAC)

New River Middle School


September 7, 2016

Meeting Called to Order 4:30pm

Review and Approval of Minutes from May 2016

-Request for $468.00 for Quia website access which is used during common assessments

-If you want to be on the council, let Mr. Kelly know before the election process

Motion to approve the minutes - Hari Heller

Motion seconded - Mrs. Fraizer-Wright

No opposed

Title I Update

Ms Wessinger speaks-

Budget of $1440 used to hire two new teachers and an additional support teacher; the remainder will go in the budget.

Updated: an additional $3,400 in the budget and six new students entered NRMS

Ms. Reep is the newest member of our team; she is the 7th grade administrator.

Last year we were recognized as the Magnet School of Excellence. This year we are working on getting the National Magnet Certification Program.

Last school year, we applied for a Magnet School of America Grant; we will find out if we get the grant sometime in October.

We are usually given about $7,000 a year for accountability money. We have $21,055 in our fund.

Funds for teachers working in the morning come out of the Title I Budget.

This year we would like to hire two security guards and one ESE paraprofessional, but we cannot pay non-instructional staff with Title I Funds. The total for this additional morning staff year would be $5,750 we would have about $15,205 left over.

It has been proposed that the SAC has considered funding for two security guards and one non-paraprofessional

Ms. Frazier-Wright motions that we fund this beyond hours program.

Motion seconded - Jerard Heller

No opposed

Motion carries

We need an ESE representative

In charge of PTO, Ms. Bachi and Linda Davis introduce themselves. They need help with selling wristbands for the upcoming school dance. Also need volunteers for chaperoning.

Also need help tomorrow night during open house to sell T-Shirts

Title Update –

Ms. Bennett speaks

Link on the website for important information

Updated parent involvement will be coming out soon

Requesting Volunteers for Representation at the Title I Parent Training Academy Workshops, see Ms. Bennett if you’re interested. The first meeting will be September 22, 2016. This is a form that needs to be filled out.

School Advisory Forum-

Hari Heller speaks

Meeting is not until the September 22, 2016. We have options to vote on: for the 2017-18 school year about the school calendar days. There has been conversation of starting school on August 9th (Wednesday) like Seminole County. Concerns were brought up about students making up EOCs before the year ends. The BCPS has a mobile App.

Hari Heller is the Central Area Middle School Representative for the DAP Board

Parent Updates

Some schools are participating with “Take your Father to School Day” on September 28, 2016. We will find out if NRMS is participating in this event or not. There is very limited information on it. Ms. Wessinger will inquire about it.

We would like some parent volunteers to help inside the classrooms. If you have time, please sign up to volunteer because we would love to have you here.

Reminder, we need volunteers for the upcoming school dance on September 15, 2016. Please see Ms. Bachi or Linda Davis if you can assist at this event.

Old Business – none

New Business-

Scholastic Book Fair October 10-14, 2016. Mr. Kelly needs help with morning coverage.

Roll Call of current parent members.

If you want to participate in SAC and become a voting member please stay after the meeting so Mr. Kelly can add you as a person of interest who may want to run during the upcoming election.

Prior members will be re-nominated during the election.

Review of the Rules of Order (Robert’s Rule of Orders)

Ms. Youngblood speaks – Teachers are interested in using a program called “Brain Pop” which includes educational games and video clips with a breakdown of standards across the curriculum. The cost for the entire school is $1,695 for teacher and student access.

Motion to table this until we find out if Moby Max was successful from last year and Ms. Wessinger may see if she can seek the funds from somewhere else.

Ms. Reep speaks - Ms. Duffus is running a mentoring program if anyone is interested in assisting a student, please contact Ms. Duffus or Ms. Gyale

Annual School Event: International Beach Clean Up and BBQ is on September 17,2016 from 9am-12pm.

Location: Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park (formally John U. Lloyd State Park)

Please RSVP online (go to the NRMS website; click on Event Bright) or message Ms. O’Fallon so we can get a headcount for food supplies.

Interested in having only one department presenting each SAC meeting.

Former and current SAC binders are kept at the Checkout desk in the Media Center


Meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM

Ms. Frazier-Wright motions

Motion seconded- Ms. Wessinger

No opposed