DES1020 - Orofacial Anatomy (In Class) Marcil - 245
Instructor / Sandra Marcil, RDH, MS
Title / Full time faculty, School of Dental Hygiene, AS degree
OfficePhone / 727-341-3486
OfficeAddress / HEC 181
OfficeHours / Office Hours: Posted on my door.
E-mail / ANGEL email tool
Location / HEC room 177W
Times / 8:00 am - 12:15 pm Monday
StartDate / May 14, 2012
Notes / Program Director: Mrs. Joan Tonner, 727-341-3671, Office: Dental Hygiene HEC
Required Text
Required Textbooks:
Fehrenbach, M.J.& Herring, S. Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck,4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders, Elsevier ISBN:9781437724196
Bath- Balogh,M.Fehrenbach, M.J.. Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology and Anatomy 3rd ed. Saunders ISBN:9781437717303
Bath- Balogh,M. &Fehrenbach, M. J. Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology and Anatomy Workbook. St. Louis: Saunders, Elsevier ISBN:9781416034711
Nield-Gehrig, J.S. Patient Assessment Tutorials a Step by Step Guide for the Dental Hygienist 2009; 2nd edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN:9780781799805
Wilkins, E. M. Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist. 11th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 9781608317189
Wyche, C.J. & Wilkins, E. M. Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist Student Workbook. 11th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Primal Pictures - interactive anatomy TV, Library resource
Suggested Text
Nelson and Ash. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology, and Occlusion. 9th ed. St. Louis: Saunders - library reserve
Course Description
Prerequisite: Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program. Corequisites: DES 1020L. This course is the study of skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous and glandular structures of the head, neck and oral cavity.Also included is the study of macroscopic anatomy and morphology of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity.32 contact hours
Course Objectives
Major Learning Outcomes:
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structures of the head and neck and their functions.
2. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the joints, muscles, nerves, blood supply and lymphatics of the head and neck, and their functions.
3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the structures of the oral cavity.
4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the human permanent and primary dentitions, their functions, specific characteristics, eruption schedules and numbering systems.
5. The student will demonstrate an understanding of dental anomalies, occlusion and their relationship to clinical considerations.
6. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the etiology of dental caries.
See syllabus addendum for Course Objectives Stated in Performance terms.
Course competencies: 7,8
Criteria Performance Standard:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will, with a minimum of 75% accuracy, demonstrate mastery of each of the stated objectives through classroomactivites, assignments, projects, examinations and quizzes.
Tentative Schedule
Date ActivitiesResources
5/14/12 / Introduction to Orofacial Anatomy, DES 1000;
Intro to Head & Neck Anatomy: Surface anatomy; begin skeletal system;
class activites (participation, 5% of final grade) / Illust. Anatomy of the Head & Neck, Fehrenbach& Herring text: chapters:1,2,3; Patient Assessment Tutorials: module 12 pages 388-392; Wilkin's chap 11, pages 144-150
Primal Pictures - library web access;
5/21/12 / Module 2: Skeletal system continued; muscular system; class activities (participation, 5% of final grade)
Temporomandibular Joint
Quiz 1 online ANGEL(quizzes: 30% of final grade) / Illust. Anatomy of the Head & Neck, Fehrenbach& Herring text: chapters: 3,4;
Illust. Anat. Head and Neck, Fehrenbach& Herring, chap 5
Primal Pictures; Pt. Assessment tut.: module 12, page: 388-397
5/28/12 / Holiday, ENJOY!
6/4/12 / Module 3:
Glandular Tissue
Overview of the Dentitions; Anterior teeth
classroom activities:Bring Student workbooks: Wilkins & Bath-Balogh(participation 5% of final grade)
Assign caries research: 10 percent of final grade
Quiz 2 online:(quizzes: 30% of final grade) / Illust. Anatomy, chapt. 7
Illust. Dental, AnatBath-BalogFerenbach, 15, 16;Wilkin's chap 17
Clinical Considerations, caries. Wilkin's table 49-9&10; Wilkin'schapt 17, Wilkin's table 49-8; Dent Anat. page 148
primal pictures
6/11/12 / Module 4: PermanentPosterior Teeth, Primary teeth
Exam 1: online
(exam 1: 15% of final grade) / Illust. Dent. Bath-BaloghFehrenbach:chapters: 17, 18;
6/18/12 / Module 5: Vascular System;
Work on caries research / Illust. Anat. chap 6: Guest lecturer
6/25/12 / Module 6:Nervous System
Caries Research / Ferenbach & Herring:Illust. Anat. Chap 8& 9
7/2/12 / Module 7: Lymphatic System; Fasciae and spaces / Fehrenbach & Herring: chap 10, 11
7/9/12 / Module 8: Spread of Dental Infection
Review for final
Quiz 4: online ANGEL, quizzes are 30% of final grade / Illust. Anat. Chapter: 12
Week of 7/16/12 / Final exam - cumulative, online ANGEL
Tentative schedule, subject to change during semester.
Course Requirements
Course Expectations: This course,as all courses in the Dental Hygiene Program curriculum, covers a great deal of material.
You are expected to be an active partner in the learning process, 5% of the final grade is based on your class participation.
In order to successfully complete this course you will:
  • Complete required textbook and online readings, assignments, projects and group activities as assignedand on time tostay current in the course.
  • ANGEL should be checked daily for updated assignments and course announcements as well asimportant emails related to course information and materials.
  • Modules take approximately 6-8 hours of work to complete all assigned tasks in a week
  • Pace your study habits and course activities according to your learning style.
  • Student participation during class sessions, in group assignments, activitiesand online is necessary to facilitate learning of the Orofacial Anatomy concepts.
  • Caries Research Paper, 10% of the final course grade: 1 research paper is required for this course.
Course Prerequisites
Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program. Corequisites: DES 1020L
Course Links
Student Rights & Responsibilities:
All electronic devices including computers, cell phones, beepers, pagers, and related devices are to be silenced and/or turned off unless they are required for academic purposes. Any use of these devices (including texting) for non-academic purposes is a violation of College Policy and subject to disciplinary action.
Students may be required to have discussions of class assignments and share papers and other class materials with instructors and classmates via chat rooms and other mechanisms. Due to the potential piracy of students’ materials, the College is not responsible for student work posted on the Internet (outside of the college’s Learning Management System, currently ANGEL).
Each student's behavior in the classroom or online is expected to contribute to a positive learning/teaching environment, respecting the rights of others and their opportunity to learn. No student has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process, including the posting of inappropriate materials on chatroom or Web page sites.
The instructor has the authority to ask a disruptive student to leave a classroom or lab. The instructor may also delete posts or materials from an online or blended class and/or take disciplinary action if disruptive behavior continues.
Please refer to the following:
Grading Policy
Course Evaluation / Criteria Grading Scale
Quizzes 4(online) 30%
Exam 2 15%
Caries Research10%
Final Exam 25%
Participation 5% / 93-100 = A
84- 92 = B
75- 83 = C
66-74 = D
below 66 =F
*Successful completion of this course with 75% accuracy is required to continue in course work within the Dental Hygiene major.
No makeup exams or quizzes will be allowed for any reason.
All assignments, activities, and projectssubmitted after the assigned due date will receive no credit, no exceptions will be considered.
Attendance Policy
The college-wide attendance policy link:
The School of Dental Hygiene Attendance policies are included in the folder "SPC School of Dental Hygiene Policies" under lessons in ANGEL.
DES 1020 Attendance Polices:
Students mustnotify Mrs. Marcil at 341-3486 prior to class for all absences and late arrivals or early departures from class.
Failure to comply with all attendance policies will result in a one point deduction from the final grade for each noncompliance.
Drop/Withdrawal Policy 2012:
5/18/2012: last day to drop, receive refund and/or change to audit
6/22/2012: last day to withdraw with a grade of "W"
Financial aid recipients: If you totally withdraw from the College anytime on or before the dates of your session, you may incur repayment of Federal Financial Aid funds.
Finanical Aid:
After June 22, 2012, neither students nor faculty may initiate withdrawals. Failure to complete a class after the June22, 2012deadline will result in a grade of F.
Please plan accordingly. If in doubt check with your instructor regarding your class status prior to June 22, 2012.
Exam Policy
No make-up exams or quizes will be given for any reason. No exams are given early or accepted late.
Exams 1,2 and the final exam and all quizzes will be taken online through ANGEL.
These are timed exams, usually of 2 hour duration, quizzes 30 minutes. When the time expires your exam will be submitted automatically.
Room assignments will be given for HEC location to take quizzes and exams.
Academic Integrity
It is your responsibility to be familiar with St. Petersburg College’s Academic Honesty policies and the consequences of violations. There is no tolerance for any form of academic dishonesty. Discipline can range from a zero on a specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of “F”. Note that copying/pasting published information without citing your sources, whether the information is from your textbook or the Internet is plagiarism and violates this policy. Even if you slightly change the words from an outside source, the ideas are someone else's so you still have to cite your sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication are defined in Board Rule 6Hx23-4.461. Student Affairs: Academic Honesty Guidelines, Classroom Behavior.
Disability Policy

Under Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, SPC seeks to ensure that admission, academic programs, support services, student activities and campus facilities are accessible to and usable by students who document a qualifying disability with the College. Students with disabilities who desire accommodations need to provide appropriate documentation of a disability and request services from Disability Resources.
Student Learning Support & Resources
In order to receive effective learner support, there are several areas of which students should be aware:
SPC's Technical Support Desk Students need to know that they can get technical help from SPC. Below are some Helpdesk information contact resources:
• Student HelpDesk Phone Number: (727)341-4357
• Web Address for HelpDesk: Library Online SPC provides the students with a great deal of library resources for our online students.
Here is the SPC library link:
Library resources available for students are listed below.
• AskaLibararian - Real people in real time answer your questions, help you find information, or point you in the right direction to get what you need. • Search For Resources - Find books, articles, and web resources
• Subject Guides - Find information about your subject
• How do I...?
• Services - Virtual reference, faculty resources, interlibrary loans, and research guides Resources to check if your computer’s software is compatible with ANGEL and other online applications:
• Check your Computer or

(You may wish to print out or save this quick reference page for future use in your learning experiences online.)