Scheme of Work Academic year
Course code: / Start date:22nd Sept / End date:
8th June / Total weeks:
29 / Day(s): / Start time:
Course title: GCSE Maths Foundation Tier
Course leader: / Lecturer(s): / Subject/module/unit title: / Campus/room: / End time:
Functional Skills
- apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday life
- engage competently and confidently with others
a)speaking and listening.
b)reading and understanding information and instructions.
c)Writing accurately so that the meaning is clear
- solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations
a)representing a problem
b)analysing a problem
c)interpreting a solution to the problem
- Develop personally and professionally as positive citizens who can actively contribute to society.
a) use of ICT systems
b) finding and selecting information
c) developing, presenting and communication information
d) learning using on line resources
Equality and Diversity
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. (E)
Bullying, harassment or victimization are also considered as equality and diversity issues.
Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all students. (D)
Accompanying power points, activity sheets, back ground information and guidance, student reflection sheets, weekly reviews etc are in ‘Lecturer Support for Foundation Maths’ in the GCSE Maths section of Office 365 and on Moodle.Week no. or
date / Session title
and learning objectives / Planned student activities / Assessment for Learning
Formative – Summative
Links to assessment criteria/outcome / Differentiation / E & D
(identify) / Embedding Functional Skills
8 (1)
22/9 / Introduction
Knows general outline of year
Exercise book – framework completed for keeping track of attendance and filling in log
Class norms negotiated
Filled in self evaluation for June 2013 exam paper.
Written an exam question
Filled in and discussed how student learns best
Establish class norms
Everyone will classify shapes according to rotational symmetry and whether or not they are regular. / Questionnaire – attitudes to maths.
What helps with learning maths
June 2013 paper – fills in self assessment confidence with questions
Attempts some questions
Writes exam question
Discussed class norms
Prepares exercise book
Card sort – lines of symmetry and rotation / June 2013 NC paper: self assessment
Questionnaire and discussion on how they like to learn
Reflection on exam question –
What skills required?
What knowledge required? / Choice of questions on paper, no time limit.
Creating own exam question
‘How do you drill a square hole’
Personal choice of card for sort activity / Creation and negotiation of class norms.
Everyone can grow their maths brain / Use IT as learning tool
Clear written communication – writing an exam question
Week no. or
date / Session title
and learning objectives / Planned student activities / Assessment for Learning
Formative – Summative
Links to assessment criteria/outcome / Differentiation / E & D
(identify) / Embedding Functional Skills
9 (2)
29/09 / I know how to get
better at maths
I can sketch and label
correctly parallel, equal
and perpendicular lines
I know the names of
most people in the class
I can do an exam
question that requires
drawing on isometric
I can match elevations
and plans to isometric
I can calculate the
value of cubic numbers
I can calculate the
value of square numbers
I can explain what a
square root is
I can bisect an angle with
compasses and a straight
I can bisect a line with
compasses and a straight
I can draw an
equilateral triangle with compasses and a straight edge
I can explain
what a locus and loci is
I understand
what locus exam questions
are asking me to do
I know more about how
to learn maths
I understand that a
locus can be a line
or a region
/ Chapter 15 Isometric drawing (11)
Investigation – arranging blocks and recording on isometric paper.
Sorting activity with Standard Unit isometric/plan/side elevation cards.
Drawing and labelling parallel and perpendicular lines on white board and note books.
Making and naming shapes on white boards using parallel and perpendicular lines
Making constructions using compasses and a straight edge
Referring to the text book for instructions on constructions.
Completing exam questions
Making notes on exam terminology
Moving about and being a point that becomes a locus.
Weekly review test
Watching (short) videos on how to learn math and uses of 3D drawing in the real world
Drawing on isometric paper.
Modelling 3D shapes out of blocks.
Listening to an explanation. / Exam questions
Teacher inspection of work
Comparing answers and working with peers
Review of week test
Reflection at end of class
Question on exiting class
Key questions:
Can you tell which shapes are square/rectangles? – convince me
What mathematical words are important when describing a rectangle?
Can you describe a rectangle so precisely in words that someone else can draw it?
What properties do you need to be sure that a triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene?
How could you convince someone that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180?
Why are compasses important when doing constructions?
How do the properties of a rhombus help with simple constructions such as bisecting an angle?
For which constructions is it important to keep the same compass arc (distance between the pencil and point)? Why?
How can you tell for a given locus whether it is the path of points equidistant from another point or a line.
What is the same/different about the path traced out by the centre of a circle being rolled along a straight line? / Choice of questions
Making shapes to represent on isometric paper – complexity of shapes, use of investigative method
Sorting activity – choice of cards
Drawing on mini white board – choice of shapes
Answers to probing questions / Diversity in mathematical role models
(videos – Stanford and jobs)
HTLMfS Knocking Down Myths in Maths V3
All people with a D have the capacity to succeed at secondary school maths.
Mistakes are useful – make your brain grow.
Confusion is a stage on the way to understanding /
interior design
building houses
graphic designer
Following instructions in the activity sheet and from the text book (diagrams and words)
Forming plurals with ‘I’
Some latin root words – cactus, fungus and locus.
Not hippopotamus – from the Greek.
Meaning of locus and loci (collective noun)
Out of class independent learning – almost all the students took the homework.
2. Next week we will be adding and subtracting (working out the missing angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and sets of parallel lines). Two ways of adding are:
1) Putting the numbers in a column
2) Using the number line
Three ways of subtracting are: 1) putting the numbers in a column 2) countingbackwards on the number line, 3) counting forwards on the number line.It depends on the numbers which way is easiest.
Which method works best for you for with each of the following? Show your working.
a)1987 + 432 + 5003
b)203 + 21
c)2008 – 12
d)2008 – 1980
e)428 – 362
3. Optional exam question practice – Chose from questions on page 121.
Homework Help: Pages xi and 120 in EdExcel Mathematics 16+ (in library) for the geometric shapes.
If you can, do your homework with someone else so that you can help one another and talk about the maths questions. Use the study help desk in the library (they will know what your homework is). You can ask your programme manager for help too or me (send an email if you can’t find me).
Links to on-line help are on the Visualising and Constructing Homework Help page in Office 365
Week no. or
date / Session title
and learning objectives / Planned student activities / Assessment for Learning
Formative – Summative
Links to assessment criteria/outcome / Differentiation / E & D
(identify) / Embedding Functional Skills
10 (3)
6.10 / Investigating angles
I know the basic facts about triangles.
I know what an axiom is.
I know what a growth mind set is.
I can name a job where knowing about angles is very important.
I can identify and use facts about angles and triangles to work out missing angles.
I can set out my ‘find the missing’ angle answers so that I would get full marks in an exam
I can use corresponding and alternate angles to find missing angles
I use the correct vocabulary and include all the reasons when writing my ‘corresponding and alternate angle’ answers.
I have strategies to help me deal with difficult maths problems.
I can persevere with difficult maths problems.
I know something about the Field’s Medal. / Chapter 11 – using as reference and exam type question
Using the axiomatic method to find missing angles.
Using text book to ensure that their calculations are set out systematically and all working is clear.
Identifying the maths in a job showjumping/building/navigation.
Working collaboratively to recall and record facts about triangles.
Moving arms and head to enact the turn of an angle
Turning from North to exit to enact the turn of a bearing.
Maths exercises – find missing angle.
Struggling with a difficult question.
Utilising strategies to answer a difficult question
Make up questions to find the missing angle
Find links between maths topics – bearings and corresponding angles
Hear about the history of geometry / Exam questions
Triangles: missing angles (14)
Protractor, internal, external angles (2)
Peer evaluation of working methods – use of axiomatic method
Observation of work
Key questions:
Explain why a triangle cannot have two parallel sides?
How can you use the fact that the sum of the angles on a straight line is 180 to explain why the angles at a point are 360?
An isosceles triangle has one angle of 30. Is this enough information to know the other two angles?
Is it possible to draw a triangle with
1) One acute angle
2) Two acute angles
3) One obtuse angle
4) two obtuse angles?
Give an example if possible. If not explain why. / Answers to probing questions
Progress on ‘tricky task’
Facts recalled in beat NASA triangle task
Elaboration of exam questions / Good maths thinking does not have to be fast.
Range of role mathematical role models. / Maths and Mindset
Mistakes and Speed.
Growth mind set, everyone can achieve.
Not helpful to be called, ‘smart’.
What successful people do:
Go against traditional ideas
Play with ideas with judging them
Be open to different experiences
Keep going through difficulties
Feel comfortable being wrong
Try seemingly wild ideas
Mistakes are necessary (cause brain growth – If not making mistakes not being challenged – upward spiral)
Week no. or
date / Session title
and learning objectives / Planned student activities / Assessment for Learning
Formative – Summative
Links to assessment criteria/outcome / Differentiation / E & D
(identify) / Embedding Functional Skills
11 (4)
13/10 / Investigating properties of shapes
I can remember and use Pythagorus’ theorum
I know the parts
of a circle
I can remember and use the formula to find the circumference of a circle
I can find the perimeter of semi circles and half circles
I know that mistakes are VITAL when I am learning maths.
I know that number flexibility is important.
I set out my answers
systematically.I always put the relevant equation/formula first. / Chapter 14 & 18
Work from text book.
Cutting out and making 3:4:5 triangle
Drawing and labelling the parts of a circle
Estimating the circumference and diameter of a circle using pi
Discussing different ways of solving 8 x 15
Setting out answers to questions involving pi and Pythagoras’ theorem in a systematic and clear way.
Physically constructing a circle and investigating if the diameter is approx 1/3rd
Identifying the odd one out – which civilisation didn’t use pi? / Constructing geometric shapes
Art resources
Review of week test
Reflection at end of lesson – filling in before and after lesson chart and completing log
Key questions:
What is the minimum information you need to be able to find the circumference of a circle?
How would you find the area if you knew the circumference?
How do you identify the hypotenuse when solving a problem for Pythagoras’ theorem?
What do you look for in a problem to decide whether it can be solved by Pythagorus’ theorem?
How can you use Pythagorus’ theorem to tell whether an angle in a triangle is equal to, greater than or less than 90 degrees?
What is the same different about a right angled triangle with side 5cm, 12cm and an unknown hypotenuse and and an unknown right angled triangle 5cm. 12cm and an unknown shorter side? / Questions at beginning of lesson:
Chapter 14
Students choose different questions
Topic links pages 365 for catch up and extension
Answers to probing questions / Development of maths has been progressive, a struggle, with mistakes, building on the work of previous mathematicians.
Mathematics – many different civilisations have made the same discoveries
A product of people from many nations.
Patience with self and others re mistakes.
Reference to use:
In a range of jobs including using pi to work out the age of a tree.
Using Pythagoras’ building
zip wires / Systematic working
Analysing underlying characteristics of a problem in order to derive an appropriate solution.
Mistakes necessary part of learning.
Clear recording of working
Square root
Week no. or
date / Session title
and learning objectives / Planned student activities / Assessment for Learning
Formative – Summative
Links to assessment criteria/outcome / Differentiation / E & D
(identify) / Embedding Functional Skills
12 (5)
20/10 / Measuring space
I know what kilo means
I know what mili means
I know what centi means
I can convert between metric units
I can find the perimeter of 2D shapes
I can calculate metric conversions (e.g., cm to m)
I can derive (work out) formula for calculating the perimeter of 2D shapes.
I can answer exam type perimeter questions
I can work out the area of rectangles.
I can work answer exam type questions involving area. / Chapter 6, 12 & 13
Elaboration of questions
Peer knowledge checking
Peer teaching
Class discussion of meaning of words
Using etymological root as a base for reasoning when doing metric conversions.
Paired work with maths exercises – working out perimeter and conversions
Deriving formulae – first for a sandwich and then moving onto perimeter.
Individual work – rabbit run question
Paired reasoning task – odd man out.
Self assessment of prior knowledge and progress in lesson.
Drawing a problem.
Half term review:
Team answering of questions – turning point. / Reading scales and meters (3)
Quadrilaterals and perimeter (7)
Key questions:
How do the names of units like millimetres, centimetres, help you to convert from one unit to another
When is it essential to use a ruler rather than a straight edge.
How do you go about finding the perimeter of a rectangle when one side is measured in centimetres and the other in millimetres?
How do area and perimeter change when you enlarge a shape? (Standard Units Cards)
Which is longer: 200cm or 20 000mm? Explain how you worked it out?
What clues do you look for when deciding which metric unit is bigger?
Explain how you convert metres into centimetres
How do you do about deciding whether a formula is for a perimeter, an area, or a volume.
How do you distinguish between the formulae for the circumference and area of a circle?
L4: How do you go about finding the perimeter of a shape?
How are the perimeter and the area of a shape different? How do you remember which is which?
Suggest 2 D shapes/objects where the area could be measured in cmsq/msq/kmsq. / Depth of response to probing questions
Questions attempted
Peer teaching/peer learning
Deriving formula – degree of abstraction and use of symbols / Deep thinking not fast thinking.
Activities which are accessible to people with dyslexia.
Clear and unambiguous instructions
Variety of role models in Stanford video clips
References to work in armed forces, catering, hairdressing, child care / PS: Thinking time not speed important.
Words with prefixes:
Analysing a word problem and extracting important mathematical details to solve a problem (rabbit run)
Modelling a problem – doing the
Synonyms for perimeter
-s with prefix
Week no. ordate / Session title
and learning objectives / Planned student activities / Assessment for Learning
Formative – Summative
Links to assessment criteria/outcome / Differentiation / E & D
(identify) / Embedding Functional Skills
14 (6)
03/11 / Calculating space
I can remember and use formula to find the area of:
Complex shapes
I can remember and use formula to find the volume of:
I can work out the surface area of:
Cylinders / Chapter 13 & 16
Big ideas and making connections
modelling cuboids and investigating question (4) – links with prime numbers.
Drawing and cutting to investigate (3) (1)
Deriving formula for area of triangles, trapeziums, / Volume (15)
Area (19)
Key questions:
1 ) Why do you have to multiply the base by the perpendicular height to find the area of a parallelogram?
2) The area of a triangle is 12cm(sq). What are the possible lengths of the base and height?
3) Right angled triangles have half their area of the rectangle with the same base and height. What about non right angles triangles?
4) How do you go about finding the volume of a cuboid? How do you go about finding the surface area of a cuboid?
You can build a solid cuboid using a given number of identical interlocking cubes. Is this statement always, sometimes, never true? If true for what numbers can you make several different cuboids?
If you knew the volume of a tin how would you go about finding the diameter?
What information do you need to find the surface area of a cylinder?