EBP Action Plan Template

This template helps you identify key stages of an EBP initiative and articulate a plan for action.

Use a separate template for each EBP initiative.

Complete each of the following EBP stages: /
Who is responsible / Resources required /
1. Aspect of school library program you wish to measure for impact:
I would like to increase the engagement and success of grade 3 students with ADHD by strengthening my understanding of the ADHD brain and effective classroom interventions so that I can modify lessons within the BCPS Library Media curriculum to include more options for choice and interest-based learning opportunities through Genius Hour. / LMS / ·  BCPS One – Grade 3 Library Media Curriculum
·  Genius Hour S’more to Introduce Topic
·  Wonderopolis website
·  Note-taking Organizers for students
·  Rubric / Q3
2. Research literature documenting evidence/impact of this aspect of school library program:
“Specifically, Powell and Nelson (1997) used choice-making with a 7-year-old child diagnosed with ADHD that led to decreased occurrences of undesirable behavior (e.g., inappropriate noise vocalizations, out of seat, noncompliance). In a similar study, Dunlap and colleagues (1994) reported improvements in task engagement with two 11-year-old boys with ADHD symptoms (though they did not report a formal diagnosis of ADHD).”
“Alternate low-appeal with high-appeal activities within your classroom to maintain the children’s interest level.”
“Inquiry based, self-directed, and problem-based learning studies have shown that students are more motivated and engaged when they are given ownership of their learning.” / LMS / Harlacher, J. E., Roberts, N. E., & Merrell, K. W. (2006). Classwide interventions for students with ADHD: A summary of teacher options beneficial for the whole class. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39(2), 6-12. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/201183942?accountid=231
Barkley, Russell A. Managing ADHD in School: The Best Evidence-based Methods for Teachers. Eu Claire, WI: Pesi & Media, 2016. Print.
"Where Passions Come Alive." Genius Hour. N.p., n.d. Web. 4
Feb. 2017. / Q3
3. Type(s) of evidence required to demonstrate impact of this aspect of school library program: / LMS / Student evidence:
·  Graphic Organizers
·  Genius Hour Presentations
Program evidence:
·  Modified Lesson Plans
·  Qualitative Data collected from colleague and administrative feedback / Q3
Who is responsible / Resources required /
4. Strategies & techniques to collect data: / LMS / ·  Student Work
·  Photos
·  Videos
·  Padlet / Q3
5. Strategies & techniques to analyze data: / LMS / Debrief with STAT teacher and team regarding lesson modifications and impact in special area classrooms / Q3
6. Reporting evidence to school community:
Presentations to class and administrators
Presentation methods:
Shout-outs on Morning News
Twitter / LMS / Audience:
Presentations to class and administrators
Presentation methods:
Genius Hour Presentations to Classmates
Twitter to report evidence to school community / Q3
7. Reporting your evidence at local/state/national levels & beyond: / LMS / Social Media (Twitter)
Evidence Based Showcase / Q3

School Library EBP Program Plan Template

This template helps you develop a longer term plan for building an EBP program. Complete each section by the end of the previous semester.

A. EBP target(s) to achieve in Fourth Quarter, 2017
Considering the level of engagement appeared to increase during Genius Hour, find ways to incorporate Genius Hour in other grade levels. / Meet with STAT teacher to discuss management strategies with some of the school’s more challenging classes.
B. Ideas to consider for 2017-18 School Year
Participating in the EBP Showcase, helped me to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to my progress with Genius Hour projects in the media center. At times, I have become very frustrated following genius hour sessions and wondered if it was all just a waste of time. Are the students learning anything? Is it worth it?
Learning to manage student behavior was an area of genius hour that I struggled with and looked everywhere for tips. My takeaway is that structure, expectations, and more exit tickets might be the keys to success for future lessons. / Participate in #GeniusHour Twitter chats for management tips and strategies
Continue research on UDL Center website to find additional ways to make Genius Hour more accessible to students

TODD/HAY – EBP Action Plan & Program Plan Templates from Syba Academy’s School Libraries Making A Difference Seminar Series
Revised and adapted November 2015 for AASL 2015 Conference, Columbus, OH 2