Planning Notes


COMMUNICATIONPlease review the following guidelines with your students, fellow teachers, and your accompanying chaperones.

RESPONSIBILITIESIn order for your visit to be enjoyable and successful, we ask that everyone assume appropriate responsibilities. Students will be expected to conduct themselves in accordance with their own school's rules and regulations. Chaperones and teachers are responsible for discipline within the group. For this reason, your group staff will be expected to participate in all activities. We ask that you allow at least one chaperone or staff member for every ten students. A Deep Portage instructor will teach each scheduled program. Scheduled programs end at 8.30 PM after which your staff will be responsible for any activities in which your group wishes to partake. This includes "lights out" procedures.

HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITYDeep Portage facilities are equipped for students and adults with disabilities. In each wing of the Resources Heritage Center there is a dorm room fully equipped for student and adults. The winter snow offers the option of a sled for greater mobility. We welcome those with challenges of any kind.

STEWARDSHIPThe facility in which you will be staying was built entirely on contributions of time and money. We ask that as guests, you are thoughtful and courteous. Please treat the facilities with respect thus enabling other groups enjoyment of the area. Please be a steward of the land and do your part in picking up any litter you may find. Please do not run or yell in the building, but please do have fun.

SNACKSWe ask that students do not bring snacks with them. We have taken great care to see that meals are nutritious, varied, and enjoyable. Please inform us of any special dietary needs in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate. If your group would like to bring snacks for the entire group, they may be shared after evening classes have ended. As of January 1, 1998, Deep Portage will no longer be providing snacks to school groups.

FREE TIMEOur schedule allows one hour for breakfast and lunch, and forty-five minutes for dinner. Many times students finish their meal quickly, leaving free time to prepare for classes. During this time, your staff will be responsible for your students. Many groups find that allowing students time in their rooms or social time in the lounges is appropriate.

KITCHEN HELPIn order to have meals run smoothly, we ask that students help in cleaning up. This includes bussing dishes, washing tables, vacuuming floors and straightening chairs. This will be discussed with students again during orientation.

PHYSICAL DAMAGEAny damage other than normal wear and tear will be charged to the particpant(s) and the sponsoring group.

SMOKINGThe Resources Heritage Center is a smoke-free building. There is a designated smoking area behind the building and cans are provided for cigarette butts. There is no smoking allowed in the dormitory rooms. Please inform your parent chaperones of this policy.

MEDICAL/EMERGENCIESPlease bring a copy of each student's Health and Permission form with you to Deep Portage. You may print out our health form (Adobe PDF format) and make multiple copies. These forms may be given to a DP staff member at teacher orientation. Be aware of any special student medical concerns and please alert our staff at teacher orientation. Please be prepared to have someone on your staff who is trained in basic first aid. Medical care is available, if necessary, at clinics in both Walker and Pine River and at a hospital in Brainerd. Local First Responder Teams are available within twenty minutes. If a student requires medical attention your school has the choice of transporting that student by ambulance or in one of your own automobiles. Parents and/or school insurance are responsible for any medical care costs. Deep Portage does not carry any medical insurance. Your staff will also be responsible for dispensing all prescription and non-prescription medication.

TELEPHONEThe telephone number at Deep Portage is (218) 682-2325. During your stay you are welcome to use the phone for collect or credit card phone calls. The fax number is (218) 682-3121.

BOOKSTOREThe Friends of Deep Portage volunteer organization operates the Bookstore located within the Interpretive Center. See Appendix for bookstore items and prices. All proceeds from the bookstore help support the Deep Portage Education fund. Please notify Deep Portage if you would like time for shopping included in your schedule.

ARRIVAL/DEPARTUREDue to the number of groups visiting Deep Portage, we ask that you observe your scheduled arrival and departure times. To assure a speedy check-in, please have room and group assignments prepared in advance. On the last day of your visit please be prepared to move out of your dorm rooms by 9:00 AM unless otherwise arranged. This allows our housekeeping crew time to clean the rooms for the next group. We ask that everyone clean out the rooms as much as possible.

RECREATIONDepending on the length of your stay, your school may have an hour block of recreation scheduled. Recreation is a time for students to participate in activities such as soccer, volleyball, football, basketball, canoeing, hiking, campfire set up, snowshoeing, nature video, indoor games and others. Your school may bring with them games to play if students decide to stay indoors. Students do not have the option of staying in their rooms during this time. Our staff will lead some of these options, and your staff may be asked to lead others.