RCC Retreat Meeting Notes


Aaron Akin,Jenny Grant,James Taylor, Brooke Romnes ,Marina DeLucco

Sami Faile

Rcc Elections

President: Jenny Grant Vote: 4-1-0

Vice President: Aaron Akin Vote :5-0-0

Secretary: Brooke Romines Vote: 5-0-0

RCC Treasurer: James Taylor Vote: 5-0-0

Rec Clubs Tresurer: Cassy Whitaker Vote: 5-0-0


·  President will send out a call for items to be put on the agenda

·  Sami can add any items she sees fit

·  The RCC is an advising body

·  Sami will only bring club issues to the RCC when she feels that it affects all the clubs or is damaging to the image of PSU and rec clubs

(Side Note: Men’s soccer has been fined again! Another $200 dollars. And a letter was sent to Sami regarding the issue from the chair of the GPSD. She is waiting to hear back from the chair. The RCC wants to have a discussion with the team and discuss the issue. The RCC thinks the problem may be a culture one as well)

Decision Making:

·  Secretary will read out minutes at the beginning of every meeting.

·  Treasurers will give budgets updates at every meeting

·  Each officer will give “committee” reports and updates on their special projects

·  Our quorum is 3 officers

·  Online voting and proxy voting will be discussed again

·  Jenny says that we are pretty laidback and not as formal as the SFC

Requirements of Officers:

·  Video/photo contest will be given to the Peer Adviser to take charge of

·  RCC Equipment check out will be moving online!! (the whole check out is the bane of Jenny’s exsistant). Only club leaders may check out equipment, possible release of liability

·  Community Service: September meeting

·  Budget Timeline: August Meeting

·  Tier System: figured out by the end of retreat

·  Leader Transition

·  Club Leader stipend evaluations

·  Proposal of 2 office hours per week, a possible key available to use to lock up

·  Rcc wants to hold office hours and will discuss times at one of the summer meetings

·  RCC officers will be holding one another accountable by using timelines that Sami will help structure. We will set goals and timelines for our projects

·  Sami created an expectation form for us to read through and sign

·  Will try t set up meeting equipment before start time

·  Please call and inform council of absences

Why do you want to be an RCC Officer?:

·  Mentor

·  Duty/Service

·  Experience/Exposure to programming

·  Leadership development

·  Working with diverse groups

·  Learning

·  Social Networking

·  Developing Skills

As a result of being an RCC officer, we will be able to…..

·  Develop leadership attributes as a result of organizing events and workshops

·  Mentor fellow peers as a result of one-on-one meetings, office hours, and workshops

·  Give back to the greater PSU community as a result of developing effective policies and procedures for the benefit of Rec Clubs

·  Develop knowledge and create an understanding of Campus Recreation programming

RCC History blurb for records

During the 2008-2009 school year, the RCC did some great things. The RCC took on a more organic style of leadershi this year, that did not include formal positions, and instead created special projects that each officer worked on. Some of the special projects were safety officers, photo/video contest, club awards, a tier system, community service/bid matching. During udget Spring term the RCC made some helpful chgnes to the budget process and guidelines, as well as faced some hard times and stuggles with the SFC. One of the biggest problems the RCC faced was a cut to overall budget, and receiving the final allocation very late. The RCC experienced a lack of communication with their SFC liason. Through all the tough times, the RCC was able to make some good changes. The changes made were; stipend/coaching/budgets were capped due to the economic crisis, a stop was put to deduction of revenue to budgets and the RCC started to supplement the club. . The RCC also created budget philsophies and took the economic sitution into account when funding clubs.

Changes to RCC Constitution and Bylaws


Meeting with Dominic:

·  SALP Assistant Director

·  “it only takes one student to mess it up”

·  most sutdent clubs are looking to be legitimazed by money and recognition

·  SOC- deals with newly formed clubs and clubs that do not require finds

·  Groups get recognized in the spring, and it is one big pot of money that the SOC uses

·  SFC- discretionary account of money

-  resever request

-  discretionary request (ie boats blew up)

-  designated reserve ( ie set aside)

·  SFC Liasions will be chosen after July 1st

·  ADVICE: Be Humble, Communicate

·  Process, regulations and steps need to followed

·  Have a rational behind choses and decisions

·  Be able to look at the whole pictures

·  Try to look at the unintended consquences of the your choices


Club Status

·  Number of people

·  Risk

·  Mission statement

·  Constitution

·  Governing body

·  Long term plan

·  Growth plan

·  Be consistant

·  Don’t fund intercity travel

·  Ask the SFC about community members

·  Community members cant be enforced

Stipend Accountability

·  Grades, academics

·  Take to the SFC

·  Department is the person who cancels stipends

·  Sami is the person who cancels stipends for Rec Clubs

·  Not considered employees, student leaders

·  Have good knowledge of stipend policy

Meeting on July 13th 2009

Marie –UCI

·  Officer view different than admin

·  Calendar brings up all deadlines (each club can see their own)

·  Brings up maps of field locations

·  Roster: on all accounts

·  Full calendar of all club events

·  FORMS: drop down list, most are PDF and some are online

·  Facility request form : ALL online …admin can log on and see all pending events

·  Travel: forms online and easy to fill out

·  Clubs can chose from different types of travel

·  Can also add shuttles and rental cars

·  For personal cars, can pull up approved drivers

·  Has rules and responsibility for travel person to check and digitally sign

·  Equipment inventory

·  Will be able to register for a club online, waiver form will be online


·  Can send messages to all groups

·  Rosters open in excel

·  People get emails to join clubs

·  Can create general events

·  Administrator will add all events

·  No formal event request

·  Can make your own forms

·  Admin can choose to get daily emails about form submission

·  Does not keep clubs together

·  No automatic updates

·  Will show how many members are attending events

Sami is stressed, but will look into building our own system