School: Cesar ChavezTeacher:Robert St Pierre Phone number: 602-764-4000 ext.64381

Department: ScienceCourse Title: Physical Science Code:5737000 and 5737008

No. of Credits: 1 Grade Level(s) 9 Prerequisite(s): None

1. Course Description:Physical science covers the basic concepts you will need to know to get you through biology, chemistry, and physics. You will be using the textbook “Physical Science” by Globe Fearson. Topics you will learn about in this course include: nature of science, scientific method, and properties of matter, heat transfer, periodic table, atomic bonding, and Newton’s laws of motion. You will have the opportunity to do experiments to facilitate learning. Most labs will be done in groups, with individual lab reports. Laboratory safety is the biggest priority, and any students not obeying laboratory rules will not be allowed to participate.

2. Materials Required:70 page spiral bound notebook, agenda, binder, pencil, pen, and highlighter

3. Grading System:A = 100-90%Homework/Classwork= 30%

B = 89-80%Tests=25%

C = 79-70%Labs/Projects= 30%

D = 69-60%CRT= 15%

F = 59% and below

Grades will be turned into the office every 3 weeks. You can also check your grade at any time on studentVUE. Accommodations and modifications will be included per IEP and 504 plans.StudentVue/ParentVue can be accessed through the Cesar Chavez High School homepage. Returning students will have the same password as last year and new students will receive their password during advisory class within the first two weeks of school. Parents may obtain their passwords by contacting the registration office. Additional information and resources for the class can be accessed at the teacher’s webpage on the Cesar Chavez High School website.

4. Title I Program: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Gayman602-764-4010 or Assistant Principal for Instruction Dr. Fitzpatrick602-764-4011 for additional information.

5. Make-up Policy:If you were absent you need to get the work you missed and get caught up. Every day I will post the objective, bell work, and classwork on the board. You can come in during advisory to get help or after school (by appointment.) Assignments one day late will be marked 25% off. Assignments two days late will be marked 50% off. Assignments three days late will receive zero credit but should still be turned in.

6. Attendance:“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one- half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing.(PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

Good attendance is necessary for students to succeed. If you have more than 12 absences you can receive loss of credit for your classes and consequences for absences will be in accordance with school policy. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to get the work you missed. If you missed notes you must borrow them from a friend and copy them into your science notebook and/or come in during advisory or after school tutoring to get all your work made up.

7. * Parents and students please sign below to acknowledge the reading and understanding of the Science plan for success:

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______