Start Date:

Schedule:(Days and times you’ll be meeting internship requirements each week)

Weekly Tracker – Writer Internship

This document guides you through your weekly assignments. Next to the numbers, enter the title of the article you wrote. The Weekly Tracker is due Friday at 11PM PDT. Email it to .

Week 1:

-Finished Boot Camp. Emailed the completed newhires checklist to supervisor.

-Began building buzz for the cause and engaging those around me.

-Read Writers Guidebook.

-Posted a link to on social media sites.

-Get social! The more likes, tweets and shares your articles receive, the higher they appear in search results. We highly encourage you to create profiles on these (and more!) social media sites and share your articles when they appear: FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit.

Week 2:

-Read first half of

-Be familiar with this great way to turn your online shopping into funding for the cause: Share the link!

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 3:

-Read this page and follow fundraising instructions: Remember, we’re powered by small donations and everyone who is part of the team assists with fundraising. As part of the internship, you must demonstrate impact with your brief fundraising efforts.

-Post the link to your online fundraising page here:

-Turned in “My Potential Donors” list to .

-Re-read the Writers Guidebook.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Handwrote letters to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 4:

-Shared articles on social media.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 5:

-Read 2nd half of

-Posted a link to a Borgen Project page or video on social media.

-Made at least 5 follow-up calls and/or emails to people I sent fundraising letters to.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 6:

-Browsed for headline and style inspiration.

-Did 20 points from the point chart. What I did for 20 points:

-Shared articles on social media.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Emailed Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 7:

-Browsed for headline and style inspiration.

-Shared articles on social media.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 8:

-Shared articles on social media.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 9:

-Browsed for ideas. Try turning one of their human nature articles into a story related to advocacy, politics or poverty.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 10:

-Did 20 points from the point chart. What I did for 20 points:

-Shared articles on social media.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Emailed Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 11:

-Shared articles on social media.

-Wrote 4articles:

-Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.

  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Week 12:

-Wrote 4articles:

  • Made 30-second calls to Congressional leaders.
  • Sen.
  • Sen.
  • Rep.

Internship Complete!

Congratulations and thank you for your hardwork!

Final Review Criteria for Internship Completion

The following is the minimum required for the successful completion of the internship.

-Created 44high-qualityarticles that were approved and published.

-Attended national conference call every Monday evening.

-Contacted your 3 congressional offices each week in support ofpoverty-reduction programs and legislation.

-Completed a personal fundraising campaign. Sent friends and family fundraising letters to a minimum of 12 people. Demonstrated impact by raising funding.

-Utilized your social media to share links related to the cause.

-Turned in weekly reports on time (Due Friday at 11PM PDT of each week).

My Congressional Leaders:(example below, enter your own)

  • Sen. Patty Murray, 202-224-2621 [email form]
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell, 202-224-3441 [email form]
  • Rep. Jim McDermott, 202-225-6197 [email form]

Key Social Media: