January 8, 2016

9:05 a.m. called to order

Present: Emily Vallario, Jay Genova, Pam Fuehrer, Susie Rush, Dr. Amy Eisenberg, Amy Saland, Margaret Smith, Kathleen Campbell, Dr. Chris Griffin, Det. Sherri Albano, Brittany Coleman, Rabbi David Levy, Tracy Nathanson, Ray Pappalardi

I.  Welcome and Introductions

II.  Minutes were approved after an amendment by Dr. Griffin to a statement in VI. Logic Model. New sentence reads “(In any given month, 33% of Scarsdale teens ages 14-18 report drinking alcohol at least once per month and often in excessive amounts)” Ms. Nathanson made the motion, Dr. Eisenberg seconded.

III.  Updates

A.  Ms. Vallario received a CADCA scholarship which will cover the conference fee of $595. Our TFDA funds will now fully cover the proposed budget totalling $1,795.00 (presented to Board 11/16).

B.  Mr. Pappalardi reported that he supports a pre-weekend message encouraging avoidance of risky behavior. He will meet with the coaches and ask them to regularly put forth this message. He intends to gather data on the frequency and try to determine impact of that message.

1.  The focus will be on consistent messaging, at SHS and within community.

2.  There is an Athletic Code and discipline/consequences will vary according to the situation. The priority is to maintain a good relationship with and athletic experience for the student.

3.  The first approach is always restorative.

4.  Board members should remember that disciplinary action and related information must be kept confidential, and we should clarify and support this concept as necessary.

C.  Ms. Vallario met with some seniors who are confident and comfortable with their decisions to abstain from drinking, and who are willing to create PSAs. Emily will connect them with Ms. Coleman/teen center who set up an Instagram account (DATFscarsdale) and will help create PSAs. Rabbi Levy will also provide a list of interested students once he receives their approval.

D.  Dr. Griffin noted that the SHS administration and/or faculty advisors are looking into options regarding a Students Against Destructive Decisions club.

E.  In order to continue to present TFDA work to community, Mr. Pappalardi will review his efforts in his next BOE presentation, and Ms. Vallario will ensure the press is notified and invited to the TFDA community meeting on January 15.

IV.  Logic Model on Marijuana

A.  There was an adjustment to the Alcohol Model: two activities involving the athletic coaches were included to help increase the perception of risk or harm among athletes. Related outcomes were also added.

B.  Part of the approach will include exploiting the space between the facts and perception of use. In fact, 85% of Pride Survey respondents reported not using in the assessed 30-day period, 92% reported parent disapproval, 71% reported friends disapproval and 88% reported a perception of harm to health.

V.  SPF: Sustainability is critical. Assessment and evaluation need to be ongoing.

A.  The TFDA Board agreed that a Spring 2017 reassessment would be appropriate. Dr. Griffin will discuss with administration.

B.  The TFDA Board agreed that a formal process for evaluation (data gathering and analysis) is needed. Dr. Griffin will contact the Ed.D in Executive Leadership program of St. John Fisher College out of New Rochelle to see if a candidate is interested in formal evaluation of our Logic Model activities/outcomes as part of a dissertation.

VI.  Next Meeting: Community Meeting: Friday January 15th, 2016 (SHS Room 170-172)