Healthy Births Initiative

Best Babies Collaboratives (BBCs)



Revised 12/07

Healthy Births Initiative

Best Babies Collaboratives (BBCs)

Year-End Report Instructions

The Mid-Year Report consists of (5) parts:

I.  Narrative

1.  Overall Summary

2.  Staff Changes

3.  Project Related Activities (Scope of Work Reporting section when printed)

4.  Recruitment and Retention

5.  Participation in Sustainability and Leveraging Activities

6.  Support Documents

II.  Data and Evaluation

1.  Demographics

2.  Client Count

3.  Quality Assurance of Data

7.  Lessons Learned: Program

4.  Lessons Learned: Evaluation

III.  Client Stories

IV.  Kit for New Parents

V.  Additional Comments/Feedback

The parts of the report work together to provide a complete picture of First 5 LA project progress during the report period and provide information for First 5LA’s State Annual Report.


The report is located online at

IMPORTANT: Prior to beginning the report, please go to the “Collaboratives” section to complete the “Collaborative Partners” section. Please update the collaborative program contact information. Be sure to add all the address(s) where services are provided as well as administrative address(s). Some addresses may serve both purposes. Use the pull down menu in the “address type” section to select which type of address. You may also add or delete collaborative partners as necessary. Please note if you are deleting a collaborative partner, you will be prompted to answer a series of questions discussing the change. An asterisk * denotes missing information

HELPFUL HINTS: Remember to save often!

n  When you are ready to submit, use the “Review this Report” feature (located on the left hand menu) to print out and review the report

n  When you are satisfied that the report is complete, the authorized user can “Submit” the report. Please note once the report is submitted, additional changes can not be made to the report.

n  If any clarification on how to complete this progress report is needed, please feel free to contact your assigned Program Officer.


Agency Information

Provide complete agency name, program name, and address information.

Program Contact Person

Provide the appropriate project title and contact information for your agency. The contact person is the person whom we may contact should we want more information about the content of this report.


1.  Overall Summary

Please provide a half-page snapshot of the project’s overall progress since your last report. Include project highlights, best practices, accomplishments and challenges, and project and evaluation major findings.

2. Staff Changes

Discuss any staff changes and how these changes have affected the implementation of project activities (e.g., recruitment, turnover, allocation of staff time).

Staffing is important to achieve outcomes as well to as to build organizations. The purpose of this section is to identify your agency’s progress in developing human resources. Remember to report the name and title of staff hired this reporting period as well as the number and title of positions that still need to be filled. Please describe how staff changes have affected project development and implementation. Also, if changes significantly impact the budget, contact your Program Officer.

3. Projected Related Activities (“Scope of Work Reporting” section when printed)

Describe the progress made towards achieving the strategies for all core approaches under the short term outcomes.

o  Select a core approach from the Select a Core Approach drop down menu.

o  Select a short term outcomes to report on.

o  For each short term outcome, provide the status using the new categories listed below and click on Edit Narrative link.

o  Discuss the progress by including quantity of services, the number of participants, and progress on recruitment of project participants. Examples of the quantity of services and number of participants include number of trainings conducted and the number of participants trained, number of home visits conducted and the number of clients served. Be sure to discuss if there have been delay. If so, discuss why and how the delay is being resolved.

o  Be sure to Save after you complete the narrative.

o  Complete all core approaches.

Existing Categories / New Categories / Definition
§  In process / §  In process/On Schedule / All of the activities under this strategy are being completed based on the timeline outlined in the scope of work. For example, an activity may be begin this reporting period but may not be scheduled to be completed until the next report period, however, there have been no delays in implementation.
§  Completed / §  Completed this Reporting Period / All the activities under this strategy are completed as outlined in the scope of work during this reporting period.
§  Delayed / §  Delayed / Some or all of the activities under this strategy are delayed or have not been completed by the timeline outlined in the scope of work.
§  N/A / §  Removed
§  / §  Next Reporting Period / The activities under this strategy are not scheduled to begin until the next reporting period and therefore are not Delayed.
§  / §  Previous Reporting Period / The activities under this strategy were completed during the last reporting period as outlined in the scope of work. All progress should have been reported during the previous reporting period.

8.  Progress on Outputs

Please use this section to report on the Output Measures from your Scope of Work.

o  To view Output Measures, select a Core Approach from the Select a Core Approach drop-down list, and then click on a Short-Term Outcome you would like to provide progress on.

o  Output Measures will be listed on the left, with a space for responses on the right.

o  Click on Calculate All Output Measures for this Report to calculate the measures.

o  Click on the Save link to save all responses on the page.The type of response (i.e. the reporting method) required depends on the output measure. Below is table with the type of response required for each reporting method.

o  Please note you will be given the option to upload a file from a previously submitted report if the attachment has not changed.

9.  Progress on Outcomes

Please use this section to report on the Outcome Measures from your Scope of Work.

o  To view Outcome Measures, select a Core Approach from the Select a Core Approach drop-down list, and then click on a Short-Term Outcome you would like to provide progress on.

o  Output Measures will be listed on the left, with a space for responses on the right.

o  Click on Calculate All Outcome Measures for this Report to calculate the measures.

o  Click on the Save link to save all responses on the page.The type of response (i.e. the reporting method) required depends on the outcome measure. Below is the table with the type of response required for each reporting method.

o  Please note you will be given the option to upload a file from a previously submitted report if the attachment has not changed.

Reporting Method / Response Required
Checkbox/On File / complete checkbox
Text / narrative text
Numerical / integer or decimal number
Numerical/Text / a short description of qualitative information
Checkbox/Attachment / uploaded document(s)
First 5 LA / none
Case Management / aggregate derived from client data

10.  Recruitment and Retention

Referral Source of Active Case-Managed Clients by ZIP Code table

(Client data will be used to calculate where clients are being recruited from)

Click on Calculate Recruitment to populate the chart.

Duration Measures table

(Client data will be used to calculate how many clients have been enrolled for 6, 12, 18 and 24 months during the report period)

Click on Calculate Duration Measures to populate the chart.

A. In order to understand how the collaborative is 1) conducting outreach and recruitment efficiently, and 2) retaining clients within the Case Management program thereby reducing attrition rates, these two tables have been provided from the DCAR system to exemplify your recruitment and retention efforts. Please comment on a) the calculated measures, b) how you interpret the numbers, and c) how you are using the information for quality improvement of your implementation activities. For example, if there are a few clients enrolled from a certain zip code or for a 24 month period, please discuss why and how this is being addressed.

B. Discuss the collaborative efforts made to address recruitment and retention of Case Management clients as well as others that attend health education and social support classes. Include a) the methods by which your has efficiently recruited and retained clients, including those ‘hard-to-reach’, and b) the collaborative efforts to collectively address attrition. Also, discuss any challenges and any efforts to address these challenges your collaborative has had in achieving optimum recruitment and retention. Attach any materials that have been developed to document and sustain this effort.

11.  Sustainability and Leveraging Activities

In this section, please discuss activities that your collaborative has participated in related to sustaining and leveraging your collaborative.

·  Sustainability speaks to non-financial and financial ways your collaborative is conducting now and plans on sustaining the collaborative during and post grant period.

·  Leveraging speaks specifically to how you have worked and plan to work with other F5LA initiatives, the HBLC and BBCs, and other existing community coalitions to coordinate efforts to improve birth outcomes.

12.  Support Documents

Please use this section to upload any miscellaneous documents that you want to share with First 5 LA. Please attach your intake assessment tool and all collateral materials developed for recruitment and retention. If your collaborative is using educational curriculum and/or tool kits, please upload them here or mail in hard copies.


1.  Demographics

As a part of tracking the ethnic/racial and lingual diversity of the population your collaborative is serving, two tables have been generated from the data you already input into the DCAR system.

Click on Calculate Demographic Numbers to populate each chart.

Please provide discussion in the Reflections on Data section below.

2. Client Count

The Client Count is reported by Core Approach and provides a quick glimpse of project progress. For example, the table can help determine if the effectiveness of outreach and recruitment strategies needs to be reviewed.

Case Management should be reported as unduplicated clients, i.e. new clients who have entered the project during the current grant year. All other core approaches (Outreach, Health Education and Messaging, Social Support and Interconception Care) should be reported as total persons receiving services.

Click on Calculate Third Year SOW Outcomes to populate the chart.


Please comment on the calculated numbers from all three (3) tables; please discuss how you interpret the numbers and how you are using this information for quality improvement of your implemented activities. For example, if the number of continuing clients has decreased or if a certain ethnicity or zip code has lower numbers, please explain why and what is being done to address this issue.

Please also include other data not reported here relevant to the success of your program and a narrative to explain those data.

3. Quality Assurance of Data

Discuss the processes in place or in development to ensure the quality of data entered by all partners into the client module. Also, include how are you using the monthly progress updates provided by the Network to address Case Management enrollment and service issues? Please document how client information (case files) are kept confidential and secured in your office environment.

In order for the information provided to be useful and meaningful to both the collaborative and F5LA, it must be entered correctly. We are interested in how the collaborative is ensuring the quality of the data being entered. Please describe how quality is monitored and maintained. Please also discuss how the collaborative uses the monthly reports the Network provides to improve quality and discuss any challenges encountered.

4. Lessons Learned: Program

A.  Describe how lessons learned (e.g., successes and innovations) have improved project development and implementation for all core approaches: Collaboration, Outreach, Health Education and Messaging, Case Management, Social Support, and Interconception Care. Include challenges/barriers in implementing project activities and how they have been or will be addressed.

B.  Discuss any “promising practices” that have emerged in implementing the activities that improve birth outcomes.

C.  Discuss additional areas of technical assistance/continuing education that your collaborative would find useful during the implementation period.

D.  Please provide a short reflection of the last three years (3) of implementation of this program. Describe overall successes, challenges overcome, improvements planned for the future, and programmatic goals your collaborative would like to incorporate in the next two years.

Please describe how project implementation improved as a result of lessons learned. It has been said that experience is the best teacher. As implementers, project staff gains first-hand experience and knowledge of project activities. As a result, they develop a body of knowledge on how a project is working. In addition, consultation with stakeholders (e.g., project participants) to identify emerging community needs is an important step to successfully implement a project.

Also, please include challenges or barriers encountered in developing or implementing the project during this reporting period and how they were (or will be) addressed. Your experience will contribute to a pool of knowledge from which other grantees or communities in Los Angeles County can learn. In addition, the barriers you better identify can help us support the project. Below is an example.

An agency determines that many of their clients are not participating in the program classes due to the time of day the classes are being offered. Based on feedback from staff and parents, class times are changed. Next quarter the agency will assess whether there is an increase in participation as a result of the time changes.

Promising practices may have emerged during your implementation period. Providing a description and methodology of these practices will further show ways programs can be tailored to different populations. Your suggestions on technical assistance topic areas will guide future sessions of knowledge exchange and learning.