Final February

Broadway: locality Panel - Terms of Reference

What is the Broadway ,Alumwell and Birchills Early Help Partnership Panel

It is a multi-agency panelthat pro- actively identifies, coordinate support and monitor impact of the support for the most vulnerable families within the school cluster area. The panel meet every 4 weeks and invite other professionals to help review and make decisions on referrals submitted by professionals to the Panel.


To help in identifying and brokering the right help to families in a timely way and ensure it secure sustainable positive outcomes for the children and young people within the family unit.

The partnership is committed to ensure that:

-All partners play a active role at providing a effective single agency service to prevent issues from escalating

-The focus is getting the right help to families no matter what service or organisation they have been referred from

-Reduce the level of bureaucracy or simplify the ‘systems’ in which we get help to families

-All partners are engaged at the right level

-Partnership takes on shared accountability and shared decision making

-We have in place a more effective system to communicate

-Have effective links between the panel and MASH

-We collectively are accountable for delivery of the right outcomes for children

-Maximise community resources to identify solutions to meet the needs of children, young people and their families in a sustainable way


The Early Help Partnership Panel will provide:

  • Advice and guidance and help in identifying and delivering solutions with professionals involved in the early help process
  • Make decisions on multi agency package of support and as part of this identify the Lead Professional
  • Allocate cases to the multi disciplinary collocated team
  • Brokering resources to meet ‘unmet needs’ to help and support children, young people and families living in Walsall on their journey of change.
  • Monitor progress in cases which have been presented to Panel
  • Unblock barriers and provide support to professionals to get the right package of support in place


Children, young people and families can be referred if:

  • There is clear evidence that single agency early help has been provided but is not making the required impact and thresholds for safeguarding- child protection has not been reached.
  • An early Help assessment and plan is in place, but has had not had the required impact and Threshold for safeguarding- child protection has not been reached.
  • An assessment and plan (at EH or CiN or CPP) is in place and as part of this a need is identified that can’t be met by the partners involved in the plan or the right partners are not involved
  • Where a social care plan is in place but needs have de-escalated from specialist services and its felt that support is needed though a coordinated early help offer and it has not been possible to identify a Lead professional as part of the step down process.
  • Families that meet the national Troubled Families programme eligibility criteria

Written consent from children, young people and their families will need to be obtained prior to making a referral to panel

All Referrals will be checked against the WSCB Threshold framework and where there is concern that the Threshold for safeguarding – child protection has been reached it will be assessed by MASH before considered by the Locality group.


All agencies are responsible to identify members who have decision making powers (or have received delegated powers) to attend the panel.

All core members will need to attend all panels 100%

Non attendance to panel will be escalated to the Group manager or to the Safeguarding Board for resolution if relevant.

All members will be held to account for actions agreed and progress on actions and outcomes for children will be monitored by the Chair of the panel.


Core membership:

Chair: Glen Kirby, Early Help school support advisor

Organisation / Named Representative / Contact details
CAMHS / Sarah Taylor /
SEND education lead / TBC
Health Visitor / Dionne Frazer /
School Nursing / Debbie Hughes /
Social work / Barbara Bullard /
0300 555 2837
Police / Lisa Fellows /
Children centre / Glenda Kellar /
School representative / Donna Harper (School representative for AllumwellBirchills Cluster)
Alison Walsh (School representative for Broadway and Central Cluster) /

Area Partnership / Vanessa Croft /
Employment / Sue Harvey/Katie Morton /

Youth Support Services / Julie Hill /
Fire Service / Louise Harris /
Short Breaks / Heather Maybury /
Trouble families / Scott Degville /
01922 650994

‘On pull’ membership

The panel will also make use of named links within specialist services who will be ‘on pull’ to provide advice and guidance on cases where specific advice is needed:

Organisation / Named Representative
Beacon (substance misuse) / Jacquie Oxley /
01922 669 840
Prevent/Radicalisation / Haroon Ravat
Bob Spencer /

CSE / Imran Huddle /
Domestic Abuse / tbc / tbc
Adult Mental Health / Sharon Latham /
Caldmore Accord / Jay Gill /
Midland Heart Housing
Home start / Dawn Beard /
01922 647018
Education Inclusion / Julie Newton /
Welfare rights / Bernard Cysewski /

The coordination of the panel and undertaking the role of Chair will be provided through an independent person.

Frequency of meetings

Panel will meet every 4 weeks at My Place, Walstead Road West on aWednesday morning – dates will be published a term in advance.

Sharing information

All agencies involved as core members have signed a sharing information agreements and at the beginning of each meeting will representatives will need to sign up to the confidentiality and sharing information statement.

Doc managers will be used as the secure system to share relevant information prior and following the meeting.

Roles and responsibilities

Chairs Role

The Chair will:

  • Ensure that Professional presenting to panel
  • Effectively communicates to the panel the reasons for the referral
  • Clearly understands the rationale for the decision / advice and guidancegiven by panel
  • Are confident to feed messages back to family
  • Keep time and allow for appropriate discussion by all involved
  • Take responsibility for decisions made at the meeting


  • Read and check the paperworkMonday before the meeting to identify problems or issues requiring clarification and any other relevant queries
  • Allocate timeslot for each case at panel and communicate this with the referrer
  • Liaise with Referrer if any safeguarding concerns need to be considered by MASH before the case is taken to the panel
  • Upload relevant documents to Doc manager
  • Ensure appropriate representation at the Panel based on the cases to be discussed

At Panel

  • Welcome members and the Lead Professional, and explain the process
  • Monitor timekeeping
  • Promote open and supportive discussion between the referrer and panel members
  • If panel are unable to make a decision, the Chair will refer the case to the Early Help Senior Management Team
  • Summarise the key points of the discussion and any funding agreed /timescales to the Lead Professional, and explain what happens next
  • Agree when the case needs to come back for review

After Panel

  • Check the completed Decision Sheets, review and approve as accurate recordon doc manager by and confirm in email to each referrer Monday am following panel
  • Approve any financial orders as necessary through Oracle workflows or internal transfers via accountancy team
  • Refer concerns or observations to relevant teams or senior members
  • Keep record of service gaps, process issues and other concerns for the school cluster meeting or the Early Help Steering group meetings
  • Refer to senior management for any particularly complex cases or areas of conflict where needed

Professional Role -Presenting at Panel


  • Complete the Partnership Panelreferral form
  • Send the referral form to the Chair - noon Thursday before panel
  • Provide relevant summary information or documentation
  • Provide Early Help assessments and Outcome Stars where availableor equivalent
  • Do not provide all reports, letters etc – just provide what is needed to understand the background to the issue to be discussed
  • Complete the form as much as possible

At Panel

  • Arrive promptly
  • Outline the case to be discussed (panel members will have read through your submission before the meeting)
  • Panel members may ask for additional information to help their understanding and facilitating the decision making process. Lead Professionals need to be prepared to provide more information if requested
  • If further information is needed that is not available at the time of panel Lead Professionals might be asked to submit further information by email and in some cases return to a future panel
  • Lead professionals are expected to be actively involved in panel discussions andgain a clear understanding of the rationale behind the decision making processes at panel in order to feedback to their families in an appropriate and clear way
  • Any disagreement or concern the Lead Professional has with panel decision making should be raised during the meeting for further discussion and if not directly after panel with the Chair before the family receive any feedback

After Panel

  • Check the Decision Sheet for accuracy and contact the chair if required
  • Provide professional feedback to the family that outlines the reasons behind decision making processes
  • Follow all actions recommended by the panel and as recorded in the Decision Sheet
  • Provide any additional information that was requested by panel where relevant
  • Bring a update on progress to the panel as per agreed timeframe at the meeting

Panel Member Role


  • Read through the information provided on DocMgr
  • Raise any concerns or queries with the chairin the first instance
  • Confirm attendance at the meeting or provide apologies and identify a suitable replacement from your service to the panel administrator by the Monday prior to panel
  • Upload relevant documentation onto doc manager prior to the meeting or bring relevant information to the meeting to contribute to the discussion

At Panel

  • Share relevant information
  • Contribute to the discussion and ask relevant questions to aid decision making
  • Consider strategies, interventions, and additional support that could be offered to the case being discussed

After Panel

  • Follow up on any actions that you have agreed to undertake

Process - draft