Scandinavian Society for Cell Toxicology

Founded in 1983


Tuula Heinonen


University of Tampere



Kathrin Zeller

University of Lund



Anna Forsby

Department of Neurochemistry

Stockholm University and Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center, Swetox


Action planfor 2014 and 2015

The aim of SSCT is to promote the development of in vitro cytotoxicology in the Nordic countries and also to create possibilities for informal communication among in vitro cytotoxicologists. This can be achieved by arranging conferences and scientific lectures. The society finds it desirable to reduce the use of animal testing.

The aim of SSCT will be made concrete during the financial period of January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2014 and from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015. in the following actions:

§1.The board constituted2014 by: Tuula Heinonen (FIN, chairman), Henrik Appelgren (SWE, secretary), Johanna Dennbo (SWE), Kathrin Zeller (SWE), Anna Forsby (SWE, treasurer), Line Mathiesen (DEN), and Riina Sarkanen (FIN). Cecilica Clemedson (SWE) and Hanna Tähti (FIN) will actas auditors. Hanna Tähti (FIN) and Erik Walum (SWE) will act in the election committee.

§2.The board constituted 2015 by: Tuula Heinonen (FIN, chairman), Henrik Appelgren (SWE), Johanna Dennbo (SWE), Kathrin Zeller (SWE, secretary), Anna Forsby (SWE, treasurer), Line Mathiesen (DEN), and Riina Sarkanen (FIN). Cecilica Clemedson (SWE) and Hanna Tähti (FIN) will actas auditors. Hanna Tähti (FIN) and Erik Walum (SWE) will act in the election committee.

§3.The annual meeting of Scandinavian Society of Cell Toxicology will be held in Hotel Hilton in Hilton Prague, Pobřežní 311/1, 186 00 Prague 8 – Karlín, Czech Republic on Sunday 24th of August , 2014, at 16-18 in meeting room Karlin 2 in connection with the 9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in Life Sciences. No workshop will be organised.

§4.BEMF Award ceremony will be held in the 9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in Life Sciences, Prague.

§5.Workshop of 2015 with the Annual meeting will be organised by SweTox in Sweden, Södertälje, (about 40 km south of Stockholm) on October 13-15/10. The topic will be:Mechanisms, markers and models (the 3 Ms)

§6.SweTox/Anna Forsby are responsible for the organisation.

§7.Renewed web-pages will be updated. Each board member should check the web page and give comments and proposals for renewing, if any.

§8.New members will be recruited. The member list will be checked (are all the members listed and are there members that have not paid the member fee)

§9.Updated SSCT-brochure will be published electronically. It will be updated by chairperson.

§10.The co-operation with the BEMF (Björn Ekwall Memorial Foundation) will be continued. The BEMF award will be given to recognised scientist.