Annex № 3


Art. 1.This pricelist shall regulate the pricing and deadlines for the preparation and submission of standard and specialized statistical products and services.

Art. 2.The standard and specialized products and services shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Statistics, Rules of procedure of theNSI and the Rules for dissemination of statistical products and services of the NSI.

Art. 3.The fees for the provision of statistical informationunder theTariff fees collected by the National Statistical Institute under the Law on Statistics shall be not subject to this methodology.

Standard statistical products and services

Art. 4. Standard statistical products and services:

(1)Provision of information by an official answer (cover letter)-the value of information services shall be formed as follows:

1. The value of informationcalculated under Art. 7;

2. Official letter- 9.60 BGN.

(2)Production and providing information:

  1. Information included in the list of the standard statistical indicators–free of charge:

-In the IS „Infostat” („Free of charge statistical data”, „Specific requests for statistical data”);

-On requests, received by e-mail or in the Reception desk.

  1. Information not included in the list of the standard statistical indicators –against payment:

-In the IS „Infostat” („Paid databases”, „Specific requests for statistical data”);

-Under contracts and/or agreements;

-On requests, received by e-mail or in the Reception desk.

Art. 5.The final cost of the statistical products (services) provided against payment shall be complex and shall be formed depending on the requested user criteria (territorial levels, economic activities, kind of ownership and other classification groups), number of identifiers, number of databases used in implementing the request, complexity in control of confidentiality, etc.

Art. 6.Negotiated price shall be determined as follows:

(1) Development of special software, additional electronic processing associated with regrouping and carrying out additional arithmetic and logical operations and application of more complex statistical and mathematical methods in order to obtain derivatives and analytical indicators, preparation of specific outputs and breakdowns requested by the user.

(2) Provision ofgeo-referenced information based on analysis of the user-defined criteria.

Art. 7.The value of information provided according to Art. 4, para 2, point 2 shall be formed as follows:

(1) In production and provision of information by requested user criteria (territorial levels, economic activities, kind of ownership, form of financing and other classification groupings):

1. Through IS „Infostat” („Paid databases”):

Depending on the number of column cells / Coefficient of confidentiality1
Column cells-number / Price of column cell - BGN / Percent / Coefficient
up to 50 / 0.42 / from 0.1% to 20% / 1.5
from 51 to 100 / 0.36 / from 20.1% to 40% / 2.0
from 101 to 250 / 0.30 / from 40.1% to 60% / 2.5
from 251 to 500 / 0.24 / from 60.1% to 80% / 3.0
from 501 to 1000 / 0.18 / over 80% / 3.5
over 1000 / 0.12

1Depending on the calculated per cent of confidential column cells the relevant coefficient shall be accrued.

2. By e-mail or on electronic carrier:

Depending on the size of the file
Size of the file / Price- BGN
from 1 to 100 КВ / 3.30 BGN per КВ
from 101 to 500 КВ / 330 BGN + 1.20 BGN for each КВ of the excess over100 КВ
from 501 to 1000 КВ (1 МВ) / 630 BGN + 0.60 BGN for each КВ of the excess over500 КВ
over 1 МВ / 930 BGN. + 0.60 BGN for each КВ of the excess over 1МВ

3. On paper:

Number of pages / Price -BGN
1 page / 13.20 BGN
from 2 to 5 pages / 13.20 BGN + 12.00 BGN for each pagefrom the 2ndto the 5th page
from 6 to 10 pages / 13.20 BGN + 9.60 BGN for each page from the 2nd to the 10th page
over 11 pages / 13.20 BGN + 8.40 BGN for each page after the first one

(2) Production and provision of aggregated datafrom statistical surveysrequested by the user through the IS „Infostat” („Specific requests for statistical data”), on request on paper or by e-mail:

1. Basic price depending on the number of indicators:

Number of indicators / Price - BGN
1 / 120
from 2 to 30 / 222
from 31 to 50 / 336
from 51 to 100 / 402
over 101 / 504

2. Basic price depending on the territorial breakdown:

Territorial breakdown / Price - BGN
Total for the country / 180
For one statistical region / 240
For all statistical regions / 540
For one district / 180
For all districts / 360
For one municipality / 60
Up to five municipalities in the district / 300
Over five municipalities in the district / 390
For all municipalities in the country / 2700
For one settlement / 60
For all settlements in the municipality / 450
For all settlements in the country / 5100
  1. Basicprice depending on the number of activities(sector/section/group/classof CEA-2008):

Number - activities, sectors, sections, groups, classesof CEA-2008 / Price-BGN
For 1 / 120
From 2 to 10 / 180
From 11 to 50 / 240
From 51 to 100 / 300
From 101 to 500 / 330
Over 501 / 360

(3) Forming of a list of statistical units(enterprises or individuals/households):

1. Basic price on user-defined criteria depending on the number of enterprises:

Number of enterprises / IS „Infostat” / Request on paper or by e-mail
Price per enterprise - BGN
Up to 100 / 1.20 / 2.40
From 101 to 500 / 1.14 / 1.80
From 501 to 1000 / 1.08 / 1.74
From 1001 to 5000 / 1.02 / 1.68
From 5001 to 10000 / 0.96 / 1.62
Over 10000 / 0.60 / Negotiated price - starting price 16200 BGN, the price for each enterprise over 10000 shall be not less than 0.60 BGN per enterprise

2. Basic price depending on theidentifiers for each enterprise:

Number of enterprises / Identifiers/Price - BGN
Name / UIC / CEA / Address
Up to 100 / Regardless of the number of identifiers - 1.62 BGN per enterprise
From 100 to 500 / 0.30 / 0.48 / 0.48 / 0.30
From 501 to 1000 / 0.30 / 0.42 / 0.42 / 0.30
From 1001 to 5000 / 0.24 / 0.42 / 0.42 / 0.24
From 5001 to 10000 / 0.24 / 0.36 / 0.36 / 0.24
Over 10000 / Negotiated price - starting price 12000 BGN

3. Basic price for sample formation from individuals or households (anonymised individual data):

а) For one individual-0.72 BGN;

b) For one household-1.50 BGN.

4. Development of representative samples for households surveys:

а) For one individual-1.50 BGN;

b) For one household-2.40 BGN.

5. Demographic projections of population per administrative-territorial or territorial unit (АТTU):

а) For one АТTU-30 BGN;

b) For one ATTU by sex and age -48BGN.

(4) Control of confidentiality shall be made for the information provided to the userand a relevant coefficient shall be accrued from 2.0 to 6.0.

(5) В зависимост от спецификата на изискванията на потребителя цените се завишават с коефициент на сложност от 2.0 до 5.0.

(6) According to the number of the databases used in implementingthe request the price of service shall be increased by coefficients as follows:

1. One database-1.0;

2. From 2 to 5 databases-1.4;

3. From 6 to 10 databases-1.5;

4. Over 10 databases-1.6.

Specialized statistical products and services

Art. 8.Specialized statistical products and services:

(1)Preliminary research and analysis of capabilities for preparation of requested specialized statistical product - from 12 to 30 BGN depending on the complexity of research.

(2)Preparation of a report for the code of economic activity (CEA) and registered copy of report:

Name of service / Price - BGN
Standard order
(within 3 working days) / Fast order
(within 2 working days) / Express order(within 8 hours)
Preparation of a report for the code of economic activity of the enterprise
  1. On the basis of the presented annual report of the activity

Main activity for one year / 12 / 24 / 36
Main activity for two years / 18 / 36 / 54
Main activity for three years / 24 / 48 / 72
Main activity for more than three years / 24 + 6 for each subsequent year / 48 + 12for each subsequent year / 72 + 18for each subsequent year
Main activity and additional activities for one year / 18 / 36 / 54
Main activity and additional activities for two years / 24 / 48 / 72
Main activity and additional activities for three years / 30 / 60 / 90
Main activity and additional activities for more than three years / 30 + 12for each subsequent year / 60 + 24for each subsequent year / 90 + 36 for each subsequent year
Letter reply :
- in case of a declaration of inactivity;
- without stated net revenues from sales;
- in the case of non-provided compliance between the content of the ARA and stated economic activity. / 12 / 24 / 36
2. In case of non-provided ARA
Letter reply / 9.60 / 19.20 / 28.80
Provision of report for main indicators for economic and financial status of the enterprise and code of main economic activity / 13.20 / 26.40 / 39.60
Preparation of a registered copy of presented to the NSI statistical report
Up to 10 pages / 18 / 36 / 54
From 11 to 30 pages / 36 / 72 / 108
Over 30 pages / 45 / 90 / 135

(3)Preparation of translations from Bulgarian to English of statistical information products onthe request of users - 12 BGN for one standard page.

(4) Price for copying:

1. for one A4 page-0.12BGN;

2. for one A3 page-0.24BGN.

(5)Prices for recording information on a CD - 2.40BGN, incl. thecarrier.

Deadlines for provision of information products and services on request

Art. 9.The deadline for the preparation and provision of standard and specialized statistical products and services shall beup to 10 working days.

Art. 10.Express or fast information service can be provided with the opportunity for the implementation as the value and the deadline for implementation of the service shall be determined as follows:

(1)Express order - within 8 hours after the application/one working day after the submission of the request in the Document registry unit of the NSI, and the value of the service shall be 3 times the basic price.

(2)Fast order - within 2 working days after the application /two working days after the submission of the request in the Document registry unit of the NSI, and the value of the service shall be 2 times the basic price.

Art. 11.The deadline for the preparation and provision of standard and specialized statistical products and services requiring additional processing and checking for confidentiality shall be negotiated.

Art. 12.The deadline for the implementation shall start:

  1. For free of charge requests and requests worth up to 100 BGN–from the day, following the date of submission of the request in the Document registry unit of the NSI;
  2. For requests worth from 101to 5000 BGN-after confirmation of payment;
  3. For requests worth over 5000 BGN–after conclusion ofan agreement (contract) in accordance with the achieved agreements.


§ 1.This pricelist shall be issued pursuant toArt.10,para. 2of Rules for the dissemination of statistical products and services of the NSI.

§ 2.The prices are VAT included.

§ 3.The payment of the negotiated prices shall be made ​​in BGN oraccording to the terms of specific contract.

§4.In casethe NSI shall fulfill users' requests from abroad the payment shall be made in foreign currency according to the exchange rate of Bulgarian National Bank on the day of payment.

§ 5.The payment for services against payment of the IS „Infostat”shall be made as follows:

1. With cardthrough ePay;

2. With code for payment at any office of EasyPay;

3. Payment by bank transfer;

4. Payment by virtual post terminal;

5. Payment in cash inthe cashier’s office of the NSI Head Office.

§ 6. The paymentfor otherstatistical products and services shall be made as follows:

1. In cash in the cashier’s office of the NSI Head Office and RSO against the issue of proof of payment;

2. Payment by bank transfer.

§7.The Pricelistshall enter into force on the date of its approval by the President of the NSI.