
SC Farm Bureau Headquarters

Cayce, SC

April 1, 2014

I.Call to Order

  1. Invocation

Minutes were presented and approved.

  1. Ag Ed Report – Billy Keels

Billy reported ont eh new set up for the 12-month reports and funding requirements. Copies were presented to the board and he requested suggestions once the board had a chance to look over the document.

He stated that they are still working to find funding to fill the position once occupied by Chris Corzine. They are working with Dr. Layton, Dr. Dobbins, and the Provost to make this happen. He requested a letter of support for the funds from the SCAAE board if they saw fit to do so. Robert made the motion to offer support of our board in the form of a letter for the funding needed to fill the position. Kip Beam seconded. Motion passed.

  1. Plant Presentation – Steve Sanderson

Steve reported on Plant Presentation Day and informed everyone of the parking information and needs for speakers, etc.

  1. Community Service Activity—Mindy Sandifer

Mindy stated that she had arranged to visit the Harvest Hope Food Bank and participate in some community service activities there if anyone was interested in participating. She hopes for that this type of project will grow in the future for Plant Presentation Day afternoon events.

  1. Region Meetings

Keith went over agenda items for the upcoming region meetings.

Michael Crim made the motion to rename the Distinguished Teacher Award the Clark Woods Distinguished Teacher Award. Kip seconded. Motion passed.

The award will be presented to the Clark Woods family this summer and future years will be presented as the Clark Woods Distinguished Teacher Award.

Keith stated that State FFA Convention would include a concert by Doug McCormick on Wednesday evening.

The FFA application award deadline is April 15th.

Michael discussed the WLC trip and encouraged everyone to participate.

The Leadership Center has posted the camping program online and there are some new requirements on what to bring with the addition of paint ball to the rotations. Students may not bring their own paint ball guns.

The Young Farmer Summer Tour will be held in Saluda/ Newberry on July 25/26. Applications for SCYFAA awards will be July 31st for Young Farmer of the Year and Agribusiness. All others are due by Dec. 1st.

Billy discussed the End of Course Assessment. The test is now mandatory by the SC Dept. of Ed. There is no minimum score at this point and it has been tweeked annually during the pilot. The average score has been in the 60’s range. This test is only for program completers.

  1. Summer Conference—Derrick Cooper
  2. Date – July 22 – 24
  3. Housing – Clarion Hotel Myrtle Beach
  4. Proposed Schedule
  5. Pre-Conference Activities
  6. Workshops
  7. Banquet
  8. Review Program
  9. Awards
  10. Plaques and Certificates
  11. Social
  12. Other

Derrick stated that he posted a survey about the conference pre-workshop on turfgrass and received it back from 53 people with 96% planning to attend the conference and 85% interested in the pre-activity. The conference overview was presented.

Billy presented the workshop ideas for the conference.

Derrick will make adjustments to the program assignments. Kevin will present awards to retirees, Mindy will handle award plaques/ checks. The social this year will be held next door to the hotel at The Boathouse.

Billy asked the board’s opinion of a pre-conference activity with the possibility of a turfgrass workshop followed by Pelicans baseball game. This would be an added cost to registration.

  1. Update on Lesson Plan grants

Rose Tolson was presented the $50 check for the Lesson Plan Mini-grant. Mindy suggested a snapshot of her for the slideshow at the banquet and an invitation to her to attend.

  1. Other Business

Region V summer event was discussed. Blake and Mindy cannot attend. Michael Crim, Robert Bollier, and Derrick will attend to represent SC in Alabama.

The Business and Education Summit has requested a speaker for the division meeting on Monday, June 23rd.

Annette asked about the legislative breakfast possibly being held during the Legislative Day activities and SCACTE would like to partner on the event. Several members of the board expressed a concern that the breakfast would conflict with students meeting with legislative personnel. Mindy suggested having the event during the morning of Plant Presentation Day in the Spring instead.

Pat Earle has requested $150,000 to be placed in the budget for roofs at camp. It has passed the House and they are hopeful it will pass in the Senate and the Governor as well.

Keith asked about the Teach Ag event during FFA convention. Mindy stated that she would handle setting it up and ordering the shirts.

Mindy presented an updated Treasurer’s Report. It was approved as presented.

The meeting was adjourned at 7pm.

Minutes Respectively Submitted by Mindy Sandifer