Name of Student:School:
Age:DOB: M F Spanish/Hispanic/Latino: Yes No
African American White Asian Am. Indian/Alaskan Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Other
History of severe or life-threatening allergy: Yes No If known, specify type of allergy:
If yes, was the allergy known by the school? Yes No
History of anaphylaxis: Yes No If yes, was anaphylaxis known by the school? YesNo
Previous epinephrine use: Yes No If yes, was epinephrine administered at school? YesNo
Diagnosis/history of asthma:YesNo If yes, was asthma rescue inhaler available? YesNo Asthma EAP?Yes No
Allergy/AnaphylaxisIHP/EAP in place? YesNo Specific order for epinephrine? Yes No Available at school?Yes No
Incident Date Timea.m. p.m. Reaction began: before during after school.
Trigger that precipitated the allergic episode, if known: Food Insect Sting Latex Medication Exercise Unknown
If food was a trigger, specify which food:______other:
If food was a trigger, specify if food was: Ingested Touched Inhaled Unknown Other:
How did exposure occur?
Symptoms developed: Classroom Cafeteria Health Office Playground PE Athletic field Bus other
Symptoms: (Check all that apply)
RespiratoryGastro-Intestinal Skin Cardiac/Vascular Other
Cough Abdominal discomfort Swelling Chest discomfort Diaphoresis
Difficulty breathing Diarrhea Flushing Cyanosis Irritability
Hoarse voice Difficulty swallowing General itching Dizziness Loss of consciousness
Congestion/runny nose Mouth itching General rash Faint/Weak pulse Metallic taste
Swollen (throat, tongue) Nausea Hives Headache Red eyes
Shortness of Breath Vomiting Lip swelling Hypotension Sneezing
High-pitched breathing Localized rash Tachycardia
Tightness (chest, throat) Pale
Epinephrine Administered:ClassroomCafeteriaHealth RoomPlaygroundPE Athletic FieldBusother:
1st dose of epinephrine given by: EMSStudent (self) School Nurse 1stResponder Coach/PE teacherother:
Time: 1st dosea.m.p.m. Notification of: EMSa.m. p.m. Parent/Legal Guardian:a.m. p.m.
Was a 2nddose of epinephrine required? Yes NoUnknown If yes, time 2nd dose administered: a.m. p.m.
2nddose administered by: EMS Student (self) School Nurse 1stResponder Coach/PE teacher other
Did rebound of symptoms occur (biphasic reaction)? Yes No Unknown
Time EMS transported to ER:a.m. p.m. Hospitalized? Yes No Unknown
Parent/Legal Guardian: Arrived at school before EMS transport Met EMS/student at hospital other:
Was an epinephrine auto-injector prescribed? Yes No Allergy/Anaphylaxis IHP/EAP provided for school? Yes No
Form completed by (name/title):Date:
Form reviewed by principal:Date: