SBPT/ILT Team Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Lynda Mortis, Katherine Mykins, Laura Cutaia, Tracey Tyra, Carol Hogerman, Christy Ottmar, Roseann DiProspero, Sarah Jacka, Karen McCann, Mary Marianetti, Laniece Simmons, Connie Wehner
Accept Minutes from8-19-15 / -Minutes approved with following corrections: Correct spelling of DiProspero, -Add Teacher Constituency Representatives-Christy Ottmar to Special Areas & ESOL, Carol Hogerman to 4-5, Mary Marianetti to TA’s & Paras and Parents
Ground rules- establish and approve- Include subcommittee for PD / -Reviewed and revised Ground Rules previously established from the NRCS 2012-2013 manual. See attached manual for HBM50.
Establish meeting dates and times / -Going to attempt 2 meetings per month with the exception of shorter months, in addition to subcommittee meetings
-Next meeting: 09/21 @ 2:45-4:15 p.m.
-October 14, 28 @ 2:45-4:15 p.m.
-November 9 @ 2:45-4:15 p.m.
AIMSWEB / -Need to create a subcommittee of the SBPT to address RTI (DiProspero, Ottmar, Jacka, Tyra)
-Kelly Simbari will be creating Data Notebooks with grades K-6
-AIMSWeb is mandated for grades K-2, optional for grades 3-8 with the understanding that a Research Based Progress Monitoring tool must be used for an AIS plan (ie: Compass, Reading Mastery, LLI, First in Math, Corrective Reading, Wilson, Fundations, Lexia, iXL)
Agenda items for next meeting
10/14 / -Approve minutes from 9/9/15
-Approve ground rules from 9/9/15
-Report out from subcommittee of AIS
-Create the agenda that focuses on the SCEP, tenets, and progress monitoring
-Look at dates for future meetings
Action Item / Person Responsible / Date Due
Contact RTA for election of another rep / Carol Hogerman / 9/9/15
Contact parents for another rep / Mary Marianetti / 9/21/15
Subcommittee of AIS / Roseann DiProspero, Christy Ottmar, Sarah Jacka, Tracey Tyra, Connie Wehner / 9/9/15
Subcommittee for Professional Learning / Karen McCann, Carol Hogerman, Kathie Mykins, Laura Cutaia, Connie Wehner / TBD by Kathie Mykins
Read revised ground rules (see attached) / All members / 9/21/15