Box 70580 Johnson City, TN 37614-1708 Fax: (423)439-2070
Associate Dean (423)439-2019 Financial Services (423)439-2035
Admissions and Records (423)439-2033 Student Support Services (423)439-2037
Request for Professional Judgment
In accordance with federal regulations pertaining to educational student loans, the Qullen College of Medicine establishes an annual standard educational budget for all students based on expected tuition, fees, books, supplies, housing, etc. The Quillen College of Medicine may take into account extenuating circumstances to make adjustments to a student’s educational budget, as determined by federal guidelines. Adjustments must be reasonable and documented. Specific documentation is required for each situation. Listed below are the base guidelines for professional judgments. Students requesting consideration for adjustments should complete and sign this form, attach required documentation and deliver/mail or email to the Quillen College of Medicine, Office of Financial Aid. Incomplete forms or documentation will not be processed. Access to federal regulations pertaining to professional judgments can be found at
Dependent Care Allowance: Child care for dependent children under the age of 18 may be
allowable if provided by and HRS-approved child care center, and agency-approved au pair, or
anon-HRS approved child care provider who is not an immediate family member. Students
mustprovide a copy of a statement from child care provider to include beginning date of
childcare, amount to be charged per week less any deductions for holiday or sick days.
Excessive Medical/Dental Expenses: Medical or dental expenses not covered by
insurancemay be considered. Students must provide documentation for out of pocket expenses
andreceipts of payments. Additional documentation may be requested if necessary.
Vehicle Expenses: Tire replacement (maximum lifetime allowance) and other vehicle
repairsthat may be needed in addition to regular normal vehicle maintenance may be
taken into consideration. Documentation such as invoice for tires/repairs with date of
purchase/repair and receipt of payment for vehicle services. Vehicle identification number (VIN)
should also be on the invoice.
Technology Allowance: All entering medical students are required to have a personal laptop
computer appropriately configured to be compatible with the QCOM classroom internet network,
ETSU facilities, and Desire2Learn (D2L) on the web. Students may find it necessary to
purchase a handheld device. Total approval amount for a laptop purchase is $1,500, total
approval amount for a handheld device is $500. Students needing to purchase any technology
equipment may have the cost included in their educational budget for student financial aid
purposes. Proper documentation to include detailed sales invoice with date of purchase and
receipt of payment to be provided to the QCOM Office of Financial Aid. Date of
purchase/payment must fall within the student’s educational budget for the academic school
By signing this form, you are requesting consideration for adjustment to your educational budget.
Student Signature Date Banner ID