No / Year of publication and authors / Age / Gender / Signs and symptoms / Preoperative diagnostics / Tumor markers / Surgery / Location / Type / Size / Grade of dysplasia / presence of invasion / Invasion / Type of invasive carcinoma / Margins involved / Metastases
at the time of surgery or presentation / Survival
1# / 1989
Morohoshi et al.
[29] / 77 / M / No / NG / CEA and CA19-9 within normal limits / Distal subtotal pancreatectomy / Body / MDT / 2.5 cm / Lower than high / - / - / - / - / Alive, without disease at 18 months
2# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 52 / M / Abdominal pain, diabetes / NG / NG / Subtotal pancreatectomy / Head / NG / 1.6 cm / High-grade / - / - / - / - / Alive, without disease at 36 months
3# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 78 / F / Diarrhea, diabetes / NG / NG / Total pancreatectomy / Head, body and tail (2 separate neoplasms) / NG / 4 cm and 10 cm / High-grade / - / - / - / - / Death on 12th postoperative day
4# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 73 / F / Bloating, diabetes / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy, completion pancreatectomy after recurrence / Head / NG / 6 cm / High-grade / - / - / Pancreatic margin / - / Local recurrence (24 months), death without disease at 60 months
5# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 69 / M / No / NG / NG / Distal pancreatectomy / Tail / NG / 6 cm / High-grade / - / - / Yes (type of involved margin not precised) / Liver (detected by CT, no biopsies were taken) / Death on 15th postoperative day
6# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 62 / F / Gastric ‘pressure’, nausea, high glucose blood level / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head, body / NG / 7 cm / High-grade / - / - / Yes (type of involved margin not precised) / - / Alive, without disease at 7 months
7# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 65 / M / Obstruction of vena cava, diabetes / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 13 cm / High-grade / - / - / No / - / Death without disease at 30 months
8# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 39 / M / Pancreatitis / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 4 cm / High-grade / - / - / No / - / Alive, without disease at 36 months
9# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 66 / M / Pancreatitis / NG / NG / Distal pancreatectomy / Body, tail / NG / 15 cm / High-grade / - / - / No / - / Alive, without disease at 5 months
10# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 74 / M / Pancreatitis / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 2.5 cm / Microinvasive carcinoma / Stroma adjacent to the cysts / Tubular / No / No / Alive, without disease at 1 month
11# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 64 / F / Epigastric discomfort / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 5.5 cm / Invasive carcinoma / Pancreatic parenchyma, vascular invasion / Tubular / No / No / Alive, without disease at 1 month
12# / 1996
Adsay et al.
[17] / 43 / F / Epigastric discomfort / NG / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 2 cm / High-grade / - / - / Yes (type of involved margin not precised) / - / Alive, without disease at 1 month
13# / 1998
Jyotheeswaran et al.
[30] / 69 / F / Epigastric discomfort / In CT multilocular cyst, dilatation of mid and distal main pancreatic duct,
in ERCP dilatation of main pancreatic duct, excretion of mucin / CEA and CA19-9 within normal limits
1 year prior surgery / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 5.8 x 4.7 x 3.7 cm / High-grade with single focus suspicious for invasion / Stroma / Tubular / No / No / Alive, without disease at 12 months
14# / 1998
Thompson et al.
[31] / 37 / M / Weight loss, early satiety, malaise, abdominal discomfort, palpable mass / In CT multiloculated mass,
core biopsy of pancreatic mass / NG / No surgery, evaluation for abdominal transplant surgery / Head / NG / 12 x 10 x 8 cm / Invasive carcinoma / NG / NG / - / Liver / NG
15# / 1999
Nobukawa et al.
[32] / 51 / M / No / In ERCP dilatation of main pancreatic duct, tumor extending from the orifice to the duodenum / NG / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / accessory pancreatic duct / NG / Invasive carcinoma / Duodenal invasion / Mixed / NG / Lymph nodes / Death in postoperative period
16 - 24
(9 cases) / 2001
Luttges et al.
[8] / 43-72 (mean 58) / 4M,
5F / NG / NG / NG / NG / 7 x Head,
2 x Head and body / NG / 2.1 -5.5 CM (mean 4 cm) / High-grade dysplasia / - / - / NG / - / NG
25 - 26 (2 cases) / 2001
Luttges et al.
[8] / 66 and 77 / 1M,
1 F / NG / NG / NG / NG / 2 x tail / NG / 9.8 and 11 cm / Invasive carcinoma / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
27# / 2002
Patel et al.
[33] / 73 / M / Recurrent pancreatitis / In ERCP cystic dilatation of main pancreatic duct in body and tail;
in MRCP irregular pancreatic duct and cystic mass in tail, in
brushings of the pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma / CA19-9:
44 U/ml (normal < 37) / Distal pancreatectomy, splenectomy / Tail / MDT / 2.5 cm / Invasive carcinoma / pancreatic parenchyma / Tubular / Invasive carcinoma within 1 mm of radial margin / No / Alive, with disease at 48 months; local recurrence and liver metastases at 42 months, adjuvant chemotheraphy (5-Fu) and radiation therapy
28# / 2002
Noji et al.
[34] / 68 / F / Fatty liver / In US, CT, MRI multilocular cystic mass, dilatation of main pancreatic duct, in ERCP communication of lesion and main pancreatic duct / NG / Distal pancreatectomy / Tail / NG / 12 x 6.5 x 4.9 cm / High-grade dysplasia / - / - / NG / - / Alive, without disease at 15 months
29 - 33 (5 cases / 2004
D’angelica et al.
[50] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
34 - 52
(19 cases) / 2005
Chung et al.
[21] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
53 - 55 (3 cases) / 2005
Albores-Saavedra et al.
[51] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / 3.3 - 5.1 cm / Invasive carcinoma / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
56# / 2005
Shima et al.
[35] / 79 / F / Epigastralgia / In CT multiloculated mass with mural nodule, in ERCP mildly dilated main pancreatic duct with a filling defect, cytology with no signs of malignancy / Tumor markers within normal limits / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / BDT / 2.8 x 2.1 cm / Moderate grade dysplasia / - / - / NG / - / Alive, without disease at 36 months
57 / 2006
Chetty et al.
[52] / 64 / F / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / Moderate grade dysplasia / - / - / NG / - / NG
58 / 2006
Zen et al. [14] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / High / - / NG / - / NG
59 - 67
(9 cases) / 2006
Khayyata et al.
[23] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
68 - 72
(5 cases) / 2006
Ban et al. [22] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / Borderline / NG / NG / NG / NG
73 / 2007
Ohike et al.
[53] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / IPMN with oncocytic component / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
74 - 87
(14 cases) / 2007
Andrejevic-blant et al.
[28] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / 4 cases of invasive carcinoma and 5, 1, and 4 cases with low-grade, moderate grade and high-grade dysplasia, respectively / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
88 / 2007
Yamaguchi et al.
[54] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / High-grade dysplasia / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
89 / 2007
Yamaguchi et al.
[54] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / Invasive carcinoma / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
90# / 2007
Oku et al.
[36] / 76 / F / Nausea / In US, CT, MRI, EUS monocular cystic mass with mural nodule and calcification, in ERCP segmental stenosis and dilatation of main pancreatic duct, no communication with a cyst, no secretion of mucin / CEA: 2.4 ng/ml (normal <5), CA19-9:
11.7 U/ml (normal <37) / Distal pancreatectomy, splenectomy / Body / NG / 7.5 x 5.5 x 5 cm / Low-grade / - / - / NG / - / Alive, without disease at 9 months
91 / 2007
Ishida et al.
[6] / 55 / M / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / BDT / NG / High / - / - / NG / - / Alive, without disease at 18 months
92# / 2007
Hibi et al.
[9] / 46 / M / Abdominal pain / ERCP with collection of pancreatic juice for cytological analysis after secretion stimulation / NG / NG / Head / MDT / NG / Invasive carcinoma / NG / NG / NG / NG / Died of disease at 7 months
93# / 2007
Hibi et al.
[9] / 64 / M / No / ERCP with collection of pancreatic juice for cytological analysis after secretion stimulation / NG / NG / Head / MDT / NG / Invasive carcinoma / NG / NG / NG / NG / Alive, with disease at 20 months
94# / 2007
Hibi et al.
[9] / 68 / M / No / ERCP with collection of pancreatic juice for cytological analysis after secretion stimulation / NG / NG / Head / MDT / NG / Invasive carcinoma
(mixed pancreaticobiliary and oncocytic) / NG / NG / NG / NG / Died of disease at 6 months
95# / 2008
Kato et al.
[37] / 69 / F / Right hypochondriac pain / In ERCP dilation of main pancreatic duct, communication with a cysts, no excretion of mucin, in US, CT, MRI cystic lesion with mural nodules, hypervascular septa, thick wall and no invasion, very strong uptake in FDG-PET / CEA and CA19-9 almost normal / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / NG / 9.1 x 7.5 x 4.5 cm / High-grade dysplasia / - / - / NG / - / Alive, without disease at 18 months
96# / 2008
Sanada et al.
[38] / 63 / F / Back pain / NG / NG / Distal pancreatectomy / Body / MDT / 3 cm / Invasive carcinoma / NG / Mixed / NG / NG / NG
97 / 2008
Fukushima et al.
[55] / 69 / M / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / 2.5 cm / High-grade dysplasia / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
98 / 2008
Fukushima et al.
[55] / 74 / M / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / 1.5 cm / High-grade dysplasia / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
99- 118
(20 cases) / 2009
Chen et al.
[24] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
119 -125
(7 cases) / 2009
Furukawa et al.
[25] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / MDT – 4 cases, BDT - 3 cases / NG / 5 cases with high-grade dysplasia, 2 invasive carcinomas / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
126 - 132
(7 cases) / 2009
Hsu et al.
[26, 27] / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG / NG
133# / 2009
present study / 74 / M / Epigastric discomfort / In CT pancreatic mass in main pancreatic duct / NA / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / MDT / 4 cm / Invasive carcinoma / Pancreatic parenchyma, duodenum / Tubular / No / Lymph nodes / Died with disease at 12 months
134# / 2009
present study / 66 / F / Abdominal pain / NA / NA / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / MDT / 2.5 cm / Invasive carcinoma / Pancreatic parenchyma / Tubular / No / No / NA
135# / 2009
present study / 63 / F / Abdominal pain / NA / NA / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / MDT / 3 cm / Invasive carcinoma (focal gastric-foveolar differentiation in non-invasive component) / Pancreatic parenchyma, duodenum / Tubular / No / No / NA
136# / 2009
study / 60 / F / Abdominal pain, cholestasis / In US, CT, and MRI multilocular cystic mass / NA / Pancreaticoduodenectomy / Head / MDT / 6 cm / Invasive carcinoma / Pancreatic parenchyma, duodenum / Mixed / No / No / Alive with disease (liver metastases) at 30 months,
palliative chemotherapy
# cases submitted for detailed study, in which minimumavailable data of individual patients (patient’s age and gender, tumor localization and grade of dysplasia/presence of invasion) were described
US – ultrasonography, CT – computed tomography, MRI – magnetic resonance imaging, ERCP – endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, FDG-PET - 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, NG – not given, NA – not available