RDES SBDM AgendaSeptember 30, 2013 3:30 pm

Opening Business

  1. Call Roll (make sure member attendance is recorded in minutes)

SBDM Members present: Lee Ann Morvai, Tara Bennett, Meg Heister, Nick Sevastakis, Mary Rainwater, Janet Brown, Beth Carpenter

SBDM Member absent: April Wood

  1. Agenda Approval

Motion for approval Janet Brown, motion seconded by Meg Heister, & all in favor of the motion.

  1. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

Motion for approval Tara Bennett, motion seconded by LeeAnn Morvai, & all in favor of the motion.

Student Achievement

  1. Achievement Data Report

KPREP data discussion

The KPREP data was presented to SBDM members. Discussion was held regarding how students were scored on KPREP (both percentages and points determine the overall score.) An example from a common core coach book of a reading passage for 5th grade was shown to SBDM members. This allowed parents an opportunity to see the length of the passages students must read while taking the criterion-referenced portion of the KPREP assessment. RDES SBDM staff members shared work from data analysis that were held on September 25th. The need to work on reading stamina of students in a timed setting in order for completion of the reading portion of the assessment on KPREP was identified in all grade levels. Additional work with GAP groups and core program was also identified. Over the summer several teachers collaborated on development of the RDES core reading program. The core reading program detailed required blocks of reading instruction to ensure all teachers building wide were using the same language and teaching students according to the essential blocks of an effective core reading program. Current work with district wide math coaches and building math leaders guide the work in math. Many plans for continued growth and improvement began in the summer months. Teachers will continue to revisit these plans throughout the year during common planning meetings.

  • GAP goals

A GAP goal was established in the area of reading and math. The focus groups for this work will include students of poverty and students identified special education. The goal set by RDES SBDM is 59.4. This goal was listed in the school report card as a 2015-2016 goal in the area of reading and math. Continued work with these populations will occur throughout the year.

  • Overall goal

An overall goal was discussed based on a number from the school report card. However, this number was only for reading and math proficiency. Ms. Carpenter tabled the approval of an overall goal until further clarification was received from Central Office. The overall goal will be established and placed on the agenda for approval for the October 21st SBDM meeting.


Attendance Report

Monthly Reports

Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar
Attendance / All / 97.52 / 96.48
1st / 97 / 95.85
2nd / 97.21 / 96.55
3rd / 98.11 / 96.22
4th / 97.52 / 97.12
5th / 97.90 / 96.66


Council Operations

  1. Policies and Procedures
  2. 2nd reading of By Laws

Motion for approval Meg Heister, motion seconded by LeeAnn Morvai, & all in favor of the motion.

  1. New business


Next Meeting: October 21st, 2013 4:00 pm