Section J, Attachment J-10







A.The following, together with any attachments, is hereby submitted as a Subcontracting Plan to satisfy the applicable requirements of Public Law 96-507.

1.The following percentage goals (expressed in terms of a percentage of total planned subcontracting dollars) are applicable to the contract cited above or to the contract awarded under the solicitation cited.

(a)Small Business concerns: ______% of total planned subcontracting dollars under this contract will go to subcontractors who are small business concerns.

(b)HUBZone Small Business: ______% of total planned subcontracting dollars under this contract will go to subcontractors who are HUBZone small business concerns.

(c)Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns: ______% of total planned subcontracting dollars under this contract will go to subcontractors who are small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. This percentage is included in the percentage shown under A.1 (a).

(d)Women-Owned Small Business concerns: ______% of total planned subcontracting dollars under this contract will go to subcontractors who are small business concerns owned and controlled by women. This percentage is included in the percentage shown under A.1. (a).

(e)Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business concerns ______% of total planned subcontracting dollars under this contract will go to subcontractors who are veteran-owned small business concerns.This percentage is included in the percentage shown under A.1 (a).

(f)Veteran-Owned Small Business concerns ______% of total planned subcontracting dollars under this contract will go to subcontractors who are veteran-owned small business concerns.This percentage is included in the percentage shown under A.1. (a).

2.The following dollar values correspond to the percentage goals shown in 1. above.

(a)Total dollars planned to be subcontracted to small concerns

$ ______.

(b)Total dollars planned to be subcontracted to HUBZone small business concerns $ ______.

(c)Total dollars planned to be subcontracted to small disadvantaged business concerns: $______.

(d)Total dollars planned to be subcontracted to women-owned small concerns $ ______.

(e)Total dollars planned to be subcontracted to service disabled veteran-owned small concerns $ ______.

(f)Total dollars planned to be subcontracted to veteran-owned small concerns $ ______.

3.The total estimated dollar value of all planned subcontracting (to all types of business concerns) under this contract is $ ______

4.The following principal products and/or service will be subcontracted under this contract, and the distribution among small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabledveteran-owned small business, and veteran-owned small business concerns:

(Products/services planned to be subcontracted to small business concerns as follows: to HUBZone small business by 1; to small disadvantaged business concerns by2, to women-owned small business by 3, to service disabled veteran- owned business by 4, and veteran-owned small business concerns by 5).




5.The following method was used in developing subcontract goals (i.e. Statement explaining how the products and service areas to be subcontracted were established, how the areas to be subcontracted to small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabled veteran- owned business, and veteran-owned small business concerns were determined and how their capabilities were determined, to include identification of source lists utilized in making those determinations).



6.*Indirect and overhead costs (check one below):

have beenhave not been

*Included in the goal specified in A.1. & A.2. above.

7.If “have been” is checked, explain the method used in determining the proportionate share of indirect and overhead cost to be allocated as subcontracts to small business concerns and small disadvantaged business concerns:





B.The following individual will administer the subcontracting program:







This individual’s specific duties, as they relate to the firm’s subcontracting program, are as follows:

1.General overall responsibility for this company’s Small Business Program, the development, participation, and execution of individual subcontracting plans and for monitoring performance relative to contractual subcontracting requirements contained in this plan, including but not limited to:

(a)Developing and maintaining bidder’s lists of small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned small business concerns from all possible sources.

(b)Assuring inclusion of small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned small business concerns in all solicitations for products or services which they are capable of providing.

(c)Ensuring the establishment and maintenance of records of solicitations and subcontract award activity.

(d)Attending or arranging for attendance of company counselors at Business Opportunity Workshops, Minority Business Enterprise Seminars, Trade Fairs, etc.

(e)Monitoring attainment of proposed goals.

(f)Preparing and submitting periodic subcontracting reports required.

(g)Coordinating contractor’s activities during the conduct of compliance reviews by Federal agencies.

(h)Coordinating the conduct of contractor’s activities involving its small business subcontracting program.

C.The following efforts will be taken to assurance that small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business,service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned small business concerns will have an equitable opportunity to compete for subcontract:

1.Outreach efforts will be made as follows:

(a)Contacts with minority, small and women business trade associations.

(b)Contacts with business development organizations.

(c)Attendance at small, minority and women business procurement conferences and trade fairs.

2.The following internal efforts will be made to guide and encourage buyer:

(a)Workshops, seminars, and training programs will be conducted.

(b)Activities will be monitored to evaluate compliance with this subcontracting plan.

3.Small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business,disabled veteran-owned business , and veteran-owned small business concerns source lists, guides, and other data identifying small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned small business concerns will be maintained and utilized by buyers in soliciting subcontracts.

D.The bidder (contractor) agrees that the clauses entitled “Utilization of Small Business Concerns," will be included in all subcontracts which offer further subcontracting opportunities, and all subcontractors except small business concerns who receive subcontracts in excess of $700,000 ( or $1,500,000 for construction of a public facility) will be required to adopt and comply with a subcontracting plan similar to this one. The acceptablility of percentage goals shall be determined on a case-by-case bsasis depending on the supplies/services involved, the availability of potential small and small disadvantaged subcontractors, and prior experience. Once approved and implemented , plans will be monitored through the submission of periodic reports, and/or, as time and availability of funds permit, periodic visits to subcontractors’ facilities to review applicable records and subcontracting program progress.

The bidder (contractor) agrees to submit such periodic reports in the required format (see clause FAR 52.219-9)and cooperate in any studies or surveys as may be required by the contracting agency or the Small Business Administration in order to detemine the extent of compliance by the bidder with the subcontracting plan and with the clauses entitled “Utilization of Small Business Concerns", and "Small Business Subcontracting Plan," contained in the contract.

F.The bidder (contractor) agrees that he will maintain at least the following types of records to document compliance with this subcontracting plan:

1.Small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned business concerns sources lists, guides, and other data identifying small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned business concerns vendors.

2.Organizations contacted for small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, service disabled veteran-owned business, and veteran-owned business concerns sources.

3.Records to support other outreach efforts: Contacts with Minority , Women and Small Business Trade Associates, etc. Attendance at small, women and minority business procurement conferences and trade fairs.

4.Records to support interal activities to guide and encourage buyer: Workshops, Seminars, training programs, etc. Monitoring activities to evaluate compliance.

5.On a contract-by-contract basis, records to support subcontract award data to include name and address of subcontractor.

6.Records to be maintained in addition to the above are as follows:






Typed Name:______



Page 1

SB/SDB Subcontracting Plan

Rev (03/2016)

Subcontractor Name: / Subcontract No.
FY ____ / FY _____ / FY _____ / FY ____ / FY ____ / TOTAL CONTRACT
$$ / % / $$ / % / $$ / % / $$ / % / $$ / %
Total dollars to be subcontracted
This subcontract offers no subcontracting possibilities.
Small Business
HubZone Small Business
Disadvantage Small Business
Woman-Owned Small Business
Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
Veteran-Owned Small Business
Buyer/Subcontract AdministratorDate
(Signature) /  DO DO NOT APPROVE
Procurement SupervisorDate
(Signature) /  DO DO NOT APPROVE
Diversity Subcontracting Program
Administrator (Signature) Date

Page 1

Small Business Goals

Rev (03/2016)