Materials World Network:

Multi-Scale Study of Chemical Vapor

Infiltrated Carbon/Carbon Composites


of the Second All-Project Meeting

Durham, NH, USA, 9/22 – 9/25/2009

  1. The second all-project meeting took place at the University of New Hampshire from 9/22 to 9/25/2009.
  1. Participants of the meeting:
  • University of Karlsruhe:

-Prof. Igor Tsukrov

-Prof. Todd Gross

-Borys Drach

-Nikolay Timoshchuk

  • University of New Hampshire:

-Prof. Thomas Böhlke

-Prof. Olaf Deutschmann

-Dr. Romana Piat

-Sven Lichtenberg

-Michael Buck

  1. Schedule of the meeting included the progress reports by the participating groups and the discussion of future plans, see attached Program. Also, the following presentations were made by the UKA participants:

Heterogeneous reaction systems: from molecular modeling to reactor optimization”- Prof. Olaf Deutschmann, a lecture at the UNH Materials Science Program Seminar, 9/23/2009

Elastic Properties of polycrystalline micro-components” - Prof. Thomas Böhlke, a lecture at the UNH Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar Series, 9/25/09

Material Parameter Identification of Inter-Penetrating Metal-Ceramic Composites” - Dr. Romana Piat, a lecture at the UNH graduate course “ME935 - Micromechanics of Composite and Porous Materials”, 9/25/09

  1. Discussed:
  • Progress of the research groups and their accomplishments during the 1st year of the project.
  • Plans for the next year as related to each group activities:

-Nano-image digital processing and modeling (Prof. Thomas Böhlke, Dr. Romana Piat)

-Interpretation of Nano-Indentation results of PyroC (Prof. Todd Gross, Nikolay Timoshchuk, Michael Buck)

-Developing of homogenization procedure on the micro scale (Prof. Igor Tsukrov, Borys Drach)

-Characterization of Pyro-C on various length scales (Dr. Boris Reznik, Dr. Romana Piat)

-Calculation of the H-tensor for pores extracted from μCT (Sam Wesley, Borys Drach, Prof. Igor Tsukrov, Dr. Romana Piat)

-Macroscopic tests on C/C composites (Prof. Todd Gross, Michael Buck)

-Study CVI process with ethanol precursor (Dr. Aijun Li, Prof. Olaf Deutschmann)

-Manufacture LT, MT, HT specimens for two different performs (6 specimens) (Sven Lichtenberg, Prof. Olaf Deutschmann)

-Prepare a set of single fiber specimens (Sven Lichtenberg, Prof. Olaf Deutschmann)

-Provide measurement results forCTEs coefficients of PyroC (Prof. Olaf Deutschmann & co-authors)

  • Plans for Michael Buck’s stay in UNH
  • Plans for NikolayTimoshchuk’s visit to Germany in summer 2010
  • Suggestions and corrections to the Project Web-Site
  • Dissemination activities (conferences 2009 – 2010):

-Carbon 2010

-ECCM 2010 (Deadline – November 20th)

-Workshop on Composites organized by KIT (Fall 2010 ???)

-GAMM conference(March 22-26)

-Budapest Composite Conference, June 7-10, 2010

  • Proposed research papers (the leaders of each effort are shown in parentheses, but participation of collaborators from both countries is strongly encouraged):

-Processing of nanographs and sub-micron properties of Pyro-C (Prof. Thomas Böhlke, Dr. Romana Piat)

-Homogenization on micro level (Prof. Igor Tsukrov, Borys Drach)

-Mesoscale homogenization (Dr. Romana Piat, Borys Drach, Prof. Igor Tsukrov)

-Thermoexpansional coefficients (Prof. Igor Tsukrov, Prof. Olaf Deutschmann, Borys Drach)

-Nanoindentation anisotropy (Prof. Todd Gross, Nikolay Timoshchuk)

-Multiscale modeling approach (Dr. Romana Piat, Prof. Thomas Böhlke, Prof. Igor Tsukrov)

  • Date for the next all-project meeting – to be decided

Materials World Network:

Multi-Scale Study of Chemical Vapor

Infiltrated Carbon/Carbon Composites


of the Second All-Project Meeting

Durham, NH, USA, 9/22 – 9/25/2009

Tuesday, 9/22/09

6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Arrival of the UKA delegation

Wednesday, 9/23/09

9:00 AM - Noon
Noon – 1:00 PM
1:10 PM – 2:00 PM
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
7:00 PM / Progress presentations by participating groups
-Igor Tsukrov
-Dr. Romana Piat
-Prof. Thomas Böhlke
-Nikolay Timoshchuk
-Borys Drach
Lunch in Philbrook Hall
UNH Materials Science Program Seminar
-Prof. Olaf Deutschmann
Heterogeneous reaction systems: from molecular modeling to reactor optimization
Progress presentations and discussions
-Dr. Romana Piat
-Prof. Olaf Deutschmann

Thursday, 9/24/09

9:00 AM - Noon
Noon – 1:00 PM
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
7:00 PM / Discussions and planning for the next year’s meeting and tasks
Lunch in Philbrook Hall
Tour to Prof. Karsten Kohl’s STM Lab

Friday, 9/25/09

9:00 AM - Noon
Noon – 1:00 PM
1:10 PM – 2:00 PM
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
7:00 PM / Group discussions
UNH Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar Series
-Prof. Thomas Böhlke
Elastic Properties of polycrystalline micro-components
Presentation at a UNH course on Micromechanics of Composite and Porous Materials
-Dr. Romana Piat
Material Parameter Identification of Inter-Penetrating Metal-Ceramic Composites

Saturday, 9/26/09

9:00 AM –1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM / Ocean trip to the Isles of Shoals
Lunch and excursion in Downtown Portsmouth
Trip to Adams Point, NH