K / Lesson:
Expression, melodic movement / Date:
Nov 29-Dec 5, 2016
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.3.K - with guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as voice quality, dynamics, and tempo).
MU:Cr1.1.Ka - With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour.)
Materials Needed:
❖ 2nd 9, Week 8 Flipchart
❖ Bluebird pointers & laminated sheets
❖ Backing track/headphones
❖ Laminated treble clef sheets/dry erase markers / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Show emotions with my music
● Show how my voice moves
How can a song tell a story?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Review I can statements & essential question
Activity 1 (15 min) / Do You Want to Build A Snowman
- Say “Welcome to winter in Music Land! Everybody, FREEZE! Today we will sing a popular song from Disney’s movie Frozen called “Do you Want to Build a Snowman?”
- Play track.
- Say “Winter is my favorite time of the year! What do you like to do in the winter? Select students to answer.
- Say “Who sings this song in the movie? (Anna) Who is she singing to? (Her sister, Elsa). What does she want? (She wants attention from her sister). Say “What is she wishing for? How do you feel when you’re wishing for something?
- Ask “How do you feel when you are playing with your friends? Select students to answer. (i.e. happy, excited, cheerful). “How does this music make you feel?” Let students know that music can make you feel a certain way. I.e. “Rain, rain go away”…..(makes me feel sad). “Happy Birthday” (makes me feel happy. Demonstrate for students
- Switch to tempo: Tell students we have different tempos in the music. Play part of song with rit. Ask students if the music gets faster or slower?
- Have students echo by phrases just the (ALL) sections for them to learn and sing along.
- Play song again leading students to sing along.
Activity 2 (15 min) / Bluebird Through My Window (use next sheet with lines)
● Review song with students.
● Have students sit criss-cross on the mat and select student volunteer to pass out laminated sheets and pointers.
● Students should rest their pointer on the first “bird” to begin. Show students how to touch the birds on their paper and sing by guiding them with the promethean board image.
Activity 3 (10 min) / So-Mi singing & Treble Clef Island Notes Assessments
Divide students into two groups for assessments. Check for so-mi singing autonomously with backing track and laminated sheets for treble clef island notes.T
Closure (5 min) / ● Review I can statements and class score
● Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
1st / Lesson:
Musical Rehearsal / Date:
Nov 29-Dec 5, 2016
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:PR5.1.1a With limited guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances.
Materials Needed:
❖ Mics
❖ Script
❖ Sheet music for songs
❖ Music stands
❖ piano / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Sing with others
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(3 min) / Get students set up on the stage risers and stage floor
Activity 1 (5 min) / Rehearse “Christmas Comes from the Heart”
Practice sign language movements.
Activity 2 (5 min) / Aussie Jingle Bells
Teach new lyrics to Jingle Bells tune and lead students in singing.
Activity 3 (10 min) / . Rehearse Christmas Down Under
Rehearse without lyrics to practice memorization
Activity 4 (8 min) / Rehearse ”Singing by Candlelight”
Divide class between boys and girls for separate parts
Activity 5 (5 min) / Rehearse Kooky is a Kookaburra
Whoever is identified as Kooky character should practice playing didgeridoo during the song.
Activity 6 (5 min) / Rehearse Kangaroo Hop
Practice movements.
Closure (5 min) / Dismiss 5 minutes early to line up and communicate any announcements.
2nd / Lesson:
Musical songs, expressive qualities / Date:
Nov 29-Dec 5, 2016
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.3.2 - demonstrate understanding of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) and how creators use them to convey expressive intent.
MU:Pr5.1.2b - Rehearse, identify and apply strategies to address interpretive, performance, and technical challenges of music.
Materials Needed:
❖ 2nd 9, Week 8 Flipchart
❖ Sheet music for musical songs / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Show expression in music
● Sing melody and harmony
How can we sing harmony?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play while students enter
Review I can statements and essential question .
Activity 1 (10 min) / Introduce Kumbaya
● Divide students into groups for harmony parts based on voice type.
● Identify 8 total soloists to sing melody. (split into 2-parts)
● Rehearse song
Activity 2 (15 min) / Woke Up This Morning
Rehearse song working on memorization and expression
Activity 3 (15 min) / Do You Want to Build A Snowman
- Say “Welcome to winter in Music Land! Everybody, FREEZE! Today we will sing a popular song from Disney’s movie Frozen called “Do you Want to Build a Snowman?”
- Play track.
- Say “Winter is my favorite time of the year! What do you like to do in the winter? Select students to answer.
- Say “Who sings this song in the movie? (Anna) Who is she singing to? (Her sister, Elsa). What does she want? (She wants attention from her sister). Say ““What is she wishing for?”
- Ask “How do you feel when you are playing with your friends? Select students to answer. (i.e. happy, excited, cheerful). “How does this music make you feel?” Let students know that music can make you feel a certain way. I.e. “Rain, rain go away”…..(makes me feel sad). “Happy Birthday” (makes me feel happy. Demonstrate for students
- Switch to tempo: Tell students we have different tempos in the music. Play part of song with rit. Ask students if the music gets faster or slower?
- Have students echo by phrases just the (ALL) sections for them to learn and sing along.
- Play song again leading students to sing along.
Activity 4 (5 min) / This Little Light of Mine
Time permitting
Closure (5 min) / ● Review I can statements and class score
● Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
3rd & 4th / Lesson:
Cultural music / Date:
Nov 29-Dec 5, 2016
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Re7.2.3a - Demonstrate and explain citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical.
Materials Needed:
❖ 2nd 9, Week 8 Flipchart
❖ Who Invited You? book
❖ Music Express student magazines Dec 2016 - “Feliz Navidad” / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Chant and dance to a folk poem
● Sing songs from around the world
What determines a style of music?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play “I’ve been working on the railroad” when students enter.
Review I can statement and essential question (remind students about folk music and what elements contribute to the sound)
Activity 1 (20 min) / I’m a Comin’ Along
When students are in a large circle, teach the poem “I’m a-Comin’ Along. Teach:
○ line by line
○ couplets
○ the entire poem
● When the poem is learned, choose a volunteer to join you in the middle of the circle
● Ask each student to couple up with the student next to them, then to turn to face their partner so that couples have their backs to other couples
● Ask couples to echo you as you teach the movements for “I’m a-Comin’ Along”.
○ I’m a-Comin’ Along: Shake right hand with partner
○ To dance a jig and sing a song: keep holding right hand, shake left hand with partner
○ It may be rude…. I’m A-Comin’ Along: Holding hands crossed, turn 8 steps in full circle - ending back in original spot
● Read the story. As each animal is introduced and announces that they are “comin along” - students in the circle will recite the poem, adding the movement game.
(for reference)
Activity 2 (15 min) / Feliz Navidad
- Let students know they are going to learn a song from another culture and to get us in the holiday mood!
- Say “This is a macaronic song.” Ask students if they know what that means. Put definition on the board - the mixture of two languages in one text. Tell students to raise their hand when they hear Spanish being sung and put their hand down when they hear English.
- Play song for students
- Show vocabulary words on board 1) syncopation, harmony, & macaronic.
- Point out the sections that demonstrate syncopation and harmony and explain.
- Have students echo rhythm phrase by phrase to learn the song.
Activity 3 (5 min) / Treble Clef review
● Using the promethean flipchart, display a treble staff. Remind students that the treble clef wraps itself around G. Display a blank staff. Draw a treble clef and reiterate that it curls around G. Explain that this clef is also known as G clef.
● Ask students one at a time to come to the promethean and draw a treble clef. (could have some writing in a small group on laminated sheets to speed up the process.)
● When students have all participated, play “I Knew You Were Treble” by Jeanette Young
Closure (5 min) / ● Review I can statements and class score.
● Hand out the good class note.
5th / Lesson:
Breath control, mass choir songs / Date:
Nov 29-Dec 5, 2016
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Re7.2.5b - Demonstrate and explain citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical.
MU:Cr2.1.5b - Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document personal rhythmic, and two-chord harmonic musical ideas.
Materials Needed:
❖ 2nd 9, Week 8 Flipchart
❖ Music Express student magazines Dec 2016 - “Feliz Navidad”
❖ Music Express student magazines Aug/Sept 2016 - “Sing” / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
● Sing with others
● Show good breath control
Why are our lungs important for singing?
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play when students enter
Review I can statement and essential question. Play respiration video Discuss importance of breath control for singing.
Activity 1 (15 min) / Review “Sing”
● See how much students recall song from last week by singing along with the track.
● Continue working on remainder of the song by having students echo rhythm then pitches.
Activity 2 (10 min) / Treble Clef Review
● Using the promethean flipchart, display a treble staff. Ask students to show a thumbs up if they recognize the symbol. Tell students that the treble clef wraps itself around G. Display a blank staff. Draw a treble clef and reiterate that it curls around G. Explain that this clef is also known as G clef.
● Ask students one at a time to come to the promethean and draw a treble clef.
● When students have all participated, play “I Knew You Were Treble” by Jeanette Young
Activity 3 (10 min)
We can shorten this lesson for 5th grade if we need to work on mass choir songs more. / Feliz Navidad
- Let students know they are going to learn a song from another culture and to get us in the holiday mood!
- Say “This is a macaronic song.” Ask students if they know what that means. Put definition on the board - the mixture of two languages in one text. Tell students to raise their hand when they hear Spanish being sung and down when they hear English.
- Play song for students
- Show vocabulary words on board 1) syncopation, harmony, & macaronic.
- Point out the sections that demonstrate syncopation and harmony and explain.
- Have students echo rhythm phrase by phrase to learn the song.
Activity 4 (10 min) / Everything is Awesome
Have students echo rhythm, then pitches.
Closure (5 min) / ● Review I can statements and class score.
● Hand out the good class note.