Informal Enquiries to Ian Naylor 07989 258886
DIRECTORATE / Children and Young People’s Directorate
SERVICE / Learning and Achievement Service
POST TITLE / Music Development Coordinator
Fixed term 2 years
RESPONSIBLE TO / Music Service Assistant Manager (Access and Opportunities)
PURPOSE OF JOB / ·  To be responsible for setting up and ensuring the smooth running of the new Music Hubs in Sheffield.
·  To coordinate funding and partnership through a variety of national and local organisations and initiatives.
·  To set up and coordinate music projects and events for young people in Sheffield.
·  To ensure that projects and activities are evaluated by collecting and organising information in the forms of data and reports.
JOB DESCRIPTION FOR POST OF: Music Development Coordinator
·  To be responsible for coordinating a range of music projects and events for all age-groups from the very young through to whole families.
·  To be involved with the planning, design and implementation of music workshops and/or youth activities.
·  To ensure that projects are developed in line with national initiatives such as Every Child Matters, Music Manifesto and Musical Futures.
·  To coordinate large and small-scale events and concerts.
·  To apply for funding for projects and activities and work in partnership with a range of organisations who deliver music activities.
·  To work with the Assistant Music Service Manager (Access and Opportunities) to organise the recruitment, selection, induction and training of music staff.
·  To coordinate meetings and liase regularly with musicians, teachers and support staff.
·  To write reports on projects for a variety of recipients and to ensure that consultation is carried out on project plans and reports.
·  To ensure projects are evaluated by collecting and organising relevant data.
·  To organise music staff timetables and to communicate timetabling arrangements with all staff including support staff.
·  To identify, book and agree terms for appropriate venues.
·  To negotiate agreements with school and other stakeholders with regards to roles and responsibilities in projects.
·  To be an advocate for music making and help to spark enthusiasm in students, schools parents and communities.
·  To contribute to the day-to-day administration of after-school and holiday clubs and activities including registers and subscriptions.
·  To work with the Assistant Music Service Manager (Access and Opportunities) to set up and run new music hubs in areas of Sheffield with low involvement in music activities.
·  To identify areas of Sheffield where a music hub could be successful and to consult with potential partners including community centres, schools, parents and children.
·  To work with the Assistant Music Service Manager to write a two-year plan for the music hubs with budgets.
·  To be the first line of contact for hub schools, community groups and musicians and to develop strong working relationships.
·  To apply for funding and to work with partners to complement music hub activity.
·  To manage and monitor the music hubs budget alongside the Music Service Office Manager to ensure proper use of funds.
·  To be responsible for the re-branding and marketing of Sheffield Music Service in order to reach a wider audience.
·  To liase on a regular basis with Sheffield City Council Website and IT officers to develop and maintain web communication and to contribute information to the Learning Platform.
·  To be responsible for the dissemination of information and regular communication with schools, families and all stakeholders as appropriate.
·  To attend meetings of the SMS Management Team and/or Administration Team as appropriate.
·  To coordinate the events and projects diary into the SMS calendar.
·  To take responsibility for professional development including self-evaluation and appraisals.
·  To undertake advice and training where appropriate.
·  To be available for work on evenings, weekends and school holidays on a flexible basis.
·  To attend conferences and meetings both locally and nationally.
·  To ensure compliance with the data protection act.
·  To work within an Equal Opportunities policy that ensures that no pupils are disadvantaged nor excluded on the grounds of race, gender, class or special educational needs.
·  To be aware of Health and Safety issues and administrative staff responsibilities in relation to their work and that risk assessments are up-to-date and acted upon.
The postholder must at all times carry out his/her responsibilities within the spirit of the City Council’s policies and procedures, in particular the Council policies on Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety and also, within the framework of the Education Acts.

The postholder must at all times carry out his/her responsibilities within the spirit of the City Council’s Policies and Procedures, in particular the Council Policies on Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety and also, within the framework of the Education Act 1996.

ISSUE DATE: October 2008


Minimum Essential Requirements / Method of Assessment
Skills and Knowledge
Ability to communicate with a wide range of people / Application/Interview/Reference
Excellent organisational skills / Application/Interview/Reference
Ability to manage and coordinate arts projects from scratch including budget setting and management. / Application/Interview/Reference
Ability to select, consult on and commission publicity / Application/interview
Excellent written skills / Exercise
Good time manager / Exercise/Reference
Ability to work individually and in a team context. / Interview/Reference
Competent IT skills including websites, email and use of Microsoft Office applications. / Application/Interview/Exercise
A music degree or music qualification / Application
Substantial experience as an administrator or coordinator. / Application
Experience of working with the community (including schools) in an educational or arts context. / Application/Interview
Experience of running current IT and communications systems. / Application/Exercise

C:\Documents and Settings\NACY3067T\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1BD\Music Development Coordinator JD.doc