COMBAT Section president
Info-line: ++33 6 63 98 65 74
(Théodore ASLAMATZIDIS)Paris, on March 1st, 2009
To all Clubs of Sambo E S.F. and F.I.A.S. + sections U.N.C.U. and F.I.S.U.
Subject: 9th Sambo Great Prize of Paris (G.P.P.S.)
Date :Saturday May 23, 2009
1. French-SamboUniversitary Cup - Category Students (M/W)
2. Combat-SamboInternational tournament Seniors Category (M/W)
3. International Sambo Grand Prix of Paris, Seniors Category (M/W)
Dear sporting friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the competition mentioned above on the weekend of May 23, 2009 inParis. You will find all information concerning accommodation, the schedules and the general program of the demonstration in the appendices with this invitation.
The Universiade is opened to F.F.S.U., U.N.C.U. and F.I.S.U. licensees.
The Tournament and the Great Price are opened to C.N.S. and F.I.A.S. licensees, according to guidelines below:
French-SamboUniversitary Cup
This international competition of sport-Sambo is exclusively open to students (French and foreign) Seniors Category (born in 1990 and before). At the time of the weighing, the Samboist will choose one of the following levels:
Level «Beginners», from yellow belt to blue belt,
Level«Confirmed»,from blue belt.
Please remember to register by writing "Beginner" or "Advanced" on the engagement sheets in the "Categories"box.
The categories of weight retained are as follows:
Men:–52; –57; –62; –68; –74; –82; – 90; –100 et +100 Kg
Women: –48; –52; –56; –60; –64; –68; –72; –80 et +80 Kg
In the Advanced and in the Beginners categories, according to the number of engaged in each category of weight, the categories having less than two engaged athletes will be merged with the immediately superior weight category.
The rules applied are those of C.N.S. and F.I.A.S sport-Sambo.
International tournament of Sambo-combat
This international competition of sport-Sambo is open to the Seniors Category (born in 1990 and before), F.E.S. or F.I.A.S. registered athletes.
At the time of the weighing, the Samboist will choose in one of the following levels:
1°)-For all full Samboists, i.e. the candidate practising only Sambo on the day of the demonstration and no other martial arts. We count on the loyalty and the honesty of each professor:
-Level «Beginner», from yellow belt to blue belt,
-Level«Advanced»,from blue belt.
2°)-For other martial arts sportsmen:
-Beginner:to have no more than one year of practice (any martial art),
-Advanced: to have more than one year of practice (any martial art)
Please remember to register by writing "Beginner" or "Advanced" on the engagement sheets in the "Categories" box.
The categories of weight retained are as follows:
Men:–52; –57; –62; –68; –74; –82; – 90; –100 et +100 Kg
Women: –48; –52; –56; –60; –64; –68; –72; –80 et +80 Kg
In the Advanced and in Beginners categories, according to the number of athletes engaged in each weight category, the categories having less than two engaged athletes will be merged with the immediately superior weight category .
The rules applied are from C.N.S. 2009 decisions: for the Beginner level, the rules is “Honneur”, for the advanced level the rules are “Excellence”. For more information please contact Mr Kris CANALES, in charge of french refereeing
International Sambo Great Prize Sambo of Paris
This international competition of sport-Sambo is open to Seniors Category (born in 1990 and before), F.E.S. or F.I.A.S. registered athletes.
The weight categories retained are as follows:
Men:–52; –57; –62; –68; –74; –82; – 90; –100 et +100 Kg
Women: –48; –52; –56; –60; –64; –68; –72; –80 et +80 Kg
According to the number of engaged athletes in each weight category, the categories having less than two engaged athletes will be merged with the immediately superior weight category.
The rules applied are those of C.N.S. and F.I.A.S. sport-Sambo.
The guidelines of participation are as follows:
1°)- Return of the confirmation of inscription of each club, accompanied by the sheets of engagement before Friday May 15, 2009 by courriel or telefax 00 33 562 276 007, then payment on the spot.
The foreign participants must also have an International personal INSURANCE which covers every kind of medical expenses abroad and which include France and every extra travelling back expenses.
Transfers, displacements, lodging as well as the meals are the responsibility of the participants.
Each foreign club must bring its flag like its national anthem.
2°)- Participation fees:
a)Clubs affiliated to the F.F.S.U., U.N.C.U. and with the F.I.S.U. (with student card): exemption from payment of engagement fees for the Student tournament.
b)Clubs affiliated to E.S.F. or F.I.A.S. (with athlete’s book): 10 Euros per athlete and for both Saturday (Sambo-combat) (Sport-Sambo) tournaments.
c)free Entry for the public
With the pleasure of welcoming you all for the best of Sambo,
Jean-Claude CERUTTIPresident of French National Committee of Sambo / Théodore ASLAMATZIDIS,
Paris University Club,
Combat Section President
(Senior Students Category – Men/Women – Beginners and Advanced)
(Senior Category – Men/Women – Beginners and Advanced)
(Senior Category – Men/Women – Beginners and Advanced)
May 23, 2009at the Charlety Stadium of PARIS(75)
Sunday, May 23, 2009:
8:00 - 9:00 AM:Welcoming of the Athletes and Weighing
9:00 AM:Opening of the room, warming up
Meeting of the Referees
9:30 AM:Beginning of the competitions
3:30 - 4:00 PM:Finals
4:30 PM:Rewards
5:00 PM:Friendly drink (Organizers, Officials, Athletes). End of the event