Dear Parents,27 July 2011
Save the Date!Parenting Workshop in aid of Jo’burg Child Welfare
Saturday 24 September 2011, 09h00 – 13h00 ( Heritage Day )
How often have you looked at your offspring and wondered where the manual is! Most parents would agree that parenting today is a challenge and parents need all the help they can get in their quest to raise healthy, happy, well-adjusted children.
With this in mind, Jo’burg Child Welfare (JCW) is pleased to announce the first in what we anticipate will be a series of workshops, aimed at parents, that will provide valuable advice and guidance in raising their children. St Andrew’s School for Girls has very kindly agreed to host the inaugural event at the school.
Speakers:Nikki Bush Parenting on the Run Parents today are busy. Being able to parent
creatively - on the run - makes your parenting journey easier and much more fun. In this acclaimed talk, creative parenting expert and author, Nikki Bush, introduces the concept of cheating time and turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, helping parents to give away the guilt they so often feel.
Sally Thorp While there is concern about an increase in bullying, there seems to be less emphasis placed on boundaries and discipline. Many children whose only significant role models are the TV, Internet and peers. In many instances, values seem to be side lined by the strongly materialistic focus, the stresses of living and surviving and the greater resulting challenges that face us all. Life Talk for Parentstackles the issues that are currently causing much concern. As is often reported in the media, and by schools and parents, pre-teens face a number of tough issues and challenges.
Justin CohenUnleashing your child’s full potential. Justin Cohen is one of the top motivational speakers in South Africa. Based in Africa he works internationally. His presentation will focus on how to encourage your child to be a spirited positive individual who is able to identify his/her undiscovered potentials.
Event details:
St Andrew’s School for Girls, Allister Rogan Auditorium (ARA),
Saturday 24 September 2011
09h00 – 13h00
R250.00/person (this includes tea and coffee at registration and a light lunch)
RSVP by Tuesday 20 September 2011
A variety of great raffle prizes will be up for grabs!
What to do with your child whilst you attend the workshop?If you would like to attend and are unsure about what to do with your child, we have arranged for ‘Artjamming’to keep the little ones busy. For an additional cost of R250.00, your child will be given the opportunity to explore his/her creative side under the trees. Your child will be given a canvas and provided with all the necessary materials to create a work of art that will go home after the workshop. This cost includes something to eat and drink. Space is limited to 30 children, so please book early.
The workshop is not limited to parents of St Andrew’s School for Girls, so feel free to invite other moms, dads, friends and colleagues that may be interested. The proceeds from this, and future workshops will go directly towards JCW’s child protection and care activities. For more information about the work being done by Jo’burg Child Welfare , please visit or drop me a mail at and I will send you additional information.
Please complete the registration form and fax it, along with proof of payment, to 011 298 8591
With kind regards
Tracey Pitout
Event co-ordinator
Jo’burg Child Welfare
011298 8500
Booking form: Johannesburg Child Welfare Parenting Workshop hosted by St Andrew’s School for Girls
Saturday 24 September 2011 – 09h00 to 13h00
Workshop - R250.00 per person
Artjamming – R250.00 per child
Name: ______
E-mail: ______
Cell: ______
Number of people attending: ______
Number of children going to Art jamming: ______
Total Payment: ______
Bank details:
Jo’burg Child Welfare
Standard Bank
Branch: Library Gardens
Branch code: 001005
Account number: 000790060
* NB Reference: StA Name (eg. StA JONES)
FAX to: 011298 8591 or email:.