
Save in your folder as Software Piracy

Type your name above.

Print out the sheet with your name on it.


Got to this site: ----

Check out your source. Type your answers to these questions in your Software Piracy file:

Who runs this website?

Do you think it can be trusted? Give 3-4 reasons why or why not?

Now make a pie chart, line graph and column chart from the information as indicated below.

  1. 3rd paragraph; Pie Chart
  2. Study highlights: Piracy rates in different countries: Column graph
  3. Increase in commercial value of pirated software 2010 to 2012: Line graph

All data and graphs are to be in ONE workbook (you will end up with 6 sheets)

All information must be entered on a spreadsheet.

All graphs need to be on their own sheet.

All graphs/charts must have proper capitalization in titles.

All graphs/charts must have a title.

All axes must be labeled.

Now follow the instructions for each graph.


  1. _____On data table: Wrap the title in cell A1.
  2. _____On data table: Left align the information in all the cells
  3. _____On data table: Make the first column background yellow
  4. _____On data table: Format the numbers to be percent,
  5. _____Put labels on the data points indicating the numbers in the data area.
  6. _____Include a legend. Put the legend on the right of the graph. Make sure it doesn’t just say series 1, series 2 etc. Make it a meaningful legend!
  7. _____*This is all that should appear on the graph

Column Chart

  1. _____On data table: Shrink the title to fit in cell A1.
  2. _____On data table: Format the numbers to be percent, decimal, dollars or whatever the number format most appropriate.
  3. _____Make a pictograph by using a .gif or .jpg on the bars. (PICTURES ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR CLASS FOLDER)
  4. _____Stack and scale to produce a meaningful chart.
  5. _____*This is all that should appear on the graph

Line Graph

  1. _____On data table: Center the title over the data (use the Merge command)
  2. _____On data table: Center the information in all the cells
  3. _____On data table: Make the first column font blue, comic sans font
  4. _____On data table: Format the numbers to be percent,
  5. _____Only show major grid lines.
  6. _____Make the plot area red.
  7. _____*This is all that should appear on the graph—no legend, no additional features, just the data with the grid lines and plot area.

To Finish Assignment:

  1. _____ (9) Put the contents of the Word document (the answers to the questions about the web pages) on the appropriate data table (not graph) in Excel. Use Copy and paste
  2. _____ (10 pts) Save the book in your folder; then save to the folder SPREADSHEETS in the class folder. If you need help, please ask!