Answers to Review Questions

to accompany

Environmental Geology

Seventh Edition

Carla W. Montgomery

Northern Illinois University

Instructor’s Manual to accompany

environmental GEOLOGY, sixth edition

carla W. montgomery

Published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, an imprint of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas,

New York, NY 10020. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003, 2000, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986. All rights reserved.

The contents, or parts thereof, may be reproduced in print form solely for classroom use with Environmental science, provided such reproductions bear copyright notice, but may not be reproduced in any other form or for any other purpose without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.


List of Transparencies

List of Slides

Section I Foundations

1 An Overview of Our Planetary Environment 1

2 Rocks and Minerals—A First Look 3

Section II Internal Processes

3 Plate Tectonics 4

4 Earthquakes 6

5 Volcanoes 8

Section III Surface Processes

6 Streams and Flooding 10

7 Coastal Zones and Processes 12

8 Mass Movements 14

9 Geology and Climate: Glaciers, Deserts,

and Global Climate Trends 15

Section IV Resources

10 Water as a Resource 18

11 Soil as a Resource 20

12 Mineral and Rock Resources 21

13 Energy Resources–Fossil Fuels 23

14 Energy Resources–Alternative Sources 25

Section V Waste Disposal

15 Waste Disposal 27

16 Water Pollution 29

17 Air Pollution 31

Section VI Other Related Topics

18 Environmental Law 33

19 Land-Use Planning and Engineering Geology 35

Montgomery: Environmental Geology, 6/e Transparency List

Transparency # Figure # Title

1 1.3 A Chemically Differentiated Earth

2 1.4 Earth History Equated to a 24-Hour Day

3 1.14 Population Distribution by Region

4 1.17 Global Population Density Distribution

5 2.7A Interlocking Silica Tetrahedra in a Sheet Silicate

6 2.12 Rock Cycle

7 3.5 Locations of Volcanoes and Earthquakes

8 3.6 Principal World Lithospheric Plates

9 3.7 Shaded Relief Map of the World

10 3.9 Formation of Magnetic "Stripes" on the Sea Floor

11 3.10 Age Distribution on Sea Floor

12 3.11B A "Polar-Wander Curve"

13 3.19 Hawaiian-Emperor Volcanic Chain

14 3.20 Current Motions of Major Plates

15 3.22 The Rock Cycle Interpreted Through Plate Tectonics

16 4.3 Elastic Rebound

17 4.5 World Seismicity, 1979-1988

18 4.9 Zones of Different Mercalli Intensity from 1886 Charleston


19 4.14 Ground Shaking from Loma Prieta Earthquake

20 4.18 Tsunami Travel Times to Hawaii

21 4.24 Anatolian Fault Zone

22 4.25 California Earthquake Probabilities Map

23 4.26 Waste Disposal Correlated with Earthquakes Near Denver

24 4.29 U.S. Seismic-Risk Map

25 4.30 Seismic-Wave Propagation

26 4.32B Earthquakes of Magnitude Over 3.0 in Western Canada

27 5.2 Relationships of Volcanic Activity to Plate Tectonics

28 5.3 Common Volcanic Rocks and Their Plutonic Equivalents

29 5.5 Selected "Hot Spots" Around the World

30 5.17 Pyroclastic Volumes and Casualties from Major Volcanic


31 Box 5 Fig. 1A Hazard Map of Kilauea's East Rift Zone

32 5.31 Cascade Volcanoes

33 5.32 Historic Mudflows from Mount Rainier

34 5.35B Yellowstone Caldera

35 5.36 Track of North America Over Yellowstone Hot Spot

36 6.2 Streams and Drainage Basins

37 6.3 Discharge Equals Channel Cross Section Times Velocity

38 6.10 Meandering and Floodplain Development

39 6.14 Mississippi River Hydrographs

40 6.18 Flood-Frequency Curves

41 6.27 Consequences of Deliberate Flooding of Grand Canyon

42 7.6 Tides

43 7.9 Effects of Longshore Currents on Sand Movement

44 7.11A Sediment Redistribution Around Breakwater

45 7.22 Shore Profile Alteration Due to Storms

46 7.26 Coastal Topography After Hurricane Dennis, Rodanthe,


47 8.1 U.S. Landslide-Hazard Map

48 8.19 Effects of Development on Slope Stability

49 8.22 Geologic Cross Section, Vaiont River Valley

50 8.23 Vaiont Slide

51 9.4 Longitudinal Profile of Glacier

52 9.5B Sediment Deposition as Glacier Retreats

53 9.14 Atmospheric Circulation Patterns

54 9.22 Loess Distribution in Central U.S.

55 9.23 The World's Arid Lands

56 9.26B Degradation of Drylands

57 Box 9 Fig. 2 Temperatures in Year 2000 vs. 1951- 1999

58 9.28 Oxygen-Isotope Fractionation in Precipitation
59 9.31 Shoreline of North America During Ice Age

60 9.32 Greenhouse Effect

61 9.33 Rising Atmospheric CO2 Levels

62 9.36 Ice-Core Isotope, Gas, Temperature Data

63 9.37 Record of Rising Global Temperature

64 9.39A El Niño

65 R.2 GNP Correlation with Energy Consumption

66 10.1 Porosity and Permeability

67 10.2 Subsurface Water Nomenclature

68 10.3 Surface and Subsurface Drainage

69 10.8 Potentiometric Surface of Northern Illinois Aquifer System

70 10.11A Surface Subsidence Near Galveston

71 10.12 Saltwater Intrusion

72 Box 10 Fig. 1 Periodic Table

73 10.18 U.S. Water Budget

74 10.19 U.S. Precipitation

75 10.20 U.S. Regional Variations in Water Use

76 10.22 Water Sources and Disposition by Major Users

77 10.23 Withdrawal of Surface and Ground Water

78 10.24 Water Use for Irrigation

79 10.26 World Precipitation Trends

80 10.28 Changing Water Levels in Ogallala Formation

81 11.4 Generalized Soil Profile

82 11.8 Distribution of Major Soil Types

83 11.20B U.S. Soil Erosion by Wind and Water

84 11.23A Soil Degradation Worldwide

85 12.1 Distribution of Nonfuel Mineral Reserves

86 12.6B Precious-Metal-Producing Areas of U.S.

87 12.11 U.S. Per-Capita Mineral Consumption

88 12.13 U.S. Share of Global Consumption of Selected Minerals

89 12.14 Proportion of U.S. Mineral Needs Supplied by Imports

90 12.16 Groundwater Sampling for Mineral Exploration

91 12.18 Aerial Survey for Mineral Prospecting, Cuprite, Nevada

92 12.19 Mineral Exploration

93 13.1 Growth in Energy Consumption with Technological


94 13.2 U.S. Energy Consumption, 1949-1999

95 13.4 Petroleum Traps

96 13.5 World Oil and Gas Reserves

97 13.6 U.S. Energy Production by Source

98 13.15 World Coal Reserves

99 13.17 Distribution of U.S. Coal Fields

100 13.25 Canadian Deposits of Unconventional Petroleum Sources

101 13.26 Canadian Petroleum Resources

102 14.1 World Energy Production by Source

103 14.2 Regional Variations in U.S. Energy Consumption

104 14.3 Actual and Projected Vehicle Ownership

105 14.4 World Energy Consumption, Historic and Projected

106 14.5 Schematic of Nuclear Fission

107 14.9 Radioactive Iodine Cloud Spread After Chernobyl


108 14.13 Percentage of Nuclear Electricity by Country

109 14.15 Distribution of Insolation Over U.S.

110 14.20 Use of Geothermal Energy

111 14.22 Geothermal Power Plants Worldwide

112 14.27 Hydropower Generation in U.S.

113 14.28 U.S. Use of Renewable Energy

114 14.32 Shares of Fossil and Nonfossil Fuels in World Energy


115 15.1 Principal Sources of Solid Wastes

116 15.2 Industrial Solid-Waste Sources

117 15.3 Municipal Solid Waste Composition

118 15.4A Sanitary-Landfill Design

119 15.8 Disposal of Municipal Waste in Selected Countries

120 15.12 U.S. Municipal-Waste Trends

121 15.15 Trends in Municipal Waste Disposal

122 15.17A Secure Landfill Design

123 15.19 Septic Tank System

124 15.26 Waste-to-Energy Facility Design

125 15.27A Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Design

126 15.31 Seismicity in Southwestern U.S.

127 16.1 Calcium Cycle

128 16.2 Point Sources of Pollution

129 16.5 Arsenic in U.S. Ground Water

130 16.6B Widespread Occurrence of Herbicides and Pesticides in

U.S. Waters

131 16.10 Dissolved Oxygen in U.S. Surface Waters

132 16.12B Potential Nonpoint-Source Pollution from Fertilizer

133 16.15A U.S. Surface-Water Pollution, Point Sources

134 16.15B U.S. Surface-Water Pollution, Eutrophication

135 16.16 Variability in Groundwater Flow Rates

136 16.17 Groundwater Pollution in U.S.

137 16.24A Minerals Acidity

138 16.24B Acidic Conditions of Metals

139 16.25 Airborne Spectroscopic Scan

140 17.1 Global Carbon Cycle

141 17.2 U.S. Air Pollutant Sources

142 17.4B Reduction in Sulfur-Dioxide Emissions

143 17.7 Portion of Electromagnetic Spectrum

144 17.8 Seasonal Ozone Variations

145 17.9A Ozone Over Southern Hemisphere Since 1979

146 17.10 Negative Correlation of Ozone with ClO

147 17.11 CFCs and Ozone Destruction

148 17.12 Ozone Depletion Over Northern Hemisphere

149 17.16 Acidity of Rainfall Over U.S.

150 17.18B Thermal Inversion

151 Box 17 Fig. 1 Indoor Air Pollution Sources

152 Box 17 Fig. 2 Ranges of Radon Activity

153 18.4 U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone

154 18.6 Possible Resources in U.S. EEZ

155 18.7 Conflicting Antarctic Land Claims, Pre-Treaty

156 18.12 Better Building Codes Reduced Kobe Earthquake Damage

157 18.18B Alternatives to Trans-Alaska Pipeline

158 19.1A Land Use in U.S.

159 19.1B Land Converted to Developed Land

160 19.5 Land Ownership by State

161 19.9 Digital Representation of Geologic and Other Data

162 19.11 Areas of Rapid Development

163 19.26 Benefits and Issues Involved in Dam Construction

164 A.8 Combined Application of "Absolute" and Relative Dating

165 B.1 Contours and Relief

166 B.4 Sample Topographic Map

167 B.5 Sample Geologic Map (Wisconsin)

168 B.11B Geologic Cross Section

169 B.12 Development of Satellite Imagery

170 B.18 Use of Satellite Imagery to Map and Monitor Lahars,

Mount Pinatubo

Montgomery: Environmental Geology, 6/e Slide List

Slide # Figure # Title

1 1.2C Jupiter

2 1.11 Sandstone in Zion National Park

3 1.16 Landslide Below Cantagalo Rock, Rio de Janeiro

4 1.20 View from Mars Pathfinder

5 2.2D Calcite Crystals

6 2.3C Halite Crystals

7 2.10A Granite

8 2.10B Obsidian

9 2.10D Porphyry

10 Box 2 Figure 2 Chrysotile Asbestos

11 2.11B Shale

12 2.11C Sandstone

13 2.11D Conglomerate

14 2.11E Bryce Canyon, Utah

15 2.12C Schist

16 2.12D Gneiss

17 3.16 Satellite Image of Lake Tanganyika

18 3.18 Folded, Faulted Rock - Cook Inlet, Alaska

19 4.1A Collapse of I-880 in Loma Prieta Earthquake

20 4.11A Freeway Damage from 1971 San Fernando Earthquake

21 4.11B Freeway Damage from Northridge Earthquake

22 4.13 Pancake-Style Collapse after Mexico City Earthquake

23 4.16 Effects of Soil Liquefaction, Japan Earthquake

24 4.17 Sand Boils After Loma Prieta Earthquake

25 4.19 Flooding in Portage, Alaska, 1964

26 4.27C Turnagain Heights Landslide, 1964

27 4.27D Tsunami Damage, Kodiak, 1964

28 Chapter Opener 5 Weathered Ash Spires at Crater Lake

29 5.1A Wahalua Visitors' Center Aflame, Kilauea, 1989

30 5.7B Flood Basalts – Coulee City, Washington

31 5.8C Hawaiian Lavas

32 5.9A Mauna Loa, Low-Angle View

33 5.9B Hawaii, Satellite View

34 5.10B Dome, Mount St. Helens

35 5.11 Volcanic Breccia

36 5.12A Paricutin Volcano Erupting

37 5.12B Paricutin Showing Cinder-Cone Shape

38 5.13B Composite Volcano in The Aleutians

39 5.14 Formation of Lava Trees, Kilauea

40 5.16 Aftermath of 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens

41 5.20 Abacan River Mudflows, Pinatubo

42 5.21 Pyroclastic Flow, Mount St. Helens

43 5.25 Mount Pinatubo Erupting, June 1991

44 6.6A Mississippi River Delta

45 6.6B Alluvial Fan, Rocky Mountain National Park

46 6.8 Gravel Point Bar

47 6.9 Braided Streams

48 6.12 Damage from Big Thompson Canyon Flooding

49 6.13A Flooding, Davenport, Iowa, 1993

50 6.17 Mississippi River Flooding, 1993

51 Box 6 Figure 1 Antelope Canyon

52 6.25A Breached Levees

53 7.2 Oregon Coast with Rocky Cliffs

54 7.3B Beach Profile, Hawaii

55 7.4C Breakers on Oregon Coast

56 7.5A Sea Arch

57 7.7B Wave-Cut Platforms

58 7.8 Drowned Valley

59 7.13 Wave Refraction

60 7.14B Seawall

61 7.15 Barrier Islands

62 7.18B Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Before Move

63 7.25A Coastal Changes After Hurricanes, North Carolina

64 7.25B Coastal Changes After Hurricanes, North Carolina

65 7.25C Coastal Changes After Hurricanes, North Carolina

66 Chapter Opener 8 Slide in Denali National Park

67 8.3B Slope, California Coast

68 8.4A Cinder Cones, Haleakala Volcano

69 8.4B Sand Dune Slip Face

70 8.5 Venezuelan Landslide Damage

71 8.9A Nevados Huascaran Avalanche, 1970

72 8.9B Nevados Huascaran Avalanche, 1970

73 8.12 Talus, Devil's Postpile

74 8.16 Earthflows

75 8.17 Debris Avalanche, Alaska 1964

76 8.18 Thistle, Utah Slide, 1983

77 8.24B Mountainous Terrain Near Venezuelan Coast

78 8.27C Avalanche-Protection Structure

79 8.29B Slide Retention Structure

80 8.30B Failure of Slope-Stabilization Effort

81 8.33A Granite Domes, Yosemite

82 8.34B Avalanche Scars

83 8.35 Slump, Pacific Palisades, California

84 9.2 Aerial View of Alaskan Glaciers

85 9.7 U-shaped Glacial Valley

86 9.9 Glacial Striations

87 9.11 Till

88 9.12B Glacier with Terminal Moraine

89 9.15B Ventifact Rock

90 9.18B Snow Ripples

91 9.19B Migrating Sand Dunes

92 9.20 Crossbeds in Sand Dune

93 9.39A El Nino Conditions

94 10.16 Karst Topography, Satellite View

95 10.31 Mono Lake, CA After Diversion of Surface Water

96 11.3 Tree Roots Breaking Up Rock

97 11.5 Iron-Rich Hawaiian Soil
98 11.17B Gullying on Farmland

99 11.18B Strip Cropping

100 11.19C Terraced Farmland

101 Chapter Opener 12 Bingham Canyon Open-Pit Mine

102 12.2 Pegmatite

103 12.7A "Black Smoker" Chimney

104 12.17A South Africa, Satellite Photo, Dry Season

105 12.17B South Africa, Satellite Photo, Rainy Season

106 12.25A Spoil Banks

107 13.20 Abandoned Coal Strip Mine

108 13.23 Green River Formation Oil Shale

109 Chapter Opener 14 Old Faithful Geyser

110 14.23B The Geysers Geothermal Area

111 14.26 Glen Canyon Dam

112 14.31 Wind-Turbine Array

113 15.27B Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

114 15.29 Yucca Mountain Waste-Disposal Site

115 Box 16 Figure 2 Algal Bloom Covering a Pond

116 16.13 Sediment Pollution in Stream

117 16.14B Settling Pond

118 Box 19 Figure 1 Golf Course Near Chicago Built on Landfill

119 17.21 Air-Pollution Plumes, Satellite View

120 18.14 Development on Barrier Island (Hatteras Island)

121 19.17 Alaska Pipeline, Close-up

122 19.23 St. Francis Dam Failure

123 19.25A Awoonga High Dam, Australia

124 19.25B Awoonga High Dam Billboard


Section I Foundations

1 An Overview of Our Planetary Environment

Questions for Review

1. Describe the process by which the solar system is believed to have formed, and explain why it led to planets of different compositions, even though the planets formed simultaneously.

The solar system formed by collapse and condensation of a rotating cloud, or nebula, of gas. Most of the mass coalesced to form the proto-sun; the rest condensed into planets. Because the planets formed in the presence of a temperature gradient created by the young sun, different planets have different compositions, with those forming closest to the sun consisting predominantly of high-temperature minerals, and those farther away, of lower-temperature and hydrous minerals or even gases.

2. How old is the solar system? How recently have human beings come to influence the physical environment?

The solar system is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old. The earliest hominid remains are 3 to 4 million years old, and Homo sapiens, about half a million years old. Only within the last few centuries, however, has the human population grown to the point that human impacts are significant on a global scale.

3. Explain how the newly formed earth differed from the earth we know today.

The newly formed earth was a solid, and perhaps homogeneous, dust ball, not differentiated internally as it presently is, and lacking oceans and atmosphere. Also, the early atmosphere was initially poor in free oxygen, far different from the modern atmosphere.

4. What kinds of information are used to determine the internal composition of the earth?

The kinds of information used include earth’s density and mass, the known composition of the solar nebula from which the earth formed and models of that formation, geophysical evidence of the earth’s internal layering and of the densities of those layers, and samples of crustal and some upper-mantle rocks.

5. How were the earth’s atmosphere and oceans formed?

The atmosphere and most of the water in the oceans were degassed during heating, melting, and planetary differentiation early in earth’s history. Free oxygen was added to the atmosphere in significant quantity after the evolution of photosynthetic organisms.