Saturday Hikes 1st Quarter, 2016
2 No Hike Scheduled.
9 Elk Knob Back Country Campsite Trails: downhill and back,ridge view at bottom, waterfall/cascade along the way. No rock climbing, several small water crossings, fairly steep.Bring water and snack and sticks. 6+ miles strenuous. No Dogs. Call hike leader Juin Adams at 828-295-9607.
16 Cone Manor to Flat Top Tower: 5.6 mile out and back on carriage trails. The hike is rated moderate, with approximately 600 ft. elevation gain. At the top, climb a 30’ tower for panoramic views of the area. No dogs. Call hike leader Susan Smith at (828) 675-1827.
23 Linville Falls Hike: Two main hiking trails lead to 6 views of Linville Falls. These trails are rated from moderate to strenuous. Take the BRP south to MP 316.4, turning left onto Spur Rd. Follow road ~1 mile to Visitor's Center, which will be closed this time of year. Bring hiking poles, a snack or lunch, possibly mini-crampons for icy conditions, and enough water to last 2 or 3 hours, depending on how many trails we decide to do. If BRP is closed due to ice/snow, take Hwy 221 south to the F.S.F.S. gravel parking lot (about a mile after passing under the Parkway near MP 317). Option to park at Beacon Heights Overlook, MP 305 and carpool the rest of the way. Call or email hike leader Eva Rand: 301-758-4375, .
30 Storyteller to Flat Rock - From Boone Fork Parking area at Milepost 299.9 on the BRP, the hike will follow the Nuwati Trail to Storyteller Rock with the return trip via the Cragway, Daniel Boone Scout and Tanawha Trails. Storyteller and Flat Rock afford beautiful vistas of the Boone Bowl and beyond. Approx. 7 mi., some parts strenuous and rocky. No dogs. Call hike leader Bob Heath at 828-773-0471.
6 Roan Ramble: 3 miles Bear Wallow trail, to Raven Rocks to Turkey Trot, To Old Forest Road to Doe River and a few new trails. About 6 miles, ranging from easy to strenuous (Raven Rocks area). No dogs. Call Carol Ann Mitchell leader 423-772-4280, .
13 Holloway to Boone Fork Creek Bridge: Gradual uphill walk all the way to Boone Fork Creek on the Tanawha Trail. Bring water and snack for break beside creek. We can opt to drop a car at Boone Fork Parking area and cut the trip in half. Call hike leader to assist with spotting cars. 7+ miles moderate-strenuous only because of length. No dogs. Call hike leader Juin Adams at 828-295-9607.
20 Beacon Heights to Rough Ridge - 4.5 mi. rated moderate with some rough, rocky areas. Hike through one of the most spectacular sections of the Tanawha Trail through the Viaduct Visitor Center (which will be closed), then on to Rough Ridge. Meet at Rough Ridge Parking area on the BRP, mile marker 305, and we will carpool to Beacon Hgts. No dogs. Call hike leader Bob Heath at 828-773-0471.
27 Rocky Knob Trails: We will explore the trails at Boone’s newest outdoor activity site. Trails are for mountain biking and hiking. Easy to moderate. Round trip hike distance approx 5 miles.From downtown Boone, take US 421 S. towards Wilkesboro.Meet at the parking areaon the rightoff of421 just east of Boone city limits,.7 mile past Bamboo Road and the Marathon Gas Station. No dogs. Contact hike leader Roger Bodo at 828-260-2019.
5 Calloway Peak via D. B. Scout Trail - Hike from Boone Fork Parking area on the BRP. 5 - 6 hrs., approximately 7 mi. round trip. Steady uphill trail with some parts near the top strenuous and rocky with ladders. Elevation gain 2,060 ft. Enjoy beautiful long range views to 3 states from the top of Calloway. No dogs. Call hike leader Bob Heath at 828-773-0471.
12 Quarterly Meeting Hostess: Pam Hoffman
19 Appalachian Trail from US 321 (Shook Branch Rd parking area) to Watauga Dam. (Carter/JohnsonCo., TN). 4.4 miles, 4 hrs.Rated moderate. Views of Watauga Lake and Dam.Behind the dam spillway one can see an interesting eologicalphenomenon:Iron Mountain Fault. Old sedimentsslid up and over limestone, bending the fault downwardso that it appears as a great diagonal slash in the cliff. No dogs.callCarol Ann Mitchell, hikeleader at 423-772-4280, .
26 Boone Fork to Price Lake: Easy to moderate hike starting at the Price Lake Picnic Area, Boone Fork trailhead. Hike across BRP to the Lake trail, and then back to Boone Fork trailhead with the possibility of continuing on a bit further on the Boone Fork Trail and then doubling back. Meet at Price Lake Picnic Area at 9:30. Approx. 3.5 mi. and 2 hrs. No dogs. Call Roger Bodo at 828-260-2019.