AMENDMENT v04.00/2016
Major and interim local government infrastructure plan amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014 – Lower Oxley Creek North neighbourhood plan
Text and figure amendments:
Item No. / Location / Part/ Schedule/ Appendix / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / MAALPI[1] amendment type / Reason /1. / About the planning scheme / Part 1 / 1.2 / Table 1.2.2 – 4Neighbourhood plans precincts and sub-precincts / INSERT:
A new row for the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan. Column 1 Neighbourhood plan ‘Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan’ and column 2 precincts and sub-precincts as detailed below
· ‘NPP-001: Willawong renewable energy’
· ‘NPP-002: Limited development’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Include new neighbourhood plan.
2. / About the planning scheme / Part 1 / 1.2 / Table 1.2.2—Neighbourhood plans precincts and sub-precincts
Willawong neighbourhood plan / REMOVE:
‘NPP-001: Willawong rural’ and ‘NPP-003: Remediation’ and ‘NPP-004: Recycling industry‘ from column 2 precincts and sub-precincts in Willawong neighbourhood plan / RENUMBER:
‘NPP-002: Paradise wetland investigation’ to ‘NPP-001’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
3. / Strategic Framework / Part 3 / 3.7.3 / Table Specific outcomes and land use strategies
South-west industrial gateway
L14.3 / REMOVE:
‘supports the use of recycled water from the nearby Western Recycled Water Pipeline and’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Update to include changes in support of the Lower Oxley Creek North neighbourhood plan.
4. / Strategic Framework / Part 3 / 3.7.3 / Table Specific outcomes and land use strategies
South-west industrial gateway
L17.2 / INSERT:
‘and Blunder Creek’ after ‘Oxley Creek’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Update to include changes in support of the Lower Oxley Creek North neighbourhood plan.
5. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.11 / Table— Predicted existing and future resident population / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table— Predicted existing and future resident population / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
6. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.12 / Table—Predicted existing and future private residential dwelling supply / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table— Predicted existing and future private residential dwelling supply / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
7. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.13 / Table—Predicted existing and future employment / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Predicted existing and future employment / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
8. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.14 / Table—Predicted existing and future non-residential floor space / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Predicted existing and future non-residential floor space / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
9. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Water supply network assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table - Water supply network assumed demand summary / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
10. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Sewerage network assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Sewerage network assumed demand summary. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
11. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Stormwater network assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Stormwater network assumed demand summary. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
12. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Transport network (roads network) assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Transport network (roads network) assumed demand summary. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
13. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Transport network (pathways and public transport (bus stops and ferry terminals) networks) assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Transport network (pathways and public transport (bus stops and ferry terminals) networks) assumed demand summary. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
14. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Community purposes (public parks network) assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Community purposes (public parks network) assumed demand summary. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
15. / Priority infrastructure plan / Part 4 / 4.3.16 / Table—Community purposes (land for community facilities network) assumed demand summary / REMOVE:
Existing Table / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table—Community purposes (land for community facilities network) assumed demand summary. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
16. / Tables of assessment / Part 5 / 5.9 / Table 5.9.1—Neighbourhood plan level of assessment changes / INSERT:
New row
Column 1 ‘Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan’
Column 2 MCU: ‘Change’
Column 3 ROL: ‘No change’
Column 4 Building work: ‘No change’
Column 5 Operational work: ‘Change’ / Major (2.3A.4) / To reflect details of this package of amendments.
17. / Tables of assessment / Part 5 / 5.9 / Table 5.9.38 – Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan / INSERT:
New Tables (see Page 9):
‘5.9.75.A - Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: material change of use’
‘5.9.75.B - Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: reconfiguring a lot’
‘5.9.75.C - Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: building work’
‘5.9.75.D - Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan: operational works’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Include level of assessment changes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
18. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / Part 7.1 / Table 7.1.1 – Neighbourhood plan codes / INSERT:
New Row: Under 7.2.12
Column 1:
Column 2: Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan
Column 3: NPM-012.5 / Major (2.3A.4) / Include codes to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
19. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / Part 7.2 / 7.2 Neighbourhood plan codes / INSERT:
New Row: Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code alphabetically. / Major (2.3A.4) / Update to reflect inclusion of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
20. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / 7.2.12 / Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code / INSERT: – Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code, including: Application, Purpose, and Assessment criteria. / Major (2.3A.4) / Include new Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan code.
21. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / / Western gateway neighbourhood plan code
Purpose / REMOVE:
‘(7) (g)’
‘Further residential development east of Blunder Road in close proximity to the Inala Waste Water Treatment Plant is not compatible while it is in operation’. / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
22. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / / Willawong neighbourhood plan code
Application / REMOVE:
‘(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)’ / REPLACE WITH:
(2) Land within the Willawong neighbourhood plan area is identified on the NPM-023.4 Willawong neighbourhood plan map and includes the following precinct:
(a) Paradise wetland investigation precinct (Willawong neighbourhood plan/NPP-001).’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
23. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / / Willawong neighbourhood plan
Purpose / REMOVE:
‘Blunder Creek and’ from (3) (a)’ / REPLACE WITH:
‘(a) Development protects and enhances the regionally significant ecosystems and environmental values which will improve the health and quality of the local waterways of Oxley Creek.’ / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
24. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / / Willawong neighbourhood plan
Purpose / REMOVE:
‘(3) (b) and (d)’ and ‘specified in Figure a in this neighbourhood plan code or’ from ‘(3)(i)’ / RENUMBER:
Remaining points accordingly. / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
25. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / / Willawong neighbourhood plan
Purpose / REMOVE:
‘(4) (a), (b), (c), (d); (6) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f); and (7) (a), (b), (c). ’ / RENUMBER:
Remaining points accordingly. / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
26. / Neighbourhood Plans / Part 7 / / Willawong neighbourhood plan / REMOVE:
Figure a – Constraints / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
27. / Overlays / Part 8 / 8.2.19 Significant landscape trees overlay code / Table – Significant landscape trees in specific locations / INSERT:
New listings for Willawong in the Significant landscape trees overlay code Table in the individual or group significant landscape tree site sub-category. / Major (2.3A.4) / Include significant trees in the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
28. / Mapping / Schedule 2 / SC2.1 / Table SC2.1.1 – Strategic framework maps / AMEND:
Gazettal date to 18 November 2016 for:
· SFM – 001: Sub-regional context strategic framework map
· SFM – 002: Brisbane CityShape 2031 land use strategic framework map
· SFM – 004: Brisbane greenspace system framework map
· SFM – 005: Brisbane transport strategic framework map / Major (2.3A.4) / Include the new Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan area.
29. / Mapping / Schedule 2 / SC.2.2 – Zone maps / Table SC2.2.1— Zone maps / REPLACE:
Gazettal date to 18 November 2016 for:
Zoning Map
Map tiles 43 & 47 / Major (2.3A.4) / Include zone changes to reflect the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
30. / Mapping / Schedule 2 / SC.2.3 / Table SC2.3.1 – Neighbourhood plan maps / INSERT:
New row into existing category L
· ‘NPM-012.5’
· ‘Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan map’
· ‘18 November 2016’
In respective columns / Major (2.3A.4) / Include new Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
31. / Mapping / Schedule 2 / SC.2.3 / Table SC2.3.1 – Neighbourhood plan maps / REPLACE:
Gazettal date to 18 November 2016 for:
· Western gateway neighbourhood plan map;
· Willawong neighbourhood plan map. / Major (2.3A.4) / Consequential amendment to reflect outcomes of the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
32. / Mapping / Schedule 2 / SC.2.4 / Table SC2.4.1 – Overlay Maps / REPLACE:
Gazettal dates to 18 November 2016 for:
· OM-002.1-Bicycle network overlay map tile 43
· OM-002.2-Biodiversity areas overlay map tile 43
· OM-018.2-Road hierarchy overlay map tile 43
· OM-019.1-Significant landscape tree overlay map tile 43
· OM-019.2-Streetscape hierarchy overlay map tile 43
· OM-020.2-Transport air quality corridor overlay map tile 43
· OM-023.3-Wetlands overlay map tile 43 / Major (2.3A.4) / Include amendments to reflect outcomes to the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
33. / Priority Infrastructure plan mapping and support material / Schedule 3 / SC.3.3 / Table SC3.1.1.1 – Road infrastructure corridors / REMOVE:
Existing Table SC3.1.1.1—Road infrastructure corridors / REPLACE WITH:
New version of Table SC3.1.1.1—Road infrastructure corridors with amended entries for:
· Beatty Road
· Bowhill Road
· Burman Road
· Camden Road
· Gooderham Road
· Inala Avenue
· King Avenue
· Learoyd Road
· Sherbrooke Road / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Update to include changes in support of the Taringa Neighbourhood Plan.
34. / Priority Infrastructure plan mapping and support material / Schedule 3 / SC.3.5 / Table SC3.5.1—Predicted existing and future resident population / REMOVE:
Deletions to Table SC3.5.1 –
Predicted existing and future resident population / REPLACE WITH:
Modifications to Table SC3.5.1 – Predicted existing and future resident population / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Include amendments to reflect outcomes to the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
35. / Priority Infrastructure plan mapping and support material / Schedule 3 / SC.3.6 / Table SC3.6.1—Predicted existing and future private residential dwelling supply. / REMOVE:
Deletions to Table SC3.6.1 – Predicted existing and future private residential dwelling supply – listed in Appendix A (see Page 68). / REPLACE WITH:
Modifications to Table SC3.6.1 – Predicted existing and future private residential dwelling supply. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Include tables of assessment to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
36. / Priority Infrastructure plan mapping and support material / Schedule 3 / SC.3.7 / Table SC3.7.1 – Predicted existing and future employment / REPLACE WITH:
Amended Table SC3.7.1 – Predicted existing and future employment. / Interim local government infrastructure plan (2.3B.3) / Include tables of assessment to support the Lower Oxley Creek north neighbourhood plan.
37. / Priority Infrastructure plan mapping and support material / Schedule 3 / SC.3.8 / Table SC3.8.1— Predicted existing and future non-residential floor space. / REPLACE WITH: