Main Address: 101 Devant St., Ste. 702, Fayetteville, GA 30214

Satellite Address: 2245 Godby Rd., Ste. 107 College Park, GA 30349

Phone-(770) 460-0970 Fax (866) 758-5731

Outpatient Referral Form

Referral Source (circle one):

School DJJ Juv. Court Other (please specify) ______

County: ______Date of referral: ______

Person Making Referral: ______Telephone number: ______

Individual Therapy Family Therapy Other Services______

Client/Child’s name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Zip: ______

Phone: ______

Social Security No: ______(required) DOB: ______

Gender: Male Female Race: ______

Medicaid/Peachcare: Yes No M/P number: ______

(If the family does not have Medicaid number, please indicate source of payment for services), Some county cases with no Medicaid on a sliding scale fee.

Insurance: ______Insurance number: ______

Child’s school: ______Grade: ______

Child lives with: Mother Father Both Parents Maternal Grandparents

Paternal Grandparents Legal Guardian: Name______

Is client/child on medications?

No Yes If yes, please list:______

Most recent DSM IV diagnosis (required DSM codes with description and attach current evaluation): Axis I______Axis II______Axis III______Axis IV______Axis V_____

Why is the client/child being referred to the program?

Oppositional Run Away Drug Use Depression Truancy

Sexual Abuse Physical Abuse Mental Health Issues Sexual Perpetrator

DFACS Involvement Probation Violation ADHD Other: ______

What outcome would you like to see for his/her participation? ______


Name of Case Worker/Probation Officer:

Phone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______ (we will email you weekly updates on the case)