Ephesians 5:3-6

Satan Always Has His Counterfeits


1. Satan always has his counterfeits. Have you bought his lies?

2. In Ephesians 5:3-6 we see Satan at work. His lies are being peddled in Christendom.


II. THE PRICE 5:5, 6

Satan always has his counterfeits. Have you bought his lies?


Walk in love (5:2) Paul is not addressing the world, just believers.

  1. In Our Love 3
  1. The world really wants love. In fact, the only thing they want more is money!
  2. Love in v. 2 is perverted. People talk about ‘love’ all the time… ‘loving’ ‘being loved’. ‘Making love’ is seen as the ultimate high. When the world says, ‘love’, what is meant? What will it do for me? Songs, plays, movies, books, television, this is where fantasy love is portrayed!
  3. The world’s love is nothing like God’s love.

*The world’s love is conditional and says,Give me what I want and I’ll love you. God’s love is unconditional.

*The world’s love is unforgiving and says, If you blow it too many times you are out of my life.God’s love is forgiving.

*The world’s love is self-centered and says, Love me by meeting my needs. God’s love is self-sacrificing.

4. The world is searching for love, but it’s not true love. It’s Satan’s counterfeit!

*Love is all about us meeting somebody else’s needs!

*The world’s love is shallow, selfish and sexual.

5. Satan counterfeits lust for love:

A) Fornication…the word is porneia. Porneia is any type of sexual sin. There is

noplace for fornication in the life of a Christian. Paul says, let it not be once

named among you as becometh saints. Obviously, Paul names it. It is not to

be spoken ofwith approval or desire. Saints are those set apart to God and for

God. This behavior is not becoming.

B) Uncleanness…All is every form of uncleanness…thought, word or deed.

*It is used 11 times in the New Testament. This first time, Jesus used the

word tospeak of rotten, stench that occurs when a dead body decays and fills

with maggots. The next 10 times it is connected with sexual evil, immoral

acts, thought or deeds.

*The world may look at their immorality as ‘love’. Paul says, it’s unclean, it

stinksas a dead decaying body filled with maggots. It’s so beautiful! It’s not

outside ofBiblical guidelines. I read recently that 62% of evangelical men

have trouble withInternet porn. This behavior is unbecoming to one who is

set apart to God and forGod.

C) Covetousness…is a desire to possess, an uncontrolled appetite, greediness.

*What does covetousness have to do with all of this? (Ex. 20:17) the 10th

Commandment talks about coveting your neighbor’s wife. Do you want to

know something? Men in our society covet other men’s wives and think

nothing of it.They covet women on T.V., the movies, magazines and the

internet. The sin is a partof the world’s counterfeit, fantasy love.

*The Latin word means, ‘the love of possessing’ “I can’t help myself!” Men

goafter women and women go after men like putting notches on their guns.

*This greediness consumes people to the point where they’ll sacrifice everything

for lust. They destroy their children, their mates, their friends, their home,


*Why? Because they think they’ll be fulfilled…BUT IT’S ALL A

FANTASY!It’s a lie right out of the Pit of Hell!

This behavior is unbecoming to one who is set apart to God and for God.

  1. In Our Language 4

Lips are to give thanks. The context and content of our conversation are given. 3 counterfeits:

  1. Filthinessis general obscenity. The word means ugliness, obscenity…all that is offensive to that which is pure. The root word is literally, that which is disgraceful.When we open our mouths that which comes forth should be from the heart and mind of God, not from the filth of the world!

2. Foolish talking…Paul is not condemning small talk. Morologia is indecent

talking or low obscenity. It is “speech which comes from a fool or drunkard.”

3. Jestingis not joking or humor. It is literally, bale to turn. Everything that is said

is easily turned into a dirty innuendo.

Lips are meant to give thanks!

Satan always has his counterfeits. Have you bought his lies?

II. THE PRICE 5:5, 6

3 categories are singled out as having no part in the Kingdom:

  1. The Recipients 5 These are the same as those in v. 3
  1. Fornicators…whoremongers is the word porneia.
  2. Unclean
  3. Covetous who is an idolater puts things before God.

If this is your identity, you are not saved. Christians can fall into any sin. Note v. 7, but these cannot be your practice.

  1. The Reason 6
  1. Let no man deceive you with empty words…some may have been saying this. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can do these things and be a follower of Jesus Christ.
  2. Because of these thing cometh the wrath of God on the sons of disobedience…they are characteristics of those who are lost. Lost people act like lost people.
  3. v. 7 is a warning…it must be possible for the Christian to fall into these, but you give the wrong impression. That’s not who we are!!

Satan always has his counterfeits. Have you bought his lies?

Christian, don’t buy Satan’s counterfeits!