25dol5 69W

41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
Rt. Rev. Edward G. Kakaty
/ June 9-10, 2012 Sunday After the Divine Body of Christ Feast


Sat 5pm +Bishop Justin Najmy (44yrs) Welcome & Thanks to Deacon Nick Bourjaili

+Dr Francis Chanatry by the Kakaty Family

Sun 10am: +Nicolas Hage (40day Memorial) by his family Sat 5pm:+Mary H Murray (44yrs) by nephew Edward Weyant

Sun10am:For all Fathers, with us or with God

PHS College & High School Grads:Nataly Hage, DanielleLaFleur, Rafka Hage,

CharleyLickwola, Elias Gharios

This WeekendSaturday: John Jalonski Sunday: Gerard Massad

Next WeekendSaturday: Joumana HajjSunday: Denise Brooks

Congrats 200 club for May:$50 Mark FacasJr, 25 Bob Conley, 10 Louise Massad, Dee Porlidis, Helen Villani

Cleanup Day Thnx to: Tim Brooks, Ray & Anna Sobanski, Dave & Rose LaFleur, Mary Dib, Gerard Massad, Gerry & Cathy Egan. Lunch was made by Fr Ed.

June 17:Lunch Buffet Hafli St Basil’s RI Mitch Kaltsunas & George Mardo singers (401)-728-4786

July 5-8: 48th Melkite Convention, Dearborn, MI Deadline June 14 for $99 rooms & $260 Tickets for Haflis,etc

Fuel Donors since Oct. gave $100: Louise Massad, Marie Antipoff, Bechara El Khouri, Jeannette Massad, Sheila Burke, Ed Najim, Catherine Yost, MaryDib, Patrick Moukawsher, Barb Facas, Takla Hage, Jerry Villani,Bob Conley, Elias Gharios (250), Helen Popa (150), Frank Kozmon (650), Carol Shasha (200), Georges Haddad (600), Gaby Hajj (150), Jack Hage (250), anon (300), Joe Doro(300). Soon, we’ll needair-conditioning!

Congrats to college & highschool grads. Let us know so we can honor you on June 17, Father’s Day! Nataly Hage, Eastern CTState University and Danielle LaFleur, UConn Storrs, Registered nurses, Rafka Hage and Charles Lickwola, Waterford High School, Elias Gharios, Westerly High School.

ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: Is this your 25th or 50th anniversary? Tell Fr Ed to honor your commitment.

Thanks to Joe & Roberta Zizik for mowing the lawn. Volunteers needed. Sign up on the list or tell Fr. Ed

Thanks to Jack Hage for fixing the lawn mower and many other maintenance repairs for the church.

Shepherd’s Care: Your mite boxes filled with love for the poor amounted to $134. Thanks for your compassion.

Congrats to Fr John Azar, newVocations Director, appointed by Bishop Nicholas, replacing Fr Philip Raczka. The Melkite church needs a few good MEN IN BLACK! Call Fr John Azar (404)373-9522, or tell Fr Ed.

Bringbabybottles by FATHER’S DAY filled with change for mothers who chose life and kept their babies!


Thanks to Almighty God for the sunny day and for the Divine Grace-filled years in the ministry of Christ.

Thanks to Bishop Nicholas for presiding & preaching, Fr Paul Frechette for con-celebrating, Archdeacon George Yany and Deacon Bob Shalhoub for serving. Fr Cyril Manolev and Deacon Edmund Raheb joined us for lunch. First Selectman Dan Stewart of Waterford attended with family, relatives, friends, parishioners. The church and hall were filled to capacity. Thanks to the food committee: Joumana Hajj, Alia & Jack Hage, Janet Kakaty George, Gerry & Cathy Egan, Samira Hajj, Gerard & Laura Massad, Ray & Anna Sobanski, Jamal Doro, Joanne Moukawsher, Ken Kakaty (donated 42 bottles of wine) Nick Fulton (donated the altar flowers) Joy Galante 2 trays of pastry & Bread: parish ladies who donated delicious desserts: Saide Hage, Fay Haddad, AliaHage,Katia Hage, Catherine Yost, Mary Dib, Cathy Egan, Yolla ElKhouri, Abroze Gharios, Nada Hage, Amal Karam.Tim & Denise Brooks donated 2 large flower urns, Joe Zizik gave a new camera. Donations to the church are still coming in. Fr Ed is grateful for everyone’s generous help and donations in honor of his 40th anniversary. FYI: In 40 years: Fr Ed baptized 494, married 181, buried 227 (plus more in other churches)!

Thus far, donations to the church are totaling $1950. Some people might still send donations!

Next Sun. is Father’s Day: Tell Fr. Ed if you wish your father’s name commemorated in the Liturgy.