SARChI Postharvest Technology
Stellenbosch University
Peer-reviewed research articles
1. Opara UL, Pathare, PB (2014) Bruise damage measurement and analysis of fresh horticultural produce – A review. Postharvest Biology and Technology 91: 9-24.
2. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2014) Physicomechanical, phytochemical, volatile compounds and free radical scavenging properties of eight pomegranate cultivars and classification by principal component and cluster analyses. British Food Journal, 116(3): 544-567
3. Fawole OA, Arendse E, Opara UL (2014) Discrimination of pomegranate fruit quality by instrumental and sensory measurements during storage at three temperature regimes, .Journal of Food Process Engineering (accepted)
4. McHenry MP, Doepel D, Onyango, BO, Opara, UL (2014) Small-scale portable photovoltaic-battery-LED systems with submersible LED units to replace kerosene-based artisanal fishing lamps for Sub-Saharan African lakes. Renewable Energy, 62: 276-284.
5. Defraeye T, Lambretch R, Tsige AA, Delele MA, Opara UL, Cronje P, Verboven P, Nicolai B (2014) Forced-convective cooling of citrus fruit: cooling conditions and energy consumption in relation to package design. Journal of Food Engineering, 121: 118-127
6. Ambaw A, Verboven P, Delele MA, Defraeye T, Tijskens E., Schenk A, Verlinden BE, Opara, UL, Nicolai BM (2014) CFD-Based Analysis of 1-MCP Distribution in Commercial Cool Store Rooms: Porous Medium Model Application. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7: 1903-1916.
7. Chen L, Heng R, Delele MA, Cai J, Du D, Opara UL (2014) Investigation of dry powder aerosolization mechanisms in different channel designs. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 457 (1): 143-149.
8. Magwaza LS, Opara UL (2014) Investigating non-destructive quantification and characterisation of pomegranate fruit internal structure using X-ray computed tomography. Postharvest Biology and Technology 95: 1–6.
9. Magwaza, LS, Opara, UL, Cronjé PJR, Landahl S, Nieuwoudt HH, Mouazen AM, Nicolaï BM, Terry LA (2014) Assessment of rind quality of 'Nules Clementine' mandarin fruit during postharvest storage: 1. Vis/NIRS PCA models and relationship with canopy position. Scientia Horticulturae 165: 410–420.
10. Magwaza, LS, Opara, UL, Cronjé PJR, Landahl S, Nieuwoudt HH, Mouazen AM, Nicolaï BM, Terry LA (2014) Assessment of rind quality of 'Nules Clementine' mandarin fruit during postharvest storage: 2. Robust Vis/NIRS PLS models for prediction of physico-chemical attributes. Scientia Horticulturae 165: 421 - 432.
11. Magwaza, LS, Opara, UL, Cronjé PJR, Landahl S, Nieuwoudt HH, Mouazen AM, Nicolaï BM, Terry LA (2014) The use of Vis/NIRS and chemometric analysis to predict fruit defects and postharvest behaviour of ‘Nules Clementine’ mandarin fruit. Food Chemistry 163 (2014) 267–274.
12. Pathare, PB, Opara UL (2014) Structural design of corrugated boxes for horticultural produce: A review. Biosystems Engineering 125; 128-140.
13. Mahajan, PV, Caleb, OJ, Singh, Z, Watkins, CB, and Geyer M (2014) Postharvest treatments of fresh produce. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372, 1-19
14. Mphahlele, RR, Fawole OA, Opara, UL (2014) Preharvest and postharvest factors influencing bioactive compounds in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) - A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 178, 114–123.
15. Mphahlele RR, Stander MA, Fawole OA, Opara UL (2014) Effect of fruit maturity and growing location on the postharvest contents of flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin C and antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice (cv. Wonderful). Scientia Horticulturae, 179, 36-45.
16. O’Grady L, Sigge G, Caleb OJ, Opara UL (2014) Effects of storage temperature and duration on chemical properties, proximate composition and selected bioactive components of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) arils. LWT - Food Science and Technology 57 (2): 508–515.
17. O’Grady, L, Sigge, G, Caleb, OJ, and Opara UL (2014) Bioactive compounds and quality attributes of pomegranate arils (Punica granatum L.) processed after long-term storage. Food Packaging and Shelf life, 2, 30-37.
18. Aindongo, WV, Caleb, OJ, Mahajan PV, Manley M., Opara, UL (2014) Effects of storage conditions on transpiration rate of pomegranate aril-sacs and arils. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 31(1): 7-11.
19. Aindongo, WV, Caleb, OJ, Mahajan, PV, Manley, M, and Opara, UL (2014) Modelling the effects of storage temperature on the respiration rate of different pomegranate fractions South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 1–5.
20. Arendse E, Fawole OA, Opara UL (2014) Effects of postharvest storage conditions on phytochemical and radical-scavenging activity of pomegranate fruit (cv. Wonderful). Scientia Horticulturae 169: 125–129.
21. Arendse E, Fawole OA, Opara UL (2014). Influence of storage temperature and duration on postharvest physico-chemical and mechanical properties of pomegranate fruit and arils. CyTA - Journal of Food 12 (4):
1. Delele MA, NgcoboMEK, Opara UL, Meyer CJ (2013) Investigating the Effects of Table Grape Package Components and Stacking on Airflow, Heat and Mass Transfer Using 3-D CFD Modelling. Food and Bioprocess Technology 6(9): 2571-2585
2. Delele MA, NgcoboMEK, Getahun S, Chen L, Mellmann J, Opara UL (2013) Studying airflow and heat transfer characteristics of horticultural produce packaging system using 3-D CFD model, part I: model development and validation. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 86: 536-545.
3. Delele MA, NgcoboMEK, Getahun S, L Chen, Mellmann J, UL Opara. 2013. Studying airflow and heat transfer characteristics of a horticultural produce packaging system using 3-D CFD model, part II: effect of package design. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 86: 546-555.
4. Ambaw A, Delele MA, Defraeye T, Ho QT, Opara LU, Nicolai BM, Verboven P (2013) The use of CFD to characterize and design post-harvest storage facilities: Past, present and future. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 93:184–194
5. Ambaw A, Verboven P, Defraeye T, Tijskens E, Schenk A, Opara, UL, Nicolai BM (2013) Porous medium modeling and parameter sensitivity analysis of 1-MCP distribution in boxes with apple fruit. Journal of Food Engineering 119: 13–21
6. Ambaw A, Verboven P, Defraeye T, Tijskens E, Schenk A, Opara UL, Nicolai BM (2013) Effect of box materials on the distribution of 1-MCP gas during cold storage: a CFD study. Journal of Food Engineering 119: 150–158
7. Caleb OJ, Pramod PV, Al-Said FAJ, Opara UL (2013) Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology of Fresh and Fresh-cut Produce and the Microbial Consequences—AReview. Food and Bioprocess Technology 6(2): 303-329
8. Caleb OJ, Pramod PV, Al-Said FAJ, Opara UL (2013) Transpiration rate and quality of pomegranate arils as affected by storage conditions. CyTA Journal of Food 11(3): 199-207
9. Caleb OJ, Pramod PV, Manley M, Opara UL (2013) Evaluation of parameters affecting modified atmosphere packaging engineering design for pomegranate arils. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48, 2315–2323
10. Caleb OJ, Opara UL, Pramod PV, Manley M, Mokwena L, Tredoux AGJ (2013) Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and storage temperature on volatile composition and postharvest life of minimally-processed pomegranate arils (cvs. ‘Acco’ and ‘Herskawitz’). Postharvest Biology and Technology79: 54-61
11. Chen L, Opara UL (2013) Approaches to analysis and modeling texture in fresh and processed foods - a review. Journal of Food Engineering, 119(3):497-507
12. Chen L, Opara UL (2013) Texture measurement approaches in fresh and processed foods - a review. Food Research International 51(2): 823–835
13. Defraeye T, R Lambretch, AA Tsige, MA Delele, UL Opara, P Cronje, P Verboven, B Nicolai (2013) Forced-convective cooling of citrus fruit: package design. Journal of Food Engineering 118(1): 8-18
14. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Seasonal variation in chemical composition, aroma volatiles and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate during fruit development. African Journal of Biotechnology 12(25): 4006-4019
15. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Changes in physical properties, chemical and elemental composition and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate (cv. Ruby) fruit at five maturity stages. Scientia Horticulturae150 (4): 37-46
16. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Developmental changes in maturity indices of pomegranate fruit: A descriptive review. Scientia Horticulturae159: 152–161.
17. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Effects of maturity status on biochemical content, polyphenol composition and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate fruit arils (cv. ‘Bhagwa’). South African Journal of Botany 85:23–31
18. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Effects of storage temperature and duration on physiological responses of pomegranate fruit. Industrial Crops and Products 47: 300 – 309
20. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Fruit growth dynamics, respiration rate and physico-textural properties during pomegranate development and ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 157: 90-98.
21. Fawole OA, Opara UL (2013) Harvest discrimination of pomegranate fruit: postharvest quality changes and relationships between instrumental and sensory attributes during shelf life. Journal of Food Science 78(8):S1264-72
22. Ho QT,Carmeliet J,Datta AK,Defraeye T,Delele MA,Herremans E, Opara UL, Ramon H,Tijskens E,van der Sman R,Van Liedekerke P, Verboven P, Nicolaï BM (2013) Multiscale modeling in food engineering. Journal of Food Engineering 114(3):279–291
23. Magwaza LS, Opara UL, Cronjé PJR, TerryLA, Landahl S, Nicolaï BM (2013) Non-chilling Physiological Rind Disorders in Citrus Fruit. Horticultural Reviews 41:131-175
24. Magwaza LS, Umezuruike Linus Opara, Paul J.R. Cronjé, Sandra Landahl, Leon A. Terry. 2013. Canopy position affects rind biochemical profile of 'Nules Clementine' mandarin fruit during postharvest storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 86: 300–308.
25. Magwaza LS, Opara UL, Terry LA, Landahl S, Cronje PJR, Nieuwoudt HH, Hanssens A, Wouter Saeys, Bart M. Nicolaï, 2013. Evaluation of Fourier transform-NIR spectroscopy for integrated external and internal quality assessment of Valencia oranges. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 31(1): 144-154
26. Magwaza LS, Opara UL, Tatam R, Cronje P, Landahl S, Ford H (2013) Application of Optical Coherence Tomography to Non-destructively Characterise Rind Breakdown Disorder of 'Nules Clementine' Mandarins. Postharvest Biology and Technology 84:16-21.
27. Mditshwa A, Opara UL, Fawole OA, Al-Said F, Al-Yahyai R (2013) Phytochemical content, antioxidant capacity and physico-chemical properties of pomegranate grown in different micro-climates in South Africa. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 30(2):81-90
28. NgcoboMEK, MA Delele, UL Opara, CJ Meyer. 2013. Performance of multi-packaging for table grapes based on airflow, cooling rates and fruit quality. Journal of Food Engineering 116(2): 613–621
29. Ngcobo,M EK, Delele MA, L Chen, Opara UL (2013) Investigating the potential of a humidification system to control moisture loss and quality of ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grapes during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology86:201-211
31. Ngcobo,MEK, Pathare P, Delele MA, Opara UL (2013) Drying kinetics and moisture diffusivity of table grape stems during postharvest handling and storage at low temperature conditions. Biosystems Engineering 115:346-353
32. Opara UL, Mditshwa A (2013) The Role of Packaging in Securing the Food System: Adding Value to Food Products and Reducing Losses and Waste: A Review. African Journal of Agricultural Research 8(22):2621-2630
33. Opara, UL, Yahyai R, Al-Waili N, Al-Said F, Al-Ani M, Manickavasagan A, Al-Mahdouri A (2013) Postharvest Responses of ‘Malindi’ Cavendish Banana to Various Storage Conditions. International Journal of Fruit Science 13:373–388
34. Pathare, PB, Opara UL, Al-Said FAJ (2013) Colour Measurement and Analysis in Fresh and Processed Foods: A Review. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(1): 36-60