Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.1 Fiscal Year Expenditures

Santa Rosa Campus

Expenditure Category / Unrestricted Funds / Change from 2014-15 / Restricted Funds / Change from 2014-15 / Total / Change from 2014-15
Faculty payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Adjunct payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Classified payroll / $170,087.23 / 27.82% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $170,087.23 / 27.82%
STNC payroll / $8,989.14 / 86.52% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $8,989.14 / 86.52%
Student payroll / $41,275.63 / -12.54% / $56,368.16 / 91.15% / $97,643.79 / 27.34%
Management payroll (and Dept Chairs) / $283,427.22 / -1.27% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $283,427.22 / -1.27%
Benefits (3000's) / $154,156.99 / 6.30% / $704.74 / 96.02% / $154,861.73 / 6.52%
Supplies (4000's) / $18,187.53 / -35.65% / $3,810.71 / 300.47% / $21,998.24 / -24.70%
Services (5000's) / $36,807.72 / -19.25% / $6,642.68 / 0.00% / $43,450.40 / -4.68%
Equipment (6000's) / $1,363.61 / -309.37% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $1,363.61 / -309.37%
Total Expenditures / $714,295.07 / 3.47% / $82,936.79 / 169.28% / $797,231.86 / 10.55%

Petaluma Campus (Includes Rohnert Park and Sonoma)

Expenditure Category / Unrestricted Funds / Change from 2014-15 / Restricted Funds / Change from 2014-15 / Total / Change from 2014-15
Faculty payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Adjunct payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Classified payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
STNC payroll / $4,796.78 / 18.09% / $0.00 / -100.00% / $4,796.78 / -4.89%
Student payroll / $14,184.10 / 45.32% / $23,233.70 / 105.65% / $37,417.80 / 77.68%
Management payroll (and Dept Chairs) / $29,504.11 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $29,504.11 / 0.00%
Benefits (3000's) / $9,212.19 / >1000% / $290.52 / 28.90% / $9,502.71 / >1000%
Supplies (4000's) / $8,405.52 / 36.80% / $797.42 / 0.00% / $9,202.94 / 49.78%
Services (5000's) / $2,009.76 / 0.00% / $1,121.00 / 0.00% / $3,130.76 / 0.00%
Equipment (6000's) / $1,218.45 / -48.10% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $1,218.45 / -48.10%
Total Expenditures / $70,095.91 / 207.49% / $25,442.64 / 103.47% / $95,538.55 / 170.64%

Other Locations (Includes the PSTC, Windsor, and other locations)

Expenditure Category / Unrestricted Funds / Change from 2014-15 / Restricted Funds / Change from 2014-15 / Total / Change from 2014-15
Faculty payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Adjunct payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Classified payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
STNC payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Student payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Management payroll (and Dept Chairs) / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Benefits (3000's) / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Supplies (4000's) / $0.00 / 0.00% / $3,023.07 / 0.00% / $3,023.07 / 0.00%
Services (5000's) / $0.00 / 0.00% / $2,124.14 / 0.00% / $2,124.14 / 0.00%
Equipment (6000's) / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $0.00 / 0.00%
Total Expenditures / $0.00 / 0.00% / $5,147.21 / 0.00% / $5,147.21 / 0.00%

Expenditure Totals

Expenditure Category / Amount / Change from 2014-15 / District Total / % of District Total
Total Expenditures / $897,917.62 / 18.70% / $142,812,136.74 / 0.63%
Total Faculty Payroll / $0.00 / 0.00% / $46,486,773.56 / 0.00%
Total Classified Payroll / $170,087.23 / 27.82% / $22,009,293.41 / 0.77%
Total Management Payroll / $312,931.33 / 9.01% / $9,770,442.32 / 3.20%
Total Salary/Benefits Costs / $796,230.51 / 18.17% / $102,858,006.58 / 0.77%
Total Non-Personnel Costs / $85,511.61 / 3.47% / $16,325,691.74 / 0.52%

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.2 Fiscal Year Employee Data and Calculations

Employee Head Counts

Employee Category / Count / Change from 2014-15 / District Total / % of District Total
Contract Faculty / 0 / 0.00% / 306 / 0.00%
Adjunct Faculty / 0 / 0.00% / 1389 / 0.00%
Classified Staff / 3 / -40.00% / 541 / 0.55%
STNC Workers / 6 / -40.00% / 609 / 0.99%
Student Workers / 76 / -7.32% / 616 / 12.34%
Mgmt/Admin/Dept Chair / 3 / 0.00% / 176 / 1.70%

Employee FTE Totals

FTE Category / FTE / Change from 2014-15 / District Total / % of District Total
FTE-F - Faculty / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 743.0476 / 0.00%
FTE-CF - Contract Faculty / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 303.3500 / 0.00%
FTE-AF - Adjunct Faculty / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 439.6976 / 0.00%
FTE-C - Classified / 3.0000 / -1.64% / 450.7804 / 0.67%
FTE-ST - STNC / 1.1528 / 47.54% / 89.9729 / 1.28%
FTE-SS - Support Staff / 18.2333 / 25.97% / 714.9341 / 2.55%
FTE-SW - Student Workers / 14.0805 / 32.30% / 174.1808 / 8.08%
FTE-M - Management / 3.0000 / 0.00% / 128.9297 / 2.33%
FTE-DC - Department Chairs / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 50.0000 / 0.00%

Student Data

Data Element / Value / Change from 2014-15 / District Total / % of District Total
FTES-CR - Credit / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 15431.0806 / 0.00%
FTES-NC - Non-Credit / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 2170.0038 / 0.00%
FTES - combined / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 17601.0844 / 0.00%
Students Enrolled/Served / 0 / 0.00% / 30000 / 0.00%


Data Element / Value / Change from 2014-15 / District Total / % of District Total
FTE-S : FTE-F / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 23.6877 / 0.00%
FTE-AF : FTE-CF / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 1.4495 / 0.00%
FTE-F : FTE-SS / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 1.0393 / 0.00%
FTE-F : FTE-M / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 5.7632 / 0.00%
FTE-SS : FTE-M / 6.0778 / 25.97% / 5.5451 / 109.61%
FTE-ST : FTE-C / 0.3843 / 50.00% / 0.1996 / 192.52%
Average Faculty Salary per FTE-F / $0.00 / 0.00% / $62,562.31 / 0.00%
Average Classified Salary per FTE-C / $56,695.74 / 29.95% / $48,824.87 / 116.12%
Average Management Salary per FTE-M / $104,310.44 / 9.01% / $75,781.16 / 137.65%
Salary/Benefit costs as a % of total budget / 88.68% / -0.45% / 72.02% / 123.12%
Non-Personnel $ as a % of total budget / 9.52% / -12.83% / 11.43% / 83.31%
Restricted Funds as a % of total budget / 12.64% / 120.86% / 16.55% / 76.42%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-F / $0.00 / 0.00% / $192,197.83 / 0.00%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-C / $299,305.87 / 20.68% / $316,810.88 / 94.47%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-M / $299,305.87 / 18.70% / $1,107,674.47 / 27.02%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-S / $0.00 / 0.00% / $8,113.83 / 0.00%
Total Unit Cost per student served/enrolled / $0.00 / 0.00% / $4,760.40 / 0.00%

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.2a Classified Positions Employees paid from a Classified OBJECT code

Name Last / First / Position / Hours / FTE
Chaldean / Sahara / Coordinator, Student Center / 0.00 / 1.0000
Sigala / Sandra / Administrative Assistant III / 0.00 / 1.0000
Swasey / Ann / Advisor, Student Affairs Accounts & Special Programs / 0.00 / 1.0000
Totals / 0.00 / 3.0000

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.2b Management/Confidential Positions Employees paid from a Management/Confidential OBJECT code

Name Last / First / Position / Hours / FTE
Ethington / Robert / Dean I, Student Affairs and Engagement Programs / 13.00 / 1.0000
Phifer / Brian / Assistant Director, Student Affairs Office / 0.00 / 1.0000
Ziccone / Deborah / Activities Advisor / 15.00 / 1.0000
Totals / 28.00 / 3.0000

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.2c STNC Workers Employees paid from an STNC OBJECT code

Name Last / First / Position / Hours / FTE
Diaz / Miguel / 715.50 / 0.3440
Maurer / Ian / 40.00 / 0.0192
Miranda / Zachary / 1101.00 / 0.5293
Oertel / William / 185.25 / 0.0891
Quinn / Amy / 273.50 / 0.1315
Sedaghatpisheh / Hajar / 82.50 / 0.0397
Totals / 2397.75 / 1.1528

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.2d Student Employees Employees paid from a Student Employee OBJECT code

Name Last / First / Position / Hours / FTE
Adams / Larry / 212.25 / 0.2041
Alvillar / Lucas / 383.50 / 0.3688
Arango / Eduardo / 10.00 / 0.0096
Baker / Kylie / 370.50 / 0.3563
Barend / Kael / 179.50 / 0.1726
Beale / Nathaniel / 193.00 / 0.1856
Bridgers / Candy / 42.00 / 0.0404
Cavaliere / Sandra / 126.50 / 0.1216
Cavarec / Anne Elisabeth / 79.00 / 0.0760
Conner / Erica / 29.50 / 0.0284
Coole / William / 197.50 / 0.1899
Crosby / Benjamin / 18.00 / 0.0173
Crum / Mikayla / 736.00 / 0.7077
Dai / Siying / 5.00 / 0.0048
DeLovino / Christian / 548.00 / 0.5269
Debesay / Senay / 525.00 / 0.5048
Diarrassouba / N'Godjigui / 6.50 / 0.0063
Duffy / Gustaf / 123.00 / 0.1183
Espinosa / Sofia / 629.00 / 0.6048
Estrada / Anthony / 110.25 / 0.1060
Etemadich / Nahal / 443.50 / 0.4264
Franceschi / Joseph / 671.00 / 0.6452
Franco Quijas / Maria / 23.75 / 0.0228
Garcia Cruz / Irving / 492.00 / 0.4731
Garcia / Emilio / 176.25 / 0.1695
Garcia / Nora / 500.25 / 0.4810
Hamano / Junki / 26.00 / 0.0250
Harrington / Daniel / 16.00 / 0.0154
Herrera / Eric / 41.00 / 0.0394
Hotz / Crystal / 599.75 / 0.5767
Huynh / Lynn / 102.00 / 0.0981
Jacobucci / Michaela / 674.25 / 0.6483
Kauffman / Brian / 7.00 / 0.0067
Kishmirian / Alexandra / 15.00 / 0.0144
Law / Nicholas / 148.50 / 0.1428
Lopez-Ortiz / Luiz / 23.00 / 0.0221
Madero Gonzalez / Janet / 22.00 / 0.0212
Martinez Navarro / Roxana / 2.00 / 0.0019
Martinez / Cristian / 6.00 / 0.0058
Mathre Berkowitz / Shayna / 209.25 / 0.2012
Mendez / Miguelina / 22.00 / 0.0212
Mier / Julio / 144.50 / 0.1389
Miller / Adam / 105.00 / 0.1010
Monatin / Georges / 234.75 / 0.2257
Monatin / Naomi / 14.00 / 0.0135
Mora Sanchez / Andreina / 17.00 / 0.0163
Morales / Tristian / 310.75 / 0.2988
Olvera / Angelica / 136.50 / 0.1313
Papazova / Valeriia / 29.25 / 0.0281
Paz / Raquel / 364.75 / 0.3507
Pederson / Matthew / 20.50 / 0.0197
Perez / Rebecca / 430.00 / 0.4135
Pham / Hung / 15.00 / 0.0144
Placencia Gonzalez / Steven / 259.75 / 0.2498
Revolorio / Andie / 172.00 / 0.1654
Ritchie / Sage / 193.25 / 0.1858
Rivas Nino / Nathalie / 718.50 / 0.6909
Romero Romero / Yngri / 95.50 / 0.0918
Rusake / Alexandra / 24.00 / 0.0231
Seak / PeiLing / 495.00 / 0.4760
Sell / Elizabeth / 15.00 / 0.0144
Seuga / Mickie / 440.75 / 0.4238
Shukerov / Stoyan / 3.25 / 0.0031
Singh / Jasdeep / 350.00 / 0.3365
Solorio / Aaron / 26.00 / 0.0250
Southworth / Stephen / 366.50 / 0.3524
Tang / Ruqi / 74.00 / 0.0712
Tatarintsev / Daniela / 130.25 / 0.1252
Umstead / Xerius / 28.00 / 0.0269
Vargas / Sarai / 83.25 / 0.0800
Vielma Cisneros / Cristal / 73.00 / 0.0702
Vielma Ventura / Francisco / 217.50 / 0.2091
Vivas / Gisele / 24.00 / 0.0231
Vong / Audrey / 238.75 / 0.2296
Vorachak / Thavisay / 30.00 / 0.0288
Yang / Alice / 19.00 / 0.0183
Totals / 14643.75 / 14.0805

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.3a Contract Faculty Positions Employees paid from a Contract Faculty OBJECT code

Name Last / First / Position / Hours / HR FTE / DM FTE
< No Employees >

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

2.3b Adjunct Faculty Positions Employees paid from an Adjunct Faculty OBJECT code

Name Last / First / Position / Hours / FTE
< No Employees >

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

Student Affairs and Engagement Programs - FY 2015-16

Addendum: Program Unit Configuration

Activity (ACTV) Codes

ACTV Code / Description
6813 / Multi Cultural Events
6962 / Student Affairs
6963 / AS Bill Back
6964 / Bertolini Student Center
6968 / Bear Facts
6970 / Student Off Campus Housing
6971 / Welcome Cntr / Student Ambass
6972 / Student Center Fee Bill Back

Academic Disciplines

Discipline Code / Description
< None >