Notes taken by Joe Grasso Meeting September 2, 2015

Attendance: Joe Grasso Joe Garbowski John Lorenzo Steve Delcampo Brian Farrel John Durso,

Pat Browne Kevin Baille Joe Kenny Pete Gantert Scott Langdon Vic Cassamassa Scott Roberti

Rob Cocozza Rob Martini

Kevin commented on budget stating we are in line with forecast. Coaches pitching in on field prep has helped. We can contribute to reserve and possible field work. Scott Roberti motioned to accept all were in favor.

Pat spoke about New Fairfield Day. Joe Grasso motioned to accept Nancy Riggs all were in favor in voting Nancy onto Board.

Motion to move Kristin Stunkard and Jimmy Trotta to honary member from present board member status. All were in favor of voting.

Additional batting cages at high school field: See paper work presented by Scott Roberti

Steve asked if the job had been sent out to bid? Scott replied that John had advised he would do it at cost. Steve will look into finding volunteer for some of the work.

Scott mentioned no help will be provided from the town. John D. mentioned that some of the work could be done by volunteers to lower the cost. Scott R made motion to allocate no more than $8,000 for batting cages at the high school.

Kevin Baille said we have $20K in resereve and possibly another $10K in reserve from this years budget. Brian F. said he expects another $2K to be spent on field prep work for the balance of this year. Left Field fence needs to be replaced at Tegmier some cost involved. Also the retaining wall needs to be fixed. Kevin expect to have enough in reserve to fund the project.

John Durso expressed the issues of not having enough batting cages at the high school

Pat asked for a vote all were in favor of proceeding with the project.

Cooperstown Update – John Durso spoke about the great experience the teams had as well as the coaches.

Brian F. is planning a clean up day for the fields in the fall. Pat would like to see some new folks helping out.

In House alignment committee – Joe Garbowski spoke about the new proposed league structure. (see sheet) Joe has set up a schedule online to test things out for freeing up Sundays. This aligns each group with 4 teams instead of uneven amounts of teams in the league. Kevin asked we could delay posting this info on the website until October after he has time to look over the budget.

Presentation of new alignment will be worked over Brian Steve Joe Garbowski and Nancy will work and then can be posted to website. Pricing will come afterwards.

Rob Martini expressed concerns of the new alignment and how it would affect the 7/8 year olds as far as some of the kids have been waiting to move up and they may not be happy about the new alignment as coach pitch.

Pat mentioned that Vic Cassamassa sent a email that he will be stepping away from the board. Pat thanked him for his 9 years of service.

Scott Roberti made motion to adjorn at 9 pm

Next meeting – October 7th