Issue Day: History Day

Date: November 21, 2014

Facilitators: (name, email and/or phone)

Paul Norbut . Gilbert Leadership Board Member and Alumni, Class XX

Lori Gauna. Gilbert Leadership Board Member and Alumni Class XXI

Rich Vandermolen. Gilbert Leadership Board Member and Alumni Class XXI

Amy Navarro ilbert Leadership Board Member and Alumni Class XXII

Doug Jones Gilbert Leadership Alumni Class XX

Facilitators Responsibilities: (creating agenda, reserving food, location, etc) Including suggested timeframes would be helpful

Timeframes: All sponsors and speakers were contacted one month prior to the day. Two meetings were held with co-facilitators. Tasks were assigned at the last meeting two weeks before the event. E-mails were ongoing.

Paul-Lead facilitator. Set up meetings, contacted food sponsors, contacted speakers, created team task list, coordinated presentations and completed GL checklist and Lessons Learned document.

Lori- Assisted with planning, introduced Dr. Barrett and participated in verbal description of History Walk.

Rich-Assisted with planning, picked up breakfast at the Gilbert House, participated in verbal discussion of History walk and introduced Dr. Birdwell.

Amy-Assisted with planning and setting up breakfast, putting things away afterwards.

Doug-Assisted with the History Walk portion of the day

Please provide information about what went well (pluses) and what needed improvement (deltas) in the following areas:

Any Sponsors (separate from program sponsors) for this issue day? If yes, company name and contact information

Continental Breakfast Sponsor: Gilbert House Restaurant, Susan Wright

Lunch Sponsor: Joe’s Real BBQ, Tad Peelan

Facilities: (complete for each location)

  1. Gilbert Historical Museum
  2. Kayla Kolar (480) 926-1577
  3. Ideal location for History Day as part of the day is a tour of the Museum.
  4. Seating arrangement should be changed to “Theatre” seating to make things more comfortable for the class.


Per the Class’ comments on the Evaluation form, the Museum’s meeting room was too cold during the morning session and too “Cramped” for space. We got a repair person out during the History Walk and lunch to fix the heater, so issue was resolved. I recommend that we possibly change the site of the actual meeting next year to the School Board meeting room.

Speakers: (complete for each speaker)

Dale Hallock

  1. Dale Hallock
  2. Dale gave an excellent presentation on “Growing up in Gilbert”, participated on the panel of long time residents and helped conduct the Museum tour.
  3. Delta:n/a

Dr. Brad Barrett

  1. Brad Barrett
  2. Dr. Barrett’s presentation was on the history of Gilbert Schools
  3. Delta n/a

Dr. Denise Birdwell

  1. Denise Birdwell
  2. Dr. Birdwell gave her presentation on the history and current developments in the Higley District. This was the first time Higley has participated in History Day and was very well received.
  3. Delta – Dr. Birdwell spoke a bit longer than anticipated and we had to ask her to cut it short.

Panel of Long Time Residents

Don Skousen

June Morrison

Marji Scotten

Dale Hallock

Sara (Ruiz) Quinn

Panel spoke of their experiences growing up in Gilbert. Questions were prepared by Paul .

Delta: There were people who were unable to attend and cancelled at the last minute due to

Illness. They were Dawn Knight and Gerry Emmett. The

Remaining panelists did an excellent job of keeping the class intrigued.

Presentation of History Walk

  1. Lori
  2. Rich
  3. Amy
  4. Doug

The weather cooperated this year so we were able to do the History Walk. The Class was split into 2 groups and lead by the above mentioned facilitators. The Class thought this was a great learning experience and very well received.

Tours: (complete for each tour)

  1. Gilbert Historical Museum
  2. Dale and Marjidid a great job of conducting the tour. The Class was again split into 2 groups. Dale and Marji each had a different spin on the significance of each exhibit and shared their expertise with the class.
  3. Delta: n/a


  1. Budget for Issue Day: There was no cost to GL for this issue day.

Lessons learned to help the next facilitator?

I felt our team was very well organized, meals and speakers were in place and our agenda was prepared to make for a great History Day.

Possible Suggestions:

1)Change the venue to a more updated facility (School Board Room?)

2)Add a Guest Speaker to cover the more recent history (From the mid 80’s forward) Possibly George Pettit.

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