24th of July of 2017


24th of July of 2017

Today we start the Triduum to our Patron Saints Anne and Joachim.

Joachim and Anne were simple, humble people, with a deep experience of God, with a deep living of faith. From their simplicity, and total and trusting abandonment in God’s Hands, they walked aware that He was accompanying their whole being and doing, aware that He was caring for them, that He was faithful and would fulfil His Promise.

Saint Anne and Saint Joachim, from their experience of faith, live HOSPITALITY with God, who made of them “home” for the Mother of His Son.

We, Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne, as Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, are also called to contemplate the Lord from our experience of faith, so as to be able to welcome Him in every Sister, en the brethren, in the daily doing.


24th of July of 2017

In the beginning of the Triduum to our Patron Saints Anne and Joachim, we thank God for our Congregation. May St. Joachim and Saint Anne, who lived HOSPITALITY with God from their deep and simple experience of faith, show us the way of welcoming Him in our daily journey, and in Him, each one of our Sisters and brethren.


24th of July of 2017

The beginning of the Triduum to our Patron Saints Anne and Joachimconvokes us today in this Eucharistic celebration.

Joachim and Anne are the names that a tradition, which starts in the 2nd century, gives to the parents of the Virgin Mary.

They are two names filled with greatness in God’s eyes, a greatness hidden in simplicity and humility.

They believed in God against all hope and placed their whole trust in Him. Their HOSPITALITY with God, the “Let it be” to His Willmade germinate the plenitude of grace in Anne’s womb: The Virgin Mary. They were, in this way, mediators of the Promise, vital link of the history of salvation.

HOSPITALITY is the way of Charity and welcome of those who, by welcoming God in the brethren, live in this way answering to the Lord who has also cared for them with detail and love, even greater, along their whole life.

May as Saint Anne and Saint Joachim, we witness the HOSPITALITY to God and to the brethren “with the greatest care, with full detail, with all love”, making possible that everybody may receive His Welcome and His Love of Good Father.


24th of July of 2017

We pray for the Pope Francis, our Bishop …, all the priests and deacons. May their deep experience of God continue making of them Good News of his Love.Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for peace in so many countries punished by wars and violence. We pray for peace in our Communities and in our families. We pray for those who are peaceful and also for those who are violent. May there be more and more makers of peace.Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for those who suffer. May they know of God’s Hospitality through people who accompany them in their pain.We pray in a special way for those who are sick and elderly, for the victims of violence and of the economic crisis, for the refugees and emigrants. Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for the youth. May they know the joy of believing, the deep joy of hoping and the passion of loving, and may some of them answer God with trust and generosity in the priestly, consecrated and missionary life.Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for each Sister of our Congregation. We pray for the Laity of St. Anne’s Family. May, contemplating God in each Sister, in the brethren, we be reflection of the Charity through the practice of Hospitality“with the greatest care, with full detail, with all love”.Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for those we serve and the people who share with us life and service. May they live every day the joy of God’s blessing through our being and doing. Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for the Sisters, benefactors, collaborators, relatives and friends that already enjoy God’s Presence and who accompany, in one or another way our congregational journey. Let us pray to the Lord

We pray for all of us. May, as St. Anne and St. Joachim, we may be mediators of the Presence and of the Grace of God in our daily path. Let us pray to the Lord