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Artikler fra:

Borofsky, Robert (ed.). 1994 Assessing Cultural Anthropology. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Nader, Laura

1994. Comparative Consciousness. Assessing Cultural Anthropology, Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 84-96. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Bernard, H. Russell

1994. Methods belong to all of us. Assessing Cultural Anthropology, Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 168-178. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Levy, Robert

1994. Person-centered anthropology. Assessing Cultural Anthropology. Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 179-189. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy

1994. Embodied knowledge: thinking with the body in critical medical anthropology. Assessing Cultural Anthropology. Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 229-242. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Bloch, Maurice

1994. Language, anthropology, and cognitive science. Assessing Cultural Anthropology. Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 276-283. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Strauss, Claudia & Naomi Quinn

1994. A cognitive/cultural anthropology. Assessing Cultural Anthropology. Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 284-300. MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

Refanser til artikler hentet fra Assessing Cultural Anthropology. Borofsky, Robert (ed.): 493-541 MacGraw-Hill, Inc.

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