For the period from 24thFebruary to 28thFebruary‘2018.
Issued on
Friday, 23rd February ‘2018.
Issued by
Regional Meteorological Centre, Alipore, Kolkata-27 in collaboration with State Agricultural Universities and state Agricultural Department.
Agroclimatic zones of the state
Sl. No. / Agroclimatic Zone / Districts / Agromet Field Unit (AMFU) Location
1 / Northern Hill Zone / Darjeeling / Kalimpong
2 / Terai-Teesta Alluvial Zone / Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar and Uttar Dinajpur. / Pundibari
3 / Gangetic Alluvial Zone / Murshidabad,Nadia, North 24 Parganas,Howrah, Hooghly and Burdwan / Kalyani
4 / Vindhyan Alluvial Zone / Dakhin Dinajpur, Malda / Majhian
5 / Costal Saline Zone / South 24 Parganas and Purba Midnapore / Kakdeep
6 / Undulating Red and Laterite Zone / Purulia, Bankura , Paschim Midnapore and Birbhum / Kharagpur
Met sub-divisions of the state
For Meteorological purposes, the state has been divided into two
sub-divisions ( IMD Classification):
Gangetic West Bengal consists of Dakhin Dinajpur, Malda, Murshidabad , Nadia,
South 24 Parganas, North 24 Parganas, Bankura, Purulia, Birbhum,
Paschim Midnapore, Purba Midnapore, Kolkata , Burdwan.
Sub-Himalayan West Bengal consists of Darjeeling,Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri
,Dakhin Dinajpur, Uttar Dinajpur.
Part I: Weather
Districtwise significant Past Weather in different agroclimatic zones
for the period 20/02/18 to 22/02/18 / District level Weather Forecast for different agroclimatic zones
for the period 24/02/18 to 28/02/18
West Bengal
Northern Hill Zone
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 10-10 / ---- / --
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / --- / ----- / ---- / ----
Wednesday / ---
Thursday / ---
Rainfall / Possibilities of very light rainfall on 24th February and light rainfall on 26th February and rest of the days no rainfall is expected. In next five days total rainfall of 9.0 mm is expected
Cloud / Possibilities of clear sky are expected for coming five days.
Temp. / Maximum temperature is expected to be around 9 to 11°C.
Temp. / Minimum temperature is expected to be around 5 to 6°C.
Max. RH / Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 54-61%.
Min. RH / Minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 26-28%.
Wind / Wind mainly from easterly on 24th Feb, south-easterly on 25th 27th Feb, northerly 26th Feb and north easterly on 28th Feb direction with a speed of 3-9 km/hr is expected.
Terai-Teesta Alluvial Zone
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 29-29 / 13-13 / 65-80
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky will remain on 24th to 28th February.
No rainfall will occur from 24th to 28th February
Wind easterly on 24th , 25th , 28th February and north easterly from 26th to 27th February, average speed of 8-12 km/hr. is expected.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 29-30°C and minimum temperature is expected to be 13-15°C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be 44-48% and 18-20% respectively.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 28-29 / 13-14 / 60-85
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky will remain on 24th to 28th February.
No rainfall will occur from 24th to 28th February
Wind easterly on 24th , 25th , 27th February and north easterly from 26th , 28th February, average speed of 6-7 km/hr. is expected.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 29-31°C and minimum temperature is expected to be 15-16°C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be 41-47% and 18-20% respectively.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / -- / -- / -- / --
Wednesday / --
Thursday / --
Clear sky will remain on 24th to 28th February.
No rainfall will occur from 24th to 28th February
Wind easterly on 24th , 25th , 27th February and north easterly from 26th , 28th February, average speed of 6-7 km/hr. is expected.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 30-31°C and minimum temperature is expected to be 16-17°C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be 48-48% and 16-19% respectively.
Gangetic Alluvial Zone
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 30-31 / 18-18 / 65-70
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky during these 5 days are expected.
No rainfall during these 5 days is expected.
Wind flow mainly from S,SW, NW direction with 3-7 km/hr. speed during next 5 days is expected.
Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 29-%-61% and minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 14% - 16%.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 32oC-33oC and minimum temperature is expected to be around 19oC-20oC.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 30-31 / 14-17 / 55-75
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky during 5 days are expected.
No rainfall during these 5 days is expected.
Wind flow mainly from NE,SE,S direction with 2-7 km/hr. speed during next 5 days is expected
Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 35-%-45% and minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 14% - 17%.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 31oC to 32oC and minimum temperature is expected to be around 18oC-19oC.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 30-30 / 18-19 / 50-70
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky during 5 days are expected.
No rainfall during these 5 days is expected.
Wind flow mainly from NW,S,SWdirection with 2-8 km/hr. speed during next 5 days is expected.
Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 33-%-63% and minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 14% - 17%.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 32oC-33oC and minimum temperature is expected to be around 16oC-18oC.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 31-33 / 17-19 / 25-70
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky during 5 days is expected.
No rainfall during these 5 days is expected.
Wind flow mainly from NE, SW, NW direction with 2-9 km/hr. speed during next 5 days is expected.
Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 38%-68% and minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 15% - 18%.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 32-33oC and minimum temperature is expected to be around 19oC-21oC
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 31-35 / 15-19 / 65-75
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky during during 5 days are expected.
No rainfall during these 5 days is expected.
Wind flow mainly from S,SW direction with 3-8km/hr. speed during next 5 days is expected.
Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 49-%-68% and minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 16% - 17%.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 32oC-33oC and minimum temperature is expected to be around 20oC-21o
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 31-32 / 19-20 / 35-75
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Clear sky during 5 days are expected.
No rainfall during these 5 days is expected.
Wind flow mainly fromSW,Wdirection with 4-6km/hr. speed during next 5 days is expected.
Maximum relative humidity is expected to be around 45-%-76% and minimum relative humidity is expected to be around 15% - 28%.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 33oC-34oC and minimum temperature is expected to be around 21oC-22oC.
Vindhyan Alluvial Zone
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 30-30 / 18-18 / 90-95
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Possibility of clear sky on during coming five days, 24th February to 28th February.
There seems to be possibility of no rainfall during coming five days, 24th February to 28th February.
Wind fromEasterly andNorth-easterly direction with an average speed of 02-06 Km/hr. is expected.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 30-310C and minimum temperature is expected to be 18-190C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be 44-54% and 12-17%, respectively.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 30-30 / 18-18 / 50-70
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
Possibility of clear sky on during coming five days, 24th February to 28th February.
There seems to be possibility of no rainfall during coming five days, 24th February to 28th February.
Wind fromNorth-easterly, Easterly, Southerly and South-westerly direction with an average speed of 02-04 Km/hr. is expected.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 31-320C and minimum temperature is expected to be 18-190C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be 43-48% and 13-17%, respectively.
Coastal Saline Zone
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 29-32 / 21-21 / 50-90
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
No rainfall is predicted in the next five days.
Sky will be clear in the next five days.
Wind speed will be 5-14 km/hr. and the predominant wind direction will beSouth-Westerly to Westerly.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 33.00C-34.00C and minimum temperature is likely to be around 21.00C-22.00C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity will be in the range of 56% -71%and 29% -35%.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 30-33 / 18-21 / 35-90
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
No rainfall is predicted in the next five days.
Sky will be clear in the next five days.
Wind speed will be 5-8 km/hr. and the predominant wind direction will beSouth-Westerly to Westerly.
Maximum temperature is expected to be around 33.00C-34.00C and minimum temperature is likely to be around 21.00C-22.00C.
Maximum and minimum relative humidity will be in the range of 57% -84%and 13% -18%.
Undulating Red and Laterite Zone
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 33-34 / 19-20 / 25-80
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
No rainfall will occur and clear sky will be present for coming four days.
Predominant wind direction will be Southwesterly. Wind with a speed of 5-8 km per hour will blow for coming five days.
Relative humidity maximum will be 44-53% and minimum will be 12-14%
Maximum temperature will be 34-35°C and minimum will be 19-21° C.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 31-33 / 18-18 / 25-60
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
No rainfall will occur and clear sky will be present for coming four days.
Predominant wind direction will be Southwesterly. Wind with a speed of 4-9 km per hour will blow for coming five days.
Relative humidity maximum will be 28-54% and minimum will be 12-15%
Maximum temperature will be 34-35°C and minimum will be 18-19° C.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 32-32 / 16-17 / 25-65
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
No rainfall will occur and clear sky will be present for coming four days.
Predominant wind direction will be Northwesterly. Wind with a speed of 3-7 km per hour will blow for coming five days.
Relative humidity maximum will be 31-43% and minimum will be 12-15%.
Maximum temperature will be 33-35°C and minimum will be 18-19°C.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 31-31 / 16-17 / 50-75
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
No rainfall will occur and clear sky will be present for coming four days.
Predominant wind direction will be Northeasterly. Wind with a speed of 4-7 km per hour will blow for coming five days.
Relative humidity maximum will be 31-49% and minimum will be 13-15%.
Maximum temperature will be 32-33°C and minimum will be 17-19°C.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 31-33 / 22-24 / 50-85
Wednesday / 0.0
Thursday / 0.0
For North and Middle Andaman
Partly cloudy weather with light rainfall is likely to occurduring next five days.In North and Middle Andaman 6 mm of rainfall is expected during this period.The maximum temperature in North and Middle Andaman will be 32 to 33 oC with minimum temperature of 23 to 25 oC, whereas the maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be in the range of 74 to 79 % and 63 to 72 % respectively in North and Middle Andaman. Wind speed of 12 to 15 km/h is expected from North Westerly direction.
For South Andaman.
Partly cloudy weather with light to moderate rainfall is likely to occur during next five days.In South Andaman 30 mm of rainfall is expected during this period.The maximum temperature in South Andaman will be 31 to 32 oC with minimum temperature of 25 to 26 oC, whereas the maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be in the range of 76 to 81 %, and 67 to 74 % respectively in South Andaman. Wind speed of 4 to 21 km/h is expected from North Easterly direction.
Days / Rainfall
(mm) / Maxi
(oC) / Mini
(oC) / Relative
Tuesday / 0.0 / 32-32 / 24-27 / 70-90
Wednesday / 7.2
Thursday / 0.0
Partly cloudy weather with light to moderate rainfall is likely to occur during next five days.In Nicobar Islands 40 mm of rainfall is expected during this period. The maximum temperature will be 31 to 32 oC with minimum temperature of 24 to 25 oC, whereas the maximum and minimum relative humidity is expected to be77 to 80 %, and 73 to 76 %, respectively in Nicobar Islands. Wind speed of 9 to 23 km/h is expected from North Easterly direction.
Part II: Agroclimatic zonewise Agricultural/Agro meteorologicalAdvisories
West Bengal
Northern Hill Zone
General / - / - / As very light rainfall on 24th February and light rainfall on 26th February and rest of the days no rainfall is expected so, irrigate crops as per the requirement.
Large cardamom / Vegetative Stage / - / Mulching should be done to conserve soil moisture and control weeds.
Mandarin Orange / Vegetative stage / - / Manuring (30-40 kg FYM/ tree) should be completed within February. Mulching around the trunk should be done. Irrigation may be provided to the orchard as light rainfall has been forecasted for coming five days.
Cymbidium Orchid / Flowering stage / - / Light watering is to be done. Also ensure to cover the side shade nets in the evening.
Cole crops (Cauliflower and Cabbage etc.) / Harvesting
Stage / - / Matured crops should be harvested.
Mustard / Siliqua Stage / - / Regularly monitor the mustard field.
Potato / Tuberization Stage / - / Irrigation may be given in this stage as light rainfall has been forecasted in coming five days.
Wheat / Tillering
Stage / - / After weeding irrigate the field according to the soil moisture status.
Maize / Land Preparation / - / Land preparation should be stated.
Animal Husbandry
(Cattle ) / - / - / It is very important to protect livestock from chilling cold. Cover animals with gunny bags and provide lukewarm water for drinking.
Terai-Teesta Alluvial Zone
General / No rainfall will occur from 24th to 28th February. Agricultural vigour is moderate in Cooch Behar district according to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) map ending on 19th February, 2018. The actual Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) map cumulative 4th weeks for the period from 25th January to 21st February, 2018 Cooch Behar district experienced Mildly Dry conditions
Agriculture and Horticulture
Main Crops / Stage / Pest & Diseases / Advisory
Boro Paddy / Seedling / Spray Hexaconazole@1ml/lit. before transplanting of seedlings which are not yet transplanted.
Tomato / Early blight
Late blight / In case of development of spots on leaves apply Chlorothalonil @ 1.5g/lit. of water. If late blight appears in field then spray (Cymoxanil + Mancozeb) @ 2g/lit. of water. In case of 20% or more late blight severity apply Dimethomorph @ 1g/lit. of water, followed by application of Mancozeb 75% WP @ 2.5g/lit. of water.
Mustard / Aphid
Leaf spot
White rust / To protect mustard from aphid infestation Thiomethoxam 0.3 SC@ 1gm/3lit. of water maybe sprayed in need. For leaf spot spray Mancozeb 75% WP @ 2.5g/lit. of water. Spray (Metalaxyl + Mancozeb) @ 2g/lit of water.
Cabbage, Cauliflower / Seed bed/ treatment / Leaf blight
Root rot / For leaf blight spray Mancozeb 75% WP @ 2.5g/lit. of water. Yellowing of plants due to rotting of roots should be applied with (Carbendazim + Mancozeb) @ 2g/lit. of water as soil drench adjacent to the base of plants.
Legume vegetable / vegetative / Root rot
Aphid / Apply Potassic fertilizer. For root rot apply (Carbendazim + Mancozeb) @2.0 g/ lit. of water as soil drenching. For Aphid control of Lab Lab bean apply Ash in case of lower infestation and incase of heavy infestation Thiomethoxam 0.3 SG @1g/lit. of water may be applied.
Cucurbits / Fruit fly / Mulching may be practiced. Collection and destruction of fruit fly affected fruits need to be done. Pheromone trap @ 2/bigha may be installed to manage fruit fly.
Brinjal / Fruiting
Seedling / fruit and shoot borer
Root rot
Bacterial wilt / For the management of fruit and shoot borer one application of coragen @ 4 ml/tank. Cleanliness to be maintained. Apply Thiomethoxam 0.3 SG @1G/3lit. of water in care of sucking pests infestation. For root rot yellowing of plants due to rotting of roots should be applied with (Carbendazim + Mancozeb) @ 2g/lit. of water as soil drench near the root zone. For nematode problem apply Fipronil 0.3G @1.5 Kg/Bighafollowed by a light Irrigation. Stop irrigation if plants show wilting with 2-3 days. Apply irrigation as when as required, mixed with bleaching powder @ 2kg/bigha.
Chilli / vegetative / Aphid, hoppers,
white fly,
Yellow mite
Bacterial wilt / For Aphid, hoppers, white fly apply Imidachloropid @1ml/5lit. of water or thiomethoxam @1g/3lit of water. For yellow mite apply propergite 2.5 ml/lt. of control sucking pest of chilli apply Flubenamide 39.35% SC @ 4 ml/tank. Bacterial wilt control measure same as Brinjal
Animal Husbandry and Fishery
Name of Animal / Disease / Control measures
Cattle and
Buffalo / FMD & POX / Seasonal variation may cause outbreak of FMD & POX in large ruminants. Vaccination against these diseases (self/through ARD Dept.) Will ensure better health and production. Anthelminitics of course for animals in proper doses is admissible for better production potentials. Sanitary measures in the cattle shed ensure better health.
Chicken / pox / Care for day old chiks with proper brooding. Proper ventilation and brooding arrangement reduce the mortality. Immunization against ND (Ranikhet) & pox to all age group of birds is advisable.
Sheep and Goat / Pox virus and PPR / The deadly disease PPR (Pest de petits ruminants) leads to havoc mortality in small ruminants. Precautionary vaccination may be enhance immunity and control the chance of morbidity. Small ruminants are also prone to pox virus. Timely measures (vaccination) ensure less morbidity and mortality. Deworming with specified dose is recommended.
Gangetic Alluvial Zone
Crop / Stage / Advisory
green gram and black gram / Field preparation / Farmers are advised to procure quality seeds from certified source for sowing during first week of March. Seed treatment with crop specific Rhizobium culture as well as phosphorus solubilishing bacteria is also advised.
French bean, cluster bean, summer radish / Sowing / Present temperature is suitable for germination of seeds. Procurement
of seeds should be done from a certified source.
Brinjal crop / Fruit Setting / to control shoot and fruit borer, collection of infested fruits and shoots are advised. If pest population is high, spraying of Spinosad 48 SC @ 1 ml. /4 litres of water is advised.
Mango / General / Ploughing of mango orchard is advised to control emerging mango mealy bug nymphs. Wrapping of plastic sheets around mango trunk to prevent climbing of young mealy bugs should be done. Apply grease to seal any cracks in the polythene sheets.
Chicken / Pox / Proper ventilation and brooding arrangement reduce the mortality. Immunization against ND (Ranikhet) & pox to all age group of birds is advisable.
Carryout Land Shaping Activity and Perform Repair Works of Pond and BBF
