What are the overall quarter two 2016/17 health target results?

Quarter two2016/17 national health target results are listed below.

  • The improved access to elective surgery target was met again this quarter at the national level with a result of 103.4 percent.
  • The faster cancer treatment targetresult increased by 3.9 percent to 81.9 percent
  • The increased immunisation target result increased slightly by 0.1 percent to 93.3 percent.
  • The raising healthy kids target result increased by 22.9 percent to 71.9 percent.
  • The shorter says in emergency departments target result increased by 0.8 percent to 93.8 percent.
  • The better help for smokers to quit (primary care) target had a further small decrease in performance of 0.4 percent to 86.2 percent. Additionally, the maternity component of the better help for smokers to quit target was met with a result of 93.1 percent.

How did each health target perform?

Shorter stays in emergency departments

The quarter twoshorter stays in emergency departments (ED) health target result shows that93.8 percent of patients were admitted, discharged or transferred from an emergency department (ED) within six hours this quarter.This result is 0.8 percent higher than the quarter one result, but 0.2 percent lower than the result for the same quarter in 2015/16. Thirteen DHBs achieved the 95 percent target compared with eight DHBs in quarter one 2016/17.

Improved access to elective surgery

The improved access to elective surgery health target has been met this quarter with 100,392 elective surgical discharges provided, against a year-to-date plan of 97,092. This is 3,300 (3.4 percent) more than planned. Ten DHBs are 5.0 percent or more ahead of their quarter two target and seven DHBs are behind plan.

Faster cancer treatment

National achievement for the faster cancer treatment (FCT) target is 81.9 percent this quarter, an increase of 3.9 percent from last quarter. Data is based on six months rolling data and includes patients who received their first cancer treatment between 1 July and 31 December 2016. Significant progress has been made this quarter with six DHBs (Waitemata, South Canterbury, Auckland, Lakes, Waikato and Canterbury) achieving the target.

Increased immunisation

National immunisation coverage at age eight months was 93.3 percent in quarter two 2016/17, a 0.1 percent increase compared with quarter one. Of the 14,628 eligible children aged eight months in quarter two, 13,644 were fully immunised. Timely immunisation of another 253 children was needed to meet the target.Seven DHBs met the 95 percent target, and a further three DHBs had immunisation coverage of 94 percent.

Better help for smokers to quit

The national better help for smokers to quit primary care target result for quarter two is 86.2 percent. This is a decrease of 0.4 percent compared to last quarter.However, three DHBs (West Coast, Lakes and Bay of Plenty) achieved the 90 percent target this quarter compared with one in quarter one.Ten PHOs achieved the target this quarter, with 33 PHOs performing at 80 percent or higher.

From quarter one 2015/16 the target shifted its focus to the entire enrolled population of people who smoke and not only those seen in primary care and covers advice provided over 15 months, instead of 12 months.

Within the last 15 months 475,141 PHO-enrolled smokers were offered brief advice and/or support to quit smoking.

The maternity target result is 93.1 percent this quarter against a target of 90 percent, an increase of 1.5 percent from quarter one 2016/17.

The previous better help for smokers to quit hospital target results continue to be publicly reported on the Ministry’s website, along with the maternity target result

Raising healthy kids

Confirmed results for the raising healthy kids target this quarter show a national result of 71.9 percent compared to 49 percent in quarter one.The target is that by December 2017, 95 percent of obese children identified in the B4 School Check (B4SC) programme will be offered a referral to a health professional for clinical assessment and family based nutrition, activity and lifestyle interventions. The Ministry is continuing to work with DHBs and their sector partners to support target implementation.

Why do the national DHB results differ from the national PHO immunisation health target results?

This quarter the national PHO increased immunisation target result is different from the national DHB result.Immunisation coverage at age eight months was 94.2 percent for children enrolled in PHOs, and 17 PHOs have target coverage of 95 percent or higher. This result is higher than the overall DHB result of 93.3percent because the DHB result also includes unenrolled children and immunisation rates are lower among unenrolled children compared with those enrolled with a PHO.

What are the changes to health targetsin 2016/17?

The better help for smokers to quit hospital target is no longer a health target, results will continue to be reported on the Ministry’s website

The more heart and diabetes checks results are no longer reported as a health target. From July 2016 results have been included as a DHB accountability measure and results continue to be made available on the Ministry’s website