No. 918 / 15.X.2008 / (Information received by 8 October 2008)
ITU OB 918-E / 3
Table of Contents
General information
Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin: Note from TSB 2
Approval of ITU-T Recommendations 3
Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)):
China, Ghana, United Kingdom 4
Telephone Service:
Burkina Faso (Autorité Nationale de Régulation des Télécommunications (ARTEL),
Ouagadougou) 4
New Caledonia (Direction Générale de l’Office des Postes et Télécommunications (OPT),
Nouméa) 4
United Kingdom (Office of Communications (Ofcom), London) 5
Vanuatu (Vanuatu Interim Telecommunications Regulator, Port Vila) 6
Telex Service: Hong Kong (China) and United States (Reach Global Services Limited (REACH), PCCW
Global Limited (PCCW GLOBAL) and EasyLink Services Corporation: Joint communiqué) 6
Changes in the administrations/ROAs and other entities or organizations:
Bangladesh (Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Dhaka: Change in
address) 7
Japan (JSAT Corporation, Tokyo: Change in name) 8
Korea (LG TeleCom, Ltd, Seoul: Change in address) 8
Other communications: Serbia (Republic of) 8
Service Restrictions: Note from TSB 9
Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-2002): Note from TSB 10
Amendments to service publications
List of Coast Stations (List IV) 11
List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned Country Codes 11
List of Mobile Country or Geographical Area Codes 12
Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international identification plan for mobile terminals and
mobile users 12
Table Bureaufax 14
List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) 16
List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC) 16
National Numbering Plan 19
ITU Operational Bulletin / No. 918 – 3GENERAL INFORMATION
Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin
Note from TSB
A. The following Lists have been published by TSB or BR as Annexes to the ITU Operational Bulletin (OB):
OB No.
909 List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC) (According to ITUT RecommendationQ.708 (03/99)) (Position on 1 June 2008)
907 List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (Complement to ITU-T RecommendationQ.708 (03/99)) (Position on 1 May 2008)
905 Dialling Procedures (International prefix, national (trunk) prefix and national (significant) number) (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 1 April 2008)
903 Access codes/numbers for mobile networks (According to ITU-T RecommendationE.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 1 March 2008)
901 Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international identification plan for mobile terminals and mobile users (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.212 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 February 2008)
899 List of terrestrial trunk radio mobile country codes (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation E.218 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 January 2008)
897 List of Mobile Country or Geographical Area Codes (Complement to ITUT Recommendation E.212 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 December 2007)
892 List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes (Complement to ITUT Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 15 September 2007)
883 List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the International Telecommunication Charge Card (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.118 (05/2006)) (Position on 1May 2007)
883 Status of Radiocommunications between Amateur Stations of Different Countries (In accordance with optional provision No. 25.1 of the Radio Regulations) and Form of Call Signs assigned by each Administration to its Amateur and Experimental Stations (Position on 1 May 2007)
880 List of Names of Administration Management Domains (ADMD) (In accordance with ITUT F.400 and X.400 series Recommendations) (Position on 15 March 2007)
879 List of Telegram Destination Indicators (In accordance with ITU-T RecommendationF.32 (10/1995)) (Position on 1 March 2007)
878 List of Telex Destination Codes (TDC) and Telex Network Identification Codes (TNIC)(Complement to ITU-T Recommendations F.69 and F.68) (Position on 15February 2007)
877 List of Country or Geographical Area Codes for non-standard facilities in telematic services (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation T.35 (02/2000)) (Position on 1February 2007)
876 List of Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC) (According to ITU-T RecommendationX.121 (10/2000)) (Position on 15 January 2007)
875 List of Data Country or Geographical Area Codes (Complement to ITUT Recommendation X.121 (10/2000)) (Position on 1 January 2007)
781 Various tones used in national networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.180 (03/98)) (Position on 1 February 2003)
669 Five-letter Code Groups for the use of the International Public Telegram Service (According to ITU-T Recommendation F.1 (03/1998))
B. The following Lists are available online from the ITU-T website:
List of ITU Carrier Codes(ITU-T Rec. M.1400 (01/2004)) /
Bureaufax Table (ITU-T Rec. F.170) /
Approval of ITU-T Recommendations
A. By AAP-91, it was announced that the following ITU-T Recommendations were approved, in accordance with the procedures outlined in ITU-T Recommendation A.8:
– ITU-T Recommendation G.781 (22/9/2008): Synchronization layer functions
– ITU-T Recommendation K.74 (22/9/2008): EMC, resistibility, safety requirements for home network devices
B. By TSB Circular 236, it was announced that the following new ITU-T Recommendations were approved, in accordance with the procedures outlines in Resolution 1, Section9, of the WTSA (Florianópolis, 2004):
– ITU-T Recommendation Y.2205 (12/9/2008): Next Generation Networks - Emergency telecommunications - Technical considerations
– ITU-T Recommendation Y.2702 (12/9/2008): Authentication and authorization requirements for NGN release 1
The conditions governing the approval of ITU-T Recommendations were met and 13 Member States participating in the last meeting of Study Group 13 approved the text of these new ITU-T Recommendations during the Plenary session held on 12 September 2008.
C. By TSB Circular 237, it was announced that the following new ITU-T Recommendation was approved, in accordance with the procedures outlines in Resolution 1, Section 9, of the WTSA (Florianópolis, 2004):
– ITU-T Recommendation J.460.3 (19/9/2008): IPCablecom2 residential SIP telephony: Usage data recording
The conditions governing the approval of ITU-T Recommendations were met and five Member States participating in the last meeting of Study Group 9 approved the text of this new ITU-T Recommendations during the Plenary session held on 19 September 2008.
D. By TSB Circular 238, it was announced that the following new ITU-T Recommendation was approved, in accordance with the procedures outlines in Resolution 1, Section 9, of the WTSA (Florianópolis, 2004):
– ITU-T Recommendation X.1244 (19/9/2008): Overall aspects of countering spam in IP-based multimedia applications
The conditions governing the approval of ITU-T Recommendations were met and 19 Member States participating in the last meeting of Study Group 17 approved the text of this new ITU-T Recommendation during the Plenary session held on 19 September 2008.
E. By TSB Circular 239, it was announced that the following ITU-T Recommendations were approved, in accordance with the procedures outlined in Resolution 1, Section 9, of the WTSA (Florianópolis, 2004):
– ITU-T Recommendation E.161.1 (23/9/2008): Guidelines to select Emergency Number for public telecommunications network
– ITU-T Recommendation E.164.1 (23/9/2008): Criteria and procedures for the reservation, assignment and reclamation of E.164 country codes and associated identification codes (ICs)
– ITU-T Recommendation E.212 (2008) Amendment 1 (23/9/2008): New annexes E, F
– ITU-T Recommendation E.800 (23/9/2008): Definitions of terms related to quality ofservice
The conditions governing the approval of ITU-T Recommendations were met and 14 Member States participating in the last meeting of Study Group 2 approved the text of these ITU-T Recommendations during the Plenary session held on 23 September 2008.
Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)(ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99))
Note from TSB
At the request of the Administrations of China, Ghana and United Kingdom, the Director of TSB has assigned the following signalling area/network codes (SANC) for use in the international part of the signalling system No. 7 network of these countries/geographical areas, in accordance with ITUT Recommendation Q.708 (03/99):
Country/geographical area or signalling network / SANCChina (People’s Republic of) / 4-127
Ghana / 6-160
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / 3-235
SANC: Signalling Area/Network Code.
Code de zone/réseau sémaphore (CZRS).
Código de zona/red de señalización (CZRS).
Telephone Service
Burkina Faso (country code +226)
Communication of 19.IX.2008:
The Autorité Nationale de Régulation des Télécommunications (ARTEL), Ouagadougou, announces the assignment of the following new number series:
Operator / Service / Number series / DateTelmob S.A. / Mobile / 70 50 XXXX; 70 90 XXXX;
70 91 XXXX / 19.IX.2008
Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications
Autorité Nationale de Régulation des Télécommunications (ARTEL)
B.P. 01
Burkina Faso
Tel: +226 50 33 4198
Fax: +226 50 33 5039
New Caledonia (country code +687)
Communication of 19.IX.2008:
The Direction Générale de l’Office des Postes et Télécommunications (OPT), Nouméa, announces that since from 1 August 2008, the following new PQ is opened in the numbering plan for which it is responsible: PQ = 80 (80 XX XX).
This PQ was opened for the pre-paid service “Liberté” of the GSM network of OPT (known under the commercial name of “Mobilis”).
Office des Postes et Télécommunications (OPT)
Direction Générale des Télécommunications
Le Waruna II
2, Rue Monchovet
Pointe Brunelet
Tel: +687 268 200
Fax: +687 289 090
Centre international:
Tel: +687 267 525
Fax: +687 418 100
United Kingdom (country code +44)
Communication of 30.IX.2008:
The Office of Communications (Ofcom), London, announces that the following number ranges for mobile services have been allocated to communications providers in the United Kingdom (country code +44):
Number series / Mobile operator / Number description / Allocation date7509 6-7 / Jersey Telecom / 075/077/078/079 / 24.VI.2008
7537 5 / Awayphone Ltd / 075/077/078/079 / 10.VII.2008
7537 6 / Sound Advertising Ltd / 075/077/078/079 / 30.VII.2008
7537 7 / CFL Communications Limited / 075/077/078/079 / 22.VII.2008
7558 0-2 / Noo Mobile Ltd / 075/077/078/079 / 08.VII.2008
7559 0 / Mars Communications Limited / 075/077/078/079 / 22.VII.2008
7559 9 / Teamphone Limited / 075/077/078/079 / 10.VI.2008
7570 0-9 / Vodafone Ltd / 075/077/078/079 / 5.VIII.2008
7571 0 / 09 Mobile Ltd / 075/077/078/079 / 1.IX.2008
7572 0-9 / T-Mobile (UK) Limited / 075/077/078/079 / 19.IX.2008
7573 0-9 / T-Mobile (UK) Limited / 075/077/078/079 / 19.IX.2008
7574 0-9 / T-Mobile (UK) Limited / 075/077/078/079 / 19.IX.2008
Mr Marcus Brady
Ofcom Numbering Team
Office of Communications (Ofcom)
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7783 4426
Fax: +44 20 7783 3061/3333
Vanuatu (country code +678)
Communication of 30.IX.2008:
Vanuatu Interim Telecommunications Regulator, Port Vila, announces that the following changes will be made to the fixed telephone numbering of Vanuatu:
Fixed numbering plan
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)Communicated time and date of change / N(S)N / Usage of E.164 number / Parallel running / Operator / Proposed wording of announcement
Old number / New number / Begins / Ends
5.X.2008, at
1301 hours UTC / 68 XXX / 88 XXX / Fixed telephone service / N/A / N/A / Telecom Vanuatu Ltd / These numbers have changed. Please replace 68 with 88 after the country
code 678.
International dialling format for fixed numbers:+678 88 XXX
Administrations and ROAs are requested to ensure that the new number ranges are immediately accessible in their networks.
Mr John Crook
Vanuatu Interim Telecommunications Regulator
P.O. Box 3547
Port Vila
Tel: +678 27621/+678 27487
Fax: +678 27440
Telex Service
Hong Kong (China)
United States
Joint Communiqué of 15.X.2008:
Reach Global Services Limited (REACH), PCCW Global Limited (PCCW GLOBAL), Hong Kong (China) and EasyLink Services Corporation (EASYLINK), New Jersey (United States), announce in this joint communiqué the following new arrangements of the Telex Service in Hong Kong.
REACH will cease the operation of the Telex Service including all international telex direct circuits and transit service via REACH, on 30th October 2008, at 0000 hours UTC. After that date, PCCW GLOBAL will take on the provision of Telex Service in Hong Kong and has assigned EASYLINK to handle the telex traffic. The Hong Kong telex subscriber numbers, the Telex Destination Code (TDC) “802”, allocated to Hong Kong under ITU-T Recommendation F.69 and the Telex Network Identification Code (TNIC) “HX”, allocated to Hong Kong under ITU-T Recommendation F.68, will remain unchanged.
As from Thursday 30th October 2008, for any questions relating to operational matters concerning the Telex Service and the local telex subscribers in Hong Kong, please contact PCCW GLOBAL at the following address:
PCCW Global Limited33/F, PCCW Tower
Taikoo Place
979 King’s Road
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong / Miss Brenda Chan
Senior Product Manager
Tel: +852 2888 1933
Fax: +852 2205 6661
Until Wednesday 29th October 2008, at 2400 hours UTC, the international accounting procedures and settlements of any outstanding payments of the telex traffic with REACH will remain the same. Telex accounts for traffic until then should be sent to the following address:
Reach Global Services Limited20/F Telecom House
3 Gloucester Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
/ Ms Connie NG
Voice Global Billing
Tel: +852 2983 3168
Fax: +852 2968 4448
Effective on 30th October 2008, at 0000 hours UTC, EASYLINK will handle the telex traffic to and from Hong Kong and have the responsibility for routing arrangements, international accounting procedures and settlements. Telex accounts for traffic to and from Hong Kong and operational matters on routing arrangement after 30th October 2008, at 0000 hours UTC, should be sent to the following address:
EasyLink Services Corporation
33 Knightsbridge Road,
New Jersey 08854
United States
Mr. Robert Sorbanelli
PTT Settlements Manager
Tel: +1 732 652 3571
Fax: +1 732 352 7920
E-mail: / EasyLink Services Corporation
U.S. Network Management Center
Tel: +1 732 652 3600, option 2
Telex: 230479001
Changes in the administrations/ROAs and other entitiesor organizations
Communication of 8.X.2008:
Change in address
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Dhaka, announces that its address has changed. It is now the following:
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
IEB Bhaban (5th, 6th & 7th Floors)
DHAKA 1000
Tel: +880 2 716 2277
Fax: +880 2 955 6677
Communication of 1.X.2008:
Change in name
JSAT Corporation, Tokyo, announces that it has changed its name. Its new name is “SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation”. This is not a new entity, but the existing entity that has been re-named.