To: Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Sandy Town Council
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Planning, Parks and Open
Spaces Committee
All Members of Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee
There will be a Meeting of the Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee to be held on Monday 17th May 2010 in the Council Chamber at 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy, Beds at 7.30pm.
12th May 2010 Jonathan Whitehurst
Deputy Town Clerk
1. Apologies
2. To Receive Statutory Declarations of Interests from Members
(a) Prejudicial interests.
(b) Personal interests.
3. Planning applications received for comment by Sandy Town Council
(Any plans received for comment by Sandy Town Council will be on display in the Committee Room from 7.15 p.m. onwards and Members are requested to view these prior to this item).
(See List Attached)
4. To approve the Minutes of the Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee Meeting held on Monday 19th April 2010.
To sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Monday 19th April 2010 and as approved/amended and adopted by Full Council Meeting held on Monday 10th May 2010. (Previously circulated)
5. Verbal report from any local member who attended Development Control Committee on any matters affecting Sandy
6. Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group
To receive and consider the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 29th March 2010 (Copy attached)
7. Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group
To receive and consider the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 19th April 2010 at 5.00pm (Copy attached)
8. Press Release
39/10 / CB/10/01302/ FULL
Mr & Mrs Hakewill
19 Windsor Way
SG19 1JL / Full application for new chimney to side elevation and conversion of garage into playroom at 19 Windsor Way, Sandy, Beds
Near neighbours 17, 21 Windsor Way, 20,22 Leeds Smith Drive, Sandy notified. / PP&OS
40/10 / CB/10/01445/ FULL
Mr & Mrs Adams
40 Bedford Road
SG19 1EW / Full application for first floor rear extension and internal alterations at 40 Bedford Road, Sandy, Beds.
Near neighbours 38, 42 Bedford Road, 11,13,15 Laburnum Road, Sandy notified. / PP&OS
Minutes of the Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group meeting held on Monday 29th March 2010 at 10.00am in the Council Chamber at 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy.
Mr M Hill (Chairman), Cllr M Pettitt, Cllr P Blaine, Cllr G White, Mrs K Bourne, Mrs D Howlett, Mr G Inwood, Mr A Clothier and Mr C Nicol.
Also present was Cllr N Aldis, Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk.
1. Chairman of Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group
The Members of the group discussed and then
Resolved: That Mr M Hill is the Chairman of the Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group.
2. Apologies – Cllr Scott and Mrs Cope. Cllr Scott is going to withdraw from the The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group.
3. Status of the group
Resolved: That the item is Noted.
4. Terms of reference
Members of the group discussed and then
Resolved: That the Terms of Reference are adopted, with the addition of “and Maintaining” after Repairing in the first bullet point, in the last bullet point that lighting should be considered along the Baulk only and not the Sandcast and an additional bullet point for Signage (No Motor Cycles, No Motor Vehicles e.t.c.)
5. Summary of proposed intervention
Members of the group asked about the increased width of the proposed new bridges. Mr Nicol responded that he believed that 3 metre wide bridges are the recommended width for Bridleway bridges.
Resolved: That Mr Nicol investigate what is the mandatory required width for the Bridleway bridges with regard to the Highways Act(s).
Members discussed about the steepness of the ramp up to the new Ivel Road bridge. Mr Nicol responded that he believed that for a footpath that it was either a gradient of 1:15 or 1:20 is appropriate to comply with Disability Discrimination Act.
Resolved: That Mr Nicol checks the steepness of the ramp up to the new Ivel Road bridge so that it is compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act.
Mr Nicol mentioned about the land on the Ivel Road side next to the new bridge and that this could be used for allotments or landscaping.
Resolved: That the area next to the Ivel Road bridge is landscaped to encourage wildlife.
Members of the group asked about ownership of Sandcast wood. Mr Nicol responded that the wood is owned by Central Bedfordshire Council and the Property Services section would consider any proposals for the wood.
Members of the group asked why a large willow tree had been cut down in Sandcast wood next to the Bridleway. Mr Nicol responded that the tree was removed to increase the width of the bridleway and it was carried out before the bird nesting / breeding season March – August.
Members of the group asked what the timescales are for the project. Mr Clothier responded that the project is to be completed within three financial years and these are as follows 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12.
Mr Clothier advised about the two bridges nearest to Beeston and that four options are available and these are as follows;
1. Concrete beam
2. Steel Truss
3. Timber (Laminated)
4. Steel beam dressed in wood.
Mr Nicol advised that option 3 timber laminated bridges are not as long lasting as the other options.
Members of the group asked about any other scheduled work that will be completed in the near future. Mr Nicol responded that the wooden fence would be removed by Sandcast wood and the Ivel Road bridge scheme will be finished. Mr Clothier added that a timber post and barbwire fence between Beeston and Mill Lane is also to be removed.
Members of the group asked about the metal railings by the river and Mr Nicol responded that investigations of the metal railings are to be carried out.
Mr Clothier advised that he would bring plans for the project to the next meeting.
6. Legal status of a bridleway and legitimate activities thereon
Not discussed.
7. Identifying interested parties and potential conflicting interests
Not discussed.
8. Site visit to Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast
Cllr White gave his apologies that he had to leave the meeting early and as such was unable to attend the site visit.
Members of the Working Group asked Mr Clothier about the reason for replacing the two bridges nearest to Beeston. Mr Clothier responded that the bridge over the dead river needs to be widened and the bridge over the Ivel stream needs to be widened and be made structurally sound.
Members of the group asked about the raising of the footpath along the Sandcast. Mr Nicol responded that this would need approval from the Environment Agency as this could alter the ability of the flood plain to flood. Mr Inwood advised that when the flood plain floods that the water comes over the banks from the dead river and not from the main river, through sandcast wood and then into the flood plain.
Members of the group asked Mr Nicol as the willow tree had been cut down along the bridleway by Sandcast wood to increase the width of the bridleway, why had the last approximately 0.5metres high of tree stump been left. Mr Nicol responded that he would investigate the reason for not removing the whole tree stump.
Members of the Group walked the whole route from Beeston to Ivel Road to look at and discuss the proposals.
9. Date and time of next meeting
19th April 2010 at 5.00pm.
Minutes of the Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group meeting held on Monday 19th April 2010 at 5.00pm in the Council Chamber at 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy.
Mr M Hill (Chairman), Cllr M Pettitt, Cllr P Blaine, Cllr G White, Mrs K Bourne, Mrs D Howlett, Mrs P Cope, Mr G Inwood, Mr A Clothier, Mr R Lawrence and Mr C Nicol.
Also present was Cllr N Aldis and Deputy Town Clerk.
1. Apologies – Town Clerk.
Resolved: That Mr Clothier and Mr Nicol are contacted to remind them of the time and date of each meeting.
2. Proposed works for Bridleway 8
It was reported that the new bridge over the river near Ivel Road is now open and the old bridge has started to be removed.
Adrian Clothier and Chris Nicol were asked what roles they have with regard to the Bridleway. Adrian Clothier is the project Manager for Amey and Chris Nicol, Rights of Way, Highways represents the Client.
It was asked why is it necessary for the bridge by Ivel Road to be over 3 metres wide when the footpath is only 2 metres wide.
Mr Nicol and Clothier responded that the bridge(s) need to be 3.5 metres wide to comply with mandatory standards and the footpath 2.5 metres wide.
Chris Nicol informed the group that he has ordered signs preventing access for motorised vehicles and these will be installed when the signs are ready.
The Working Group discussed various issues about the bridges and then
Resolved to recommend: That the bridge over the dead river is not removed and only the railings are replaced. That the bridge over the Riddy stream is replaced with a bridge of the same width and type as the bridge over the dead river.
Mr Nicol responded that 3.5 metres wide bridges could possibly receive external funding, bridges of less width will probably not receive funding and repairs to bridges will not receive funding.
Members discussed the Sandcast Wood.
Resolved: That Sandcast Wood and future management of, are on the agenda for the next meeting of the Bridleway 8 – The Baulk and Sandcast Working Group.
Members discussed aspects of lighting and then
Resolved: That further information about lighting should be provided in the future.
Resolved to recommend: That the lighting should be low level and low wattage.
3. Contributions from Beeston Wildlife group.
Mrs Cope reported that the newly planted hedge along the Baulk has started to grow. Mrs Cope asked if the Beeston Wildlife Group could plant wildflowers at the base of the newly planted hedge.
Chris Nicol responded that the plants need to be of local provenance.
Members discussed and then
Resolved: That the Beeston Wildlife Group could plant local provenance wildflowers under the newly planted hedge in the Baulk.
4. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 8th June 2010 at 5pm.