Sandstone City Council
Regular Meeting
June 5, 2013
CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Atterbury, Devlin, Bonander, Kester, Stadin
Members absent: None
Staff Present: Administrator Sam Griffith, Recording Secretary Angelica Orr, Hormillosa CATV
Others Present: Tim Franklin, John Kern, Robert Ahlthoff, Scott Giese, Lois Newey
Members and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Add Consent agenda item to approve temporary 3.2 beer sale license to Lions Club for Quarry Days subject to all paperwork and insurance certificate.
Motion Devlin, second Kester to approve the agenda with the above changes. Motion carried 5-0.
Robert Althoff from Althoff and Nordquist presented the 2012 Audit.
Motion Bonander, second Kester to open the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Overall the 2012 audit report showed the City is a very good financial position. The City has budgeted very well and has followed their budget.
Motion Bonander, second Kester to accept the audit. Motion carried 5-0.
Deputy Josh Matson gave the sheriff’s report for April and May 2013. In April there were 120 calls and the May report had 127 calls. The deputy expressed his delight in seeing canoers in Robinson Park.
The deputy stated that he patrols all alleys and hang-outs and the park frequently in the summer months.
John Kern thanked the city and community for help with the Golf Tournament. There were 68 veterans that were present.
Tim Franklin noted that the lights on Main Street need to be checked for proper working order.
Brandon Devlin reported complaints regarding the flea market’s new location. Residents do not like it being downtown. He also stated that there were complaints from firefighters regarding blocked access. It was noted that flea market vendors can park on the grass and on the gravel as long as there is no damage to either one.
Mayor Atterbury commented on the city garage. There may be a car sale next weekend that would be a 3 day sale. There needs to be paperwork done and submitted for this.
Motion Bonander, second Devlin to approve meeting minutes for May 15, 2013. Motion carried 5-0.
PUBLIC HEARING - continued
Public Hearing is held to give the public the opportunity to comment on the assessment of unpaid fire services. Notices were mailed and the Public Hearing notice was published in the Courier.
Motion Stadin, second Bonander to close the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion Bonander, second Stadin to adopt Resolution 2013-09 to certify the unpaid city charges to the County Auditor. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion Bonander, second Devlin to approve the consent agenda: Cemetery plot & perpetual care payments - 4 ft. north of Lot 18, Section F, 1st Addition and temporary 3.2 beer sale license to Lions Club for Quarry Days, subject to all paperwork and insurance certificate. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion Bonander, second Kester to approve and pay Claims. Motion carried 5-0.
Class V - consider additional work
The Council awarded a contract for Birch Street but not Robin as Sandstone Township determined not to split the costs. Pine Avenue south of Eagle Drive is in need of gravel and would require fewer yards than Robin. The cost of this repair would still be within the amount budgeted.
Kester inquired about the cost of using red gravel opposed to regular gravel. Staff requested that this suggestion be revisited next year.
Motion Stadin, second Atterbury to approve adding Pine Avenue from Eagle Drive past the last driveway after the curve to the Rydberg & Sons contract. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider award of contract to paint warming house
The City advertised and received one quote.
Motion Kester, second Stadin to authorize a contract with Selting Painting, LLC to perform the paint work on the warming house at Angle Park. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider award of contract - cement work at Fire Hall
The City advertised and received four quotes. The bids are good for 30 days. Devlin expressed concern regarding the quality of R & R Construction’s work. He stated that work done at the Wild River Apartments by R & R Construction was not up to his satisfaction and he invited the Council to go and inspect the work previously done.
Motion Bonander, second Atterbury to authorize a contract with R & R Construction to perform the cement work at the Fire Hall including repair of cracks. Motion widtdrawn.
Motion Bonander, second Stadin to amend the motion to require a satisfactory resolution to the previous work done at the Wild River Apartments by R & R Construction be obtained. Motion carried 3-2.
Motion Bonander, second Atterbury to authorize contract for Fire Hall work with R & R Construction after a satisfactory resolution has been obtained regarding previous work done at the Wild River Apartment. Motion carried 3-2.
Consider award of contract - cement work – aprons
Three aprons are proposed for replacement at Movies & More, Wild River Apartments, and at the entrance to Golf Course off Lark. The City advertised and received 4 quotes.
Motion Bonander, second Atterbury to authorize a contract with R & R Construction to perform the apron replacement work. Motion denied 1-4.
Motion Atterbury, second Stadin to table this issue until next council meeting. R & R Construction will be given an opportunity to resolve this issue before the next consideration of award. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider award of contract - Robinson Park - Community Partners project
To stabilize the river bank, improve and treat runoff and undertake soil stabilization actions, the Council authorized staff to apply for the second phase of a Robinson Park improvement project. The project will create buffers between the parking areas and the river bank and undertake some soil stabilization work in the area between the parking lot and the canoe landing. The city received 2 quotes.
Motion Bonander, second Kester to award a contract to MN Native Landscape to undertake the project and to authorize execution of contract and final grant documents subject to Pine SWCD encumbering the funds. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion Devlin, second Kester to approve Paid claims and Status of creosote plant clean-up reports. Motion carried 5-0.
There were none.
Special election to fill vacant County Commissioner District 5 seat: July 23 primary and September 17 election day; Volunteers needed to conduct interviews and surveys through the end of September at Robinson Park; Bathroom at warming house was scoped and it was found that the line went into a barrel in the ground.
There are several meeting and training opportunities coming up: Initiative Foundation-Jack Schultz- Keys to the City-June 12-St. Cloud; LMC Annual Conference-June 20-21-St. Paul; GPS 45:93 Financial resource Summit-Mora-June 25.
There will be a Quarry Days meeting June 6-5:00 p.m. Old School Art Building. The Fire truck is built and being tested and inspected. Target date delivery is mid-June.
Lakes and Pines will apply for funds for small city development grant to help homeowners do repairs such as energy conservation, windows, siding, etc. There is an income limit. No remodeling allowed.
Motion Kester, second Devlin to adjourn meeting at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.