1. Purpose of Report and Policy Context
1.1 To consider proposals to link the existing cycle lanes at the top of Evening Hill, along Shore Road and Banks Road and through to the existing lanes in Panorama Road.
1.2 The development of cycle lanes is in line with the Borough’s policy on cycling, which states that a safe, secure and convenient network of cycleways will be developed and maintained to encourage this form of transport.
1.3 Implementation of this particular proposal is of strategic importance as it will complete the last section of National Cycle Network (NCN) No. 2 within the Borough, and link that route with NCN No. 25 to the North.
2. Recommendations
It is recommended that the Portfolio Holder be requested to approve:-
2.1 The proposed scheme, as detailed in this report and shown on the Drawings included at Appendices A to H, and the advertising of the associated Traffic Regulation Orders.
2.2 Further consideration be given to provision through the Evening Hill section, particularly in relation to the impact on the adjacent open space
2.3 The suggestion of a pedestrian crossing point near Alington Road be considered as part of the general provision for pedestrian facilities within the Transportation Capital Programme.
3. Background
3.1 The Poole Local Plan First Alteration includes a plan of proposed cycleways, one of which runs along Sandbanks Road and around the Sandbanks Peninsular. In May 2006 new cycle lanes were provided on Sandbanks Road to extend the existing lanes from Elgin Road to the top of Evening Hill. The intention was for a phased approach with the final stage being the remaining link along Shore Road and Banks Road through to the existing cycle lanes on Panorama Road.
3.2 This section of cycleway is considered important not only locally but also in the context of national routes. Sustrans are keen to see the completion of National Cycleway Network (NCN) route No. 2 running between Bodmin and Dover. The Poole section of this proposed route stretches between Sandbanks Ferry and the Promenade and would link the Purbecks with the already completed Bournemouth section of the route. Completion of a cycle route around the Sandbanks peninsular would be very important for two reasons,
· It would complete the last section of NCN No. 2 within the Borough.
· It would create a link between NCN No. 25, which extends North to Broadstone and Wimborne, and NCN No. 2.
3.3 The route along Sandbanks Road, Shore Road and Banks Road through to the ferry is one of the most popular cycle route in the borough. Of special merit is the considerable number of families using this, particularly at weekends, to get to the beach and the ferry to Studland. The encouragement of cycling here has considerable benefits in terms of reducing dependence on the car in what can be an extremely congested area, together with promotion of healthy lifestyles in an attempt to help reduce the level of obesity in young people.
3.4 The number of cyclists using these roads are shown as follows (figures are two way over a 12 hour period):
· 195 Weds 23 March 2003,
· 240 Thurs 31 July 2003
· 260 Thurs 29 July 2004.
· 380 Thurs 26 July 2007 (despite wet weather)
· 431 Tuesday 7 Aug 2007 (despite heavy rain late pm)
3.5 A proposed scheme was fully debated in July by the Penn Hill and Canford Cliffs Area Committee, with a number of issues raised. The Area Committee requested that these issues be considered and brought back to the next Area Committee before, subsequently, being reported to TAG. Furthermore, it was requested that the opportunity be taken to consult Residents Associations, directly affected frontagers and stakeholder groups.
3.6 Following consideration by the July Area Committee several adjustments were made to the scheme, to take on board the comments received, and a consultation exercise was then undertaken.
3.7 The revised proposals were reported again to the Penn Hill and Canford Cliffs Area Committee in October, at which further comments were received.
3.8 A summary of the main issues raised at the Area Committees, and during consultation, are included at Appendix I. Officer comments are also included.
4. Proposals
4.1 Following consultation on this scheme as detailed above a number of changes have been made to take on board comments received. The main changes are :
· As a result of significant concerns being raised the proposals no longer impact on the adjacent Evening Hill open space by widening of the road. However this does mean that there can be no uphill cycle lane here, a major concern from the cycling groups who consider this is where protection is most needed. It is proposed that Officers continue to investigate whether anything can ultimately be provided here, with a proposal being brought back to a future meeting of this Group.
· Much improved pedestrian facilities are included by the introduction of zebra crossings as well as several uncontrolled crossing points, which incorporate build outs to narrow the road. The inclusion of cycle lanes will also provide improved visibility splays for pedestrians wishing to cross the road.
· As a result of objections received from local residents it is no longer proposed to relocate metered parking bays into Brudenell Road or Brudenell Avenue as originally planned. Following removal of the land side parking bays along Shore Road, an equivalent number of replacement bays are proposed in Banks Road ( near the Sandbanks car park ) and in Haven Road.
4.2 For information, the location for the proposed route is shown on Drawing No. JC0713/08A at Appendix A. More detailed information about sections of the route are shown at Appendices B to H if required.
4.3 The main features of the revised scheme are shown in Appendix J:
4.4 Subject to approval of these proposals Traffic Regulation Orders will need to be advertised. Any objections received to this will be referred back to this Group for consideration as usual.
4.5 At the request of the Area Committee consultation was undertaken with,
4.5.1 The frontagers in proximity to the proposals for metered parking in Brudenell Avenue, Brudenell Road and Haven Road. Objections received from residents of Brudenell Avenue and Brudenell Road led to the original proposals for the removal of Pay and Display parking on these roads to be withdrawn.
4.5.2 Four local Residents Associations were consulted. At the time of writing only one has responded – the Parkstone Bay Association. They comment that,
· Is the expenditure to satisfy this mainly recreational requirement justified in the current financial climate.
· The existing cycle lanes in Sandbanks Road have made little difference to the number of cyclists using the footway. Enforcement is required.
· They were concerned about safety of cyclists on Evening Hill if the road is not now to be widened.
· They welcomed the introduction of zebra crossings.
4.6 The Cycling Liaison Group (CLAG) were consulted as part of the design process for the scheme originally submitted to Area Committee in July. The proposals then presented were developed to take into account issues raised, and suggestions made, by CLAG members. Comments received regarding the loss of an uphill cycle lane on Evening Hill are as follows :
“CLAG members are deeply disappointed that cyclists on this popular route for families are being abandoned uphill at Evening Hill,the most critical point of the journey.Crawling up a steep incline is the point at which cyclists need maximum space and protection. We welcomed thedesigners'original recommendation for an uphill lane, and were shocked by its removal.We have been persuadedthat there are merits in pursuing the rest of the scheme,but believe that finding some way to complete thismissinglinkmust be an urgentfuture priority.”
5. Finance
5.1 The provisional estimated cost of these works is £240,000. This scheme is included within the Transportation Capital Programme, funded by both the Government through the Local Transport Plan and developer planning contributions to support modes of transport other than the car. Subject to approval it is likely that this scheme will be programmed for construction in the Spring of 2009.
Julian McLaughlin
Head of Transportation Services
Appendix A – Drg. No. JC0713/08A - Location Plan & overview of proposals, including details of changes to metered parking (not available electronically)
Appendix B – Drg No. JC0713/13A – Shore Road, Evening Hill to Sailing Club (not available electronically)
Appendix C -- Drg No. JC0713/14A – Shore Road, Sailing Club to Haven Road (not available electronically)
Appendix D – Drg No. JC0713/15A – Shore Road, Haven Road to Shore Rd/ Banks Rd junction (not available electronically)
Appendix E – Drg No. JC0713/16A – Banks Road, Shore Road to Car Park (not available electronically)
Appendix F – Drg No. JC0713/17A – Banks Rd, Car Park to Panorama Rd (not available electronically)
Appendix G – Drg No. JC0713/18A – Banks Rd/ Panorama Rd junction (not available electronically)
Appendix H – Drg No. JC0713/19A – Banks Rd cycle crossover point (not available electronically)
Appendix I – Summary of consultation responses and Officer comments (not available electronically)
Appendix J – Main features of Revised Scheme (not available electronically)
Background papers : Reports to Area Committee – 23/7/08, 29/10/08
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact :
Graham Spicer (01202) 262072
Comments received during consultation
COMMENT / OFFICER RESPONSENo need to implement a cycleway down Evening Hill / The scheme originally proposed included a cycle lane on the uphill section of Evening Hill outside of the parking bays. However, due to limited road width here it would have been necessary to widen the carriageway/ footway by losing part of the verge on Evening Hill. Following several representations made at the Area Committee the current proposals don’t propose any specific cycle lanes for Evening Hill at all. Loss of the uphill cycle lane is not supported by CLAG.
A loss of parking would disrupt residents / Originally there was a proposal to relocate some parking bays into Brudenell Avenue and Brudenell Road. This generated a lot of opposition from residents of these roads. The proposal has now been reviewed and it is not now included in the current proposals.
Objection to the loss of open space at Evening Hill – a SSSI / The current proposal does not take any of the open space. A Ward Councillor did suggest creation of a shared use foot/ cycleway up the hill, although this raised concerns of conflict between the two.
People exiting the car park do not notice cyclists. Also, cyclists should have their own entrance. / Cyclists will have a dedicated entrance and exit from the car park. Green surfacing will be applied to the carriageway at critical sections to warn of the possibility of cyclists.
Cyclists vulnerable where they cross Panorama Road from one cycle lane to another. / Signs will be erected warning of the presence of cyclists. For those cyclists who are not so confident an island will be provided to give protection whilst waiting to cross from one cycle lane to the other.
Concern at the loss of pedestrian refuges as these provided a safe area in the centre for pushchairs/ cycles. / Much improved pedestrian facilities are now proposed in association with the cycle proposals. This includes 2 No. zebra crossings. One zebra will include a central island and at the other the road will be narrowed. It is generally not possible to include central refuges as there is insufficient width remaining following creation of cycle lanes.
Lack of crossing facilities south of Alington Road, particularly as flats are to be built nearby. / The Council maintains a Request List for new pedestrian crossing facilities. It is proposed that this request be included and prioritised with others on the list.
Lack of consultation / Local Residents Associations, and directly affected residents, have been consulted and the original proposals have been amended as a result.
A cycle lane is needed on the other side of the road, i.e. where the ferry queue is located / This could be considered potentially dangerous for cyclists as vehicles queuing here often open their doors whilst waiting. There could then be conflict with passing cyclists.
A crossing is needed at Shore Road as this is a dangerous place to cross. / A traffic island and zebra crossing are now proposed across Banks Road at this location.
Several residents have complained about cycling on the pavement. / This is illegal and has been raised with the Safer Neighbourhoods Team. This scheme proposes on road cycle lanes which should encourage cyclists to use the road rather than the footway.
Concern at loss of car park stacking lanes as queuing will occur when the car park is full. / A VMS is to be provided, which will display when the car park is full and inform motorists that they must not queue. The number of vehicles waiting should be self regulating as, past a certain point, they would obstruct through traffic.
Proposed drop off/ pick up point not ideally suited at the end of the taxi/coach/ bus stop area. It could also be a potential danger for cyclists. / Drivers will drop off or pick up passengers wherever they feel most comfortable. This location is bounded by double yellow lines and a loading restriction, but would allow drop off/ pick up. Although this location also includes bus/coach/taxi bays the likelihood of these being full is remote. The Council’s CEO’s are flexible in respect of vehicles stopping to drop off/ pick up passengers. There is no ideal location but this position is clear of vehicles, including cyclists, maneuvering for the car park accesses. Some drivers may even decide to drive into the car park, drop their passengers and leave straightaway.
Improvements are required at the Haven Road junction, particularly as there have been accidents there. / Several options for this junction were considered by TAG in November 2005 but, for various reasons, could not be justified at that time. The situation is no different now. As regards the accidents, there have been 6 No. PIA’s in the last 4 years. A fatality occurred just outside of this timescale but it is considered the junction layout had no bearing on the fatality. 3 No. PIA’s were to cyclists, so any improvement for them will be beneficial. Operation of the junction will be kept under review.