Date:April 11th, 2007

Location:400 S. Summit View, Ft. Collins

A:Roll Call - The meeting was called to order by David Mickelson.

Present were: David Mickelson, Ray Herrmann, Larry Martin, Sam Cooper, Debra Kessinger, John Leazer, Wanda Eberhard, and Paul Zaffino.

Absent were: Carrie Staiano.

B:Agenda – Wanda Eberhard motioned we approve the agenda. John Leazer second. Agenda approved.

C.Review and Approve Minutes – Debra Kessinger motioned to approve the minutes. Sam Cooper second. Minutes approved.

D.Officer – Committee Reports

  1. Presidents Report –
  1. Introduction of Guests – There were no guests tonight.
  1. Old Business – There was no old business to report.
  1. Treasurer Report - Debra Kessinger reported that our checking account balance as of March 31st, 2007 was $4,173.45 with a deposit ready of $4,518.94. There are more checks to process and more coming every day. Accounts Receivable balance as of March 31st, 2007 was approximately $22,539.44 with adjustments to be made with ongoing dues coming in.

Debra reports that with an e-mail quorum she paid the Kinkos bill that was due for $17.07.

Bills to pay: Asiant Acctg.- 225.00 – March services

Deb Kessinger- 26.40 – miles

- 25.00 - room rent

Larry Martin- 78.40 – miles

David Mickelson - 78.40 – miles

Sam Cooper - 40.00 – miles

Wanda Eberhard - 17.20 - miles

Wanda Eberard motioned we pay the bills. John Leazer second. Motion carried.

3. Secretary’s report – Wanda Eberhard had no report

4. Committee Reports

  1. Legal – David Mickelson reports that he went to Bonded Adjusting regarding William Good’s indebtedness. They are willing to work with us. We need to make sure all the monies owed are turned over to them and they will use their attorney to get proceedings going.
  1. Architectural – Ray Herrmann has 3 applications. The first from Susan Penland for a pole storage barn 24’ x 24’. Ray Herrmann motioned we approve. Wanda Eberhard second. Motion carried. Secondly is Keith Croteau for a privy. Mr. Croteau states he already has the appropriate county approval. Ray Herrmann motioned we approve. John Leazer second. Motion carried. And lastly, George Grotts for a shed 10’ x 12’. Sam Cooper motioned we approve. Wanda Eberhard second. Motion carried.

c. Fish and Animal – John Leazer reports we just need to set the date for the stocking

and he will call Cline’s to get it on the calendar.

d. Roads – Sam Cooper had a request by Bill and Mary Schaffer that we move Plano Drive where the sharp curve is, as it is always a problem area and causes damage to his property. The road is on the Schaffer’s property presently and will be when moved. Sam Cooper motioned we approve. Larry Martin second. Motion carried.

e. Security – David Mickelson had no report.

f. Public Relations – Carrie Staiano absent, no report.

g. Fire – Sam Cooper had no report.

  1. Follow-up items from last meeting – There were no follow-up items to discuss.

New Business – There was no new business to report.

  1. Calendar - May 2nd, 2007 - 400 S. Summit View, Ft. Collins

7:00 p.m.

- June 9th, 2007 - Larry Martin’s cabin/8:00 a.m.

fish stocking/roads 10:00 a.m./meet New Bridge

- July 7th,2007 - Paul Zaffino’s cabin 10:00 a.m.

H.Adjournment – Debra Kessinger motioned to adjourn. Ray Herrmann second. Meeting adjourned.