Obtaining and Installing Visio 2002

1.  go to www.cs.unca.edu

2.  Click on the MSDNAA program link

3.  Click on “Log in”

4.  Enter your username and password. Your userid is your bulldog account, e.g., . If you do not know your password, enter your username and click on the “>Forgot Password?” link. Your password will be emailed to your userid.

5.  Click on the "Software" button

6.  Search on the keyword “project”

7.  Select Visio 2002. There should be no cost for this.

8.  Click on “add to cart”

9.  Read and agree to the student use guidelines

10.  Click on Check out.

11.  Enter the required customer information – i.e., your name and email address, and click on Next

12.  The order page appears.

13.  Click on the link listed under the Software Title. This will cause the page to be redrawn with additional information.

14.  Now you should have the page with a “Download Software” button.

15.  Print this page and save it.

16.  Click on the “download software” button. Save the file to your local system. This is the download .exe file.

17.  Navigate to the folder where you saved the .exe file. Click on the .exe file to start the download process.

18.  After a while (after authorization and downloading), the product files will be downloaded onto your machine, but the product is not yet installed.

19.  Click on the “Launch Install” button.

20.  You will be presented with a list of files. Click on the setup.exe file which will finally begin the install process for this product. This is where you will need your product key that was delivered in your email. Proceed with the install as per usual. You will be asked to reboot when the install is complete.

21.  Receive email from confirming your order and giving you the install product serial number code.